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Posts posted by DisposableHero

  1. Those lines are examples, but in theory they go in some files placed on your landing page/site.


    If it is a wordpress site then you can have some easy (gui) tools to place them.


    On any solution you need to write the codes to show/display the results returned via api endpoints on your desired pages.


    You can check https://turksim.net or https://thyva.com for custom (hand made templates), https://sunexpressvirtual.com for a wordpress placement of api returned results.


    Even if I send you files from Turksim, they will not fit in your landing site's design, this is why custom design is needed.


    Hope this helps a little bit, good luck.

  2. Looks like you are mixing aircraft with subfleet, they are different and their csv import formats are different.


    Aircraft.csv example for a subfleet (type code B773-STW)




    Subfleet.csv example for this subfleet


    STW,LTAI,B773-STW,,"Boeing B777-300",1,2560,,125,Y?capacity=550;CGO?capacity=21500,


    If the 3rd party developer does not provide an aircraft.csv you should generate one for yourself or request support from them to provide some data.


    Good luck

  3. If possible try something from php8.2 series to be sure ('cause php8.3 support is not official at the moment so eliminate that risk)


    And I assume your docker has a compatible database server, like mysql or mariadb and it is configured + running. This looks like a db issue to me.


    Good luck

  4. 5 hours ago, Christian said:

    Hello everyone,

    I need help and don't know how to proceed.
    When I try to fill in a manual PIREP, I get the following error in the Aport column (Departure/Arrival)

    The results could be loaded

    The days it worked and once, I don't know what I did.

    But it does not work.


    I have packed all data from PHPVMS into the main folder.


    I suspect that this is not the fault.

    I suspect that it has something to do with these settings, but I don't know exactly where?



    DB_PASSWORD=**my correct PW**

    Maybe someone has an idea and can help me so that I can finally fly relaxed again :)


    Thank you for help!!





    Looks like this is a classic CORS (Cross Origin Scripting) error to me, check your browser console when the error happens, you will see the error live.


    Also please check the forum for problems regarding airport dropdowns, discord has the same/similar solutions provided.


    Main reasons: http vs https difference, app_url definition, ssl redirection, wrong url being used etc.


    Good luck


  5. As ProAvia wrote, there a no stored html pages for anything in v7, almost everything is dynamic and database driven (except fixed stuff to deal with the data provided and render the end results). 


    Only way to edit those "pages" is the admin panel, which offers you a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) type editor. You can prepare something outside (in an html editor) maybe and then copy paste the code to that editors "code" section. Other than this, you need to design is visually.


    What can be done, at best, is editing the relevant file rendering those pages, put some conditional checks in it and when a page is loaded then it can behave differently according to that page. Imagine it like, when you create a page named "fleet" and another one named "rules", you can have a different design for these two with this. Data will be provided by v7 but the look of the page will be different (up to a point of course)


    If you want real fixed pages, with separate and hand coded blade/php files (yes, they need to be like mypage.blade.php) then you need to have your own custom module for them.


    Hope this helps, good luck

  6. What does the log says ? You need to share it to get support :(


    I am trying to help one of your friends, probably the admin for the same error. Simply your server is not accepting requests (according to the log your friend provided), so if you can share your log, which can be found on acars/logs folder, we can have a look and compare it for similarities.



  7. Simple logic to see what is needed is to create a manual pirep or check an acars pirep directly from the database, then you can prepare your old data to match the new fields and import via some sql queries. Or of course you can write a custom module, utilizing laravel features to make it more complex if you wish.


    Most important things is the data units, flight (pirep) times are in minutes and all weight / fuel values are in pounds (lbs) for phpvms v7 database (regardless what you select for display).

    Also you may need to match your old pilot id's in those pireps with new user_id's you have in your system (don't mix them up with idents, I am talking about the real database indexed id numbers of users)

    Then you may need to match your old airline codes with your new airline_id's to have more matches / reflecting details.

