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Everything posted by Thomasha

  1. Hi, thanks for your reply. 1. Yes to count the total Pilots we use: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?> 2. Something in this direction I've also thought, unfortunately I havn't yet managed to implement it. If you can send me your code it would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance :-)
  2. Hi Servetas, we want to count the total Pilots in our Database :-) And.. if its possible... insted of disable the registration when the maximum is reached, just forward the person to a site which says ("sorry our VA is currently full...........") Thanks for your support
  3. Hello Guys, I need your help. We would like to disable the Pilot Registration Site if i.E. 300 Pilots are in our VA. When we delete a Pilot and came so bellow 300 again it should be enabled again. Here a snipout of our Website to show the Registration: <li class="b-top-nav__2level_title f-top-nav__2level_title">Register</li> <li class="b-top-nav__2level f-top-nav__2level f-primary"><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/registration"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>Register</a></li> Thanks in advance for your help! :-)
  4. Have you put in your google api's?
  5. Yes we got Schedules but I crosschecked it with our pireps Database and its not counting correct. Schedules view: exported Pirep List for Flight AUA301 :
  6. Do you mean this? Modules: StatsData.class
  7. Hello servetas thanks for your quick reply. I added the line as requested. Here the result.
  8. Hello Guys in the standart report page(admin/templates/reports_main) the last topic should be the Top 10 of the most Flown Route. Unfortunately on our Site this is not displayed. All other reports works fine but for this even the Headline is missing... Here a snipout of our reports_main file. As written above nothing is displayed: Thanks in advance for your help. BRGDS Thomas
  9. Hello servetas, sorry for the late response. No. We also tryed to redownload the complete module but without success.
  10. Hello Guys, we got some problems with the map. It's not updating. A/C "xy" is already at EDDF and also written in the list in EDDF but on the Map still displayed at CYYZ. This is our sql Query in vFleetTrackData.class: ************************************************************************************************************************* public static function getAllLastLocation() { return DB::get_results("SELECT flight.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(flight.submitdate) as submitdate, dep.name as depname, dep.lat AS deplat, dep.lng AS deplng, arr.name as arrname, arr.lat AS arrlat, arr.lng AS arrlng, ac.icao AS acicao, ac.name AS acname, ac.fullname AS acfullname, ac.registration AS acregistration FROM (SELECT * FROM phpvms_pireps ORDER BY submitdate DESC) AS flight LEFT JOIN phpvms_aircraft AS ac ON ac.id = flight.aircraft LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS dep ON dep.icao = flight.depicao LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS arr ON arr.icao = flight.arricao GROUP BY flight.aircraft ORDER BY submitdate DESC"); ************************************************************************************************************************* Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hello Guys, we got some problems with the map. It's not updating. A/C "xy" is already at EDDF and also written in the list in EDDF but on the Map still displayed at CYYZ. This is our sql Query in vFleetTrackData.class: ************************************************************************************************************************* public static function getAllLastLocation() { return DB::get_results("SELECT flight.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(flight.submitdate) as submitdate, dep.name as depname, dep.lat AS deplat, dep.lng AS deplng, arr.name as arrname, arr.lat AS arrlat, arr.lng AS arrlng, ac.icao AS acicao, ac.name AS acname, ac.fullname AS acfullname, ac.registration AS acregistration FROM (SELECT * FROM phpvms_pireps ORDER BY submitdate DESC) AS flight LEFT JOIN phpvms_aircraft AS ac ON ac.id = flight.aircraft LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS dep ON dep.icao = flight.depicao LEFT JOIN phpvms_airports AS arr ON arr.icao = flight.arricao GROUP BY flight.aircraft ORDER BY submitdate DESC"); ************************************************************************************************************************* Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks
  12. Thanks for this. Searched a long time how to change the sort of Flights. With this post i finaly got it. Just change here the "ORDER BY depicao ASC" to "ORDER BY flightnum ASC"
  13. Worked perfect thanks
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