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Everything posted by LukeW

  1. I'd possibly be looking for one of these for my VA. I'e sent you a message
  2. Yeah CrewCenter is designed to be used on a separate subdomain as Parkho said this code is how to count bids Glad to hear it is all working now $bidscontados = COUNT($countabids);
  3. I think it'l all be with the main skin. Just waiting for tims reply This really is incredible work
  4. I've dropped you an email
  5. @tim260 can you share the download for this? Its great
  6. This is excellent. I want to help with this version
  7. I am happy to help
  8. Thanks I've got back to you
  9. Indeed they do If anybody has any suggestions or things they want implemented into this please let me know
  10. I've dropped you a message
  11. Thanks. That must've skipped me by after 3 hours of coding
  12. If you need help modernising the logo I can help. Repainting aircraft for the ones you listed I have not got experience with them all but could do the 737, 767 and A320 Let me know
  13. Hello all, Currently working on a skin for the phpVMS admin panel for a virtual airline I'm staff on. Once complete I'll probably release it if there's interest for it. Also avaliable to customise this for your virtual airline and change anything, pm me if interested. Here's a preview of the new navbar which replaces the default sidebar (I'll be adding more images as I progress with this) Feedback would be appreciated
  14. I've dropped you a message regarding this
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