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DanishFlipper last won the day on May 12 2020

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  1. What is the progress on this nice admin design
  2. i would be interested in it to
  3. I just installed this module, i got following issues : Admin Panel : Strict Standards: Non-static method LoAData::GetAllRequests() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/vaemirat/public_html/admin/modules/LoA/LoA.php on line 35 On the site, where it should show up : Notice: The template file "/home/vaemirat/public_html/core/templates/loa/loa_index.php" doesn't exist in /home/vaemirat/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 231 Can anyone please help me out ??
  4. Hello, Can you please tell me where to add this inside the file, cause everytime im trying, im getting errors
  5. This mite be a dum question, but where can i see if my php_curl is enabled?? Cause i have the problem where i can´t send pireps to vacentral Regards Michael
  6. I did not look at which ones, i got mad on it cause i keept getting errors, so it´s gone now ..
  7. Thanks for file champ ... Some of the errors went away, but i still have some errors left, so i decided to delete the plugin totally.. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but thanks for your help anyway champ .. Regards Michael
  8. Hello web541, Thanks for you help, that worked .. But now i just have this error when im viewing my pending pireps after putting this code inside Pirepdata.class.php PirepAcData::search($pirepid); its giving me this error now : Strict Standards: Non-static method PirepAcData::search() should not be called statically in /span/spanstrong/home/vaemirat/public_html/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 812. An when adding some settings to it, after pressing save changes, im getting this error : Strict Standards Non-static method PirepAcData::editSettings() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/vaemirat/public_html/admin/modules/PirepAutoAccept/PirepAutoAccept.php on line 135 Can you help with that ?? Or what are im doing wrong with this module Thanks
  9. Hi guys, I just installed this module today, but i got some errors in it.. When im removing () this on line 52 in PirepAutoAccept.php an just leave it with ), im getting a fatal error. Error 1 : http://prntscr.com/bw9xeq Error 2 : http://prntscr.com/bw9xxe Can some one please help me out Regards Michael
  10. Hello Guys, I need help about this module here .. On the attatced link, you can see that i was able to get the text blue, but what i want is to have the background where there are written Pilot, Aircraft an that stuff to be blue an the text a bite larger, can anyone tell me how to do that? http://prntscr.com/bw735y
  11. Hello Flyalaska, Yeah i know it´s a payware from cracy, i also have it .. But map says it can show, so i need someone to help with that, an the rest off the things i wrote.. My url is : staralliancevirtual.com Michael
  12. Im looking for an phpvms expert that can help me out, i really dont know what to do anymore so im reaching out for paid services. I need following made on my site : Custom profile index remove the my profil avatar inside the header. Make my google maps work Make this in use instead off the normal schedules. http://staralliancev....php/airlinemap Make latest bid be under latest flights an put in teamspeak under where latest bids is now. Make it possible to post youtube videos under content 3. Please send me a email if you can make this for me with a full price, an it has to be the final price, cause budget is small.. Email : chairman@staralliancevirtual.com Michael [sOLVED]
  13. Hello guys, First off, really nice module, it looks nice on the pictures, an it was everything i was looking for, but when i go to the site http://staralliancev...ndex.php/vstaff it looks like this : http://prntscr.com/bnas75 What are im doing wrong??? Please help Best regards Michael [sOLVED]
  14. Hello guys, I´m totally new into phpvms, an just found the ocean blue skin for phpvms, an almost done on my website, but the Live flight tracker map, an map under schedules wont show google maps, an i really dont know what to do, i tried to look every where, but cant seem to get why it wont show.. An one other question, how do i remove the my profile avatar in the header?? Please need a expert in ocean blue skin or just a expert help in phpvms.. Best regards Michael [Please delete, moved to paid services]
  15. Hello guys, I´m totally new into phpvms, an found this Ocean Blue skin, but now i just have some issues about it. On my frontpage, index.php, the live flight tracker will not show the map, so im looking for some help to figure this out.. Also in the header, where the slider is, i want to remove the avatar my profile, anyone please help me out.. http://staralliancevirtual.com Best regards Michael [Please delete, moved to paid services]
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