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mahir last won the day on September 28 2020

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  1. After line 154 of App\Services\Finance\PirepFinanceService.php, Just add this code. I think it should work. $aircraft_id = $pirep->aircraft->id; $prev_pirep = Pirep::select('block_in_fuel')->where('aircraft_id', $aircraft_id)->first(); $fuel_used = $pirep->block_fuel - $prev_pirep->block_in_fuel;
  2. Hello guys, any ideas how do I do this in nginx? Regards
  3. Try replacing $this->render('core_error.tpl'); with $this->show('core_error.tpl');
  4. Is there anything known as <?php echo url('js/leaflet-providers.js') ?> in any of the following files? acarsmap.php layout.php app_top.php header.php
  5. Can you provide url of your website ?
  6. Where are you using this code exactly?
  7. Yeah, while sending you an offer, I didn't have a check on it so after finding out I was just curious about the reason for it
  8. Try doing a clean installation..
  9. In the public_html/admin/templates/pilots_list.php , Look for colModel Within that just remove the the line containing the table name which you dont want to show. Then just save. Hope it works..
  10. Which phpVMS versions are you guys using?
  11. Don't adjust the width of Table. Just remove the <th> and <td> of the one you dont want to show.
  12. I wonder why are you releasing the airline? There is already a Virtual AIrline with this name. http://www.bintercanariasvirtual.com/
  13. Can you provide more details? I can help.
  14. was alredy set to null by default but anyway i have fixed that i was playing with my php version from php 5.2 to php 7.0 tried all and finally php 5.2 working without tha error
  15. yup i tried default and 2-3 more skins still same
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