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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by tim260
I work in a management position and like I said you guys are just really full of yourself. Just like you right now involving in a convo being cocky. Why? I stated twice that I wasn't trying to bash him and I clarified that I was just wondering why. And here you come in being a d***, for no apparent reason. I've only had one bad encounter with someone else and we made up and I apologised so I hope you don't work management because if you judge someone on one mistake you're not going to make it. Sometimes you should think before you post something, you don't just get mixed up in someone's conversation.
Uh-.. for someone with that amount of reputation on this forum you're not trying very hard not to be cocky. I didnt say he wasn't allowed I was just asking why as I clearly said I wasnt trying to bash him. I figured it was roleplay but wasnt sure and I do think the concept of roleplay and thus being serious is nice. I think his logo looks awesome and I wish him the best of luck as well.
A contract!? Dont you think people just want to have fun and let a virtual airline be their passion so its fun to do stuff for it rather than making a contract and having "recorded voice calls"? After all it's just a game.. ps. im not trying to bash you just curious why you have chosen to go for a contact oh and i would like to advice you put a "under construction" page on your website rather than the themeforest theme
Hi, If you open "admin/templates/core_navigation.php" and put the text between line 212 and 233 in comment tags: <!-- this text will not be showed on your site --> the finances menu will be hidden. But do not uncomment the php tag that allows the next if statement to start so it should look like this if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, VIEW_FINANCES) || PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, EDIT_EXPENSES) ) { ?> <!--<li style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><a class="menu" href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/reports"> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/lib/layout/images/reports_icon.png" />Reports & Expenses</a> <ul style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"> <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, VIEW_FINANCES)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/reports/overview'); ?>">Overview</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/finance/viewcurrent'); ?>">Financial Reports</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/reports/aircraft'); ?>">Aircraft Reports</a></li> <?php } if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, EDIT_EXPENSES)) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo adminurl('/finance/viewexpenses'); ?>">Expenses</a></li> <?php } ?> <li></li> </ul> </li>--> <?php }
Can you provide us your VA crewcenter link and a test login?
To come back on that issue, clearly a part of your config is missing. But have you tried adding back the part which is missing?
@Baileypellow working example on http://testing.ossenblok.media/jumpseat Note: I created it using the crewcenter theme by Mark Swam so some visual aspects will look different if you're not using that theme. I created a a github repository where you can download it. If you want me to I'll keep it updated Repository link: https://github.com/OssenblokMedia/Jumpseat The only thing you need to do is execute the following query in your database: ALTER TABLE phpvms_pilots ADD position VARCHAR(5) & You can also customize the default price modifier (0.5) by adding the line below to your "local.config.php" Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_MODIFIER','0.5');
Hi, Youve gotten pretty far yourself! My tip would be: Store the location in the database rather than using the last PIREP arrival airport cause otherwise you'd have to insert a PIREP to change the location. Unless you want the jumpseat thing to count as a flown flight by the pilot? Use ternary operators Ternary operators make this: if($reports->arricao === null){$jumpseatdep = $userinfo->hub; echo $jumpseatdep;} else {$jumpseatdep = $reports->arricao; echo $jumpseatdep;}?> Into something more readable like this: $jumpseatdep = (!$reports) ? $userinfo->hub : $reports->arricao; echo $jumpseatdep; As @servetas requested ill share the code publicly. I will post it later today
I know I've been on the internet for a while no need to act like that I just thought that was a thing here but like I said I have no problem sharing it.
I am but I see every developer requesting PMs or emails (dont see you asking them this question btw) so I figured thats kinda the way or working here
Im sorry too was a bit pissed off while at work and reacted it off on the forums haha. All good I hope @Parkho @RyanJSmyth any luck?
I agree but staying professional is also important sorry if I seemed a bit cocky. Your reply was immature though
You like saying okay lmao!
It jusr makes sense cause using url() renders the whole page while actionurl() renders only the target php file
Im one hundred percent sure what I said is the fix he needs to trigger action instead of index
Change url( to actionurl(
I think its because on your schedule search form it says <form id="form" action="https://va.atlasgaming.group/index.php/schedules/view" method="post"> While it should be <form id="form" action="https://va.atlasgaming.group/action.php/schedules/view" method="post"> When using index it will render the whole template and action will ony render the results part In your php file it will probably look like action="<?php echo url('/schedules/view')" OR action="<?php echo SITE_URL."/schedules/view" ?>" If so it should be. action="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/view')" But again I think Im saying this from memory since im at work
If you used the code suggested above, remove "&callback=initMap"
@Tato123 I think you misunderstood, it is about the modules not the skin. The skin is crewcenter by the way. Its not about the skin which is actually free. I never even said anything about that it costs money? So please think and read before you post something. You may edit your post to apologize @LHVirtual can vouch for me I am not asking money for that template.
Update: You can now view our work/development @ http://testing.ossenblok.media/login The login information is displayed on the login page. In the menu there is a header "Ossenblok Media", links under that is content developed by us
Send me a email: tim@ossenblok.media I can make this for you
Hi, I'm guessing you're talking about the dashboard page only? (pilot center) first image? It'll be up to download soon
http://ossenblok.media Good morning/afternoon/evening, Hereby I would like to advertise Ossenblok Media its services. We are a small development team consisting of 3 people. We are specialised in back-end coding. We recently started developing for phpVMS as well. We can provide; Complete designs (frontend & backend) Custom modules (including adding features to existing modules) phpVMS Skins And more upon request! Our Team; Tim O. - Lead Developer | The Netherlands Max G. - Senior Developer | The Netherlands Eden A. - Advisor | Canada Planned modules; Advanced Flight Management (more info soon) Developed modules: AirportModule - made for SBVA. Lists all airports on a map, when clicked on a detailed page of the airport will show with live weather information, live ACARS arrivals and departures. It will also show scheduled flights which can be bid on. View Examples; If you would like to view our work you can go to: http://testing.ossenblok.media/login - there will be a menu header saying ossenblok media, everything under that is made by us. Contact/Request a quote; If you wish to contact us or request a quote you can do so by emailing info@ossenblok.media Module Screenshots AirportModule
Simple but functional, nice work
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