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Everything posted by garcez

  1. Phpvms 5 I use the TFDI website to host. I didn't make any changes. This is the old admin's response:
  2. The page on my site changed its format from one day to the next, would anyone know the motovo for this to occur? And how to fix it? It was like this: It was like this:
  3. The page on my site changed its format from one day to the next, would anyone know the motovo for this to occur? And how to fix it? It was like this: It was like this:
  4. This Registration Error started for no reason whatsoever, no one has done anything on the site this year. Does anyone know how to solve and the reason for this error?
  5. Thank you I will try and return.
  6. Is there a way to prevent the same aircraft from being booked by two pilots at the same time? And what about this aircraft that was reserved to be released again to be reserved only after the flight has ended? Thanks for any help.
  7. Charter flights are always "delayed", as Schedules flights are normal in flight status. What should I do for charter flights to have their normal status? <?php $schedule = SchedulesData::getScheduleByFlight($pirep->code,$pirep->flightnum); $fltime = explode(".", $schedule->flighttime); $minstar = substr($fltime[1],0,1); $minstarmin = substr($fltime[1],1,2); $flmin = $minstar * 10; $flhou = $fltime[0] * 60; $flminu = $flhou + $flmin + $minstarmin; $actfltime = explode(".", $pirep->flighttime); $actminstar = substr($actfltime[1],0,1); $actminstarmin = substr($actfltime[1],1,2); $actflmin = $actminstar * 10; $actflhou = $actfltime[0] * 60; $actflminu = $actflhou + $actflmin + $actminstarmin; if(($flminu - 20) > $actflminu) { echo "<font color='Blue'><b>Early</b></font> "; } elseif (($flminu + 15) < $actflminu) { echo "<font color='#ff0000'><b>Delayed</b></font> "; } else { echo "<font color='#090'><b>On Time</b></font> "; } ?>
  8. Which forum? Can you send the link?
  9. I installed the new smart CARS 2 Web Script today. When installing it, this error appeared on the Este erro foi solucionado com a ajuda do gio1961 However, the coordinates do not appear in the ACARS Flight Tracker, the navdata table is empty. Another error that occurs is that when sending Pirep it accuses "PIREP FILING ERROR" even with this error Pirep is sent to the VA website. Another mistake is that the flight hangs on Live Flights. In other words, it is not automatically deleted from the acarsdata when the Pirep is finished and sent. With the old smartCARS 2 Web Script Files it worked perfectly. The question is, what is the reason it is no longer working with the new smartCARS 2 Web Script Files? Thanks in advance for any help. smartCARS_web_script_files-old.zip smartCARS_web_script_files_new.zip
  10. The error - Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () script no longer exists, but it is not transmitting the coordinates. Do you know what should be done?
  11. Thanks the error is gone, I will test now to see if you enter the aircraft coordinates correctly in ACARS Flight Tracker.
  12. I have this problem after updating smartCARS 2 Web Script Files. Please I need help. Thanks.
  13. Solved
  14. I need someone to service this site. Whoever was doing does not answer my calls anymore. urgently please http://icrew.iflyvirtual.com
  15. Have you finished this project?
  16. Disappeared, do not have the link anymore?
  17. garcez

    skyBlue v1

    flyalaska Do you have anything that can work with phpVMS v2?
  18. Skin is available?
  19. Good evening, the template you created is for sale? What the value?

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