    You can probably use the same timestamps for created_at, submitted_at, updated_at fields of v7, it will not harm the system but if you have detailed times you can use them too (created_at is the time a flight is started, submitted_at is the the it gets filed etc.)

    Pirep type (manual/acars), pirep state, pirep status can be same for all these imported all pireps.


    In theory if you can match the pilot id's with their old pireps, nightly cron can re-calculate their pirep counts and times according to that data (pilots will be happy).


    What you will lose is financial details of those pireps (can be done if you want to go that deep but I think this is not important compared to the pirep itself), and detailed acars data (like logs, flown points etc) you may have in that old system.


    Good luck

  8. 9 hours ago, 4JSL said:

    Got this working. Had to edit line 16 of the events module to hard code a prefix, and it worked.


    Technically there is/was no need to edit the widget itself, the event "route code" is defined at module admin area and it works both for API endpoint and Event Widget.






    No need to edit/alter line 16 of the widget controller as it simply reads the above definition.




    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, aarbee said:


    what I want is a frontpage, with public access without login and some text, images, lets say info.
    And the content/body should be extracted out of a page that was created in the admin, under pages.
    Only 1 one page, so the info is easy to edit in a html environment, instead of editing the php page with html elelements.
    Not specific for me, but other admins, are not good at html.

    I know HTML/CSS.




    So you want a "landing page", preferably outside of phpvms v7 namespace, something like a wordpress website which you can edit as you wish. It may not be that easy to achieve, because v7 "pages" system is not designed for that purpose. You can still have it by some tricks and injection logic of laravel but I am not sure that it will give you the best results out of the box.


    At minimum, you may need a modified app.blade.php which will be used only for that home.blade.php, and in that home.blade you can load a "page" created at admin side by (or maybe you can load more as per your design needs). And then display it without escaping html special chars, so it can be displayed as designed in a WYSIWYG editor.


    Or you can have a real landing page, with any CMS you like to use (like WP or Joomla etc) and have your phpvms v7 located under a subdomain like many of VA's around. Imagine https://phpvms.net (landing site) and https://demo.phpvms.net (phpvms v7)


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  10. I am not a developer either :) So we are same, in fact you can be better than me (considering your technical knowledge on Sharepoint), I am an OCC Manager of a real airline, just doing all these virtual aviation stuff and development as a hobby to somehow clear my mind from daily workload ;)


    What you did was the correct way to be honest, you only missed the cache stuff in the beginning but solved it after getting the server error. Glad to hear that you solved the mail stuff too, in that part, we really can not help people much as it is 99% of the time custom and not generic stuff to advise easily.


    Enjoy your updated and moved v7 :)



  11. 6 hours ago, aarbee said:

    Thanks for explaining. That is what I expected, somewhat, but I got lost in to which folder to use.

    Is my assumption correct that the installationmethod was different a few years ago? Or did my mind mess with me?


    The installation I did for my va, I did put everthing in the public_html  folder. And it feels a bit more logical.
    Is it possible to change the setup of my friends VA where the bulk of files in the PHPVMS folder, into put all into public_html?




    Installing methods did not changed, they were always same (only 1st and 2nd suggestion was swapped due to their usage frequency) ... Unfortunately, what you did is the worst and most unsecure method to install / run phpvms v7, and it was always like that.


    What your friend did back in time was one of the suggested methods and it is still ok to use v7.




    Hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, aarbee said:

    Thanks for your reply.


    Well I downloaded the version from the website.

    I was not aware of versions on discord.

    Should have downloaded from discord?

    i can reinstall as there is no man overboard and i did not add to many things.


    which cache do you mean? Browser cach? No but I testes on different browsers and devices.




    Hi Rob,


    Technically either from discord or from this forum, downloading the latest dev (development) build is the best choice... Beta.5 is ok too but it had some nice bugfixes after release and latest dev is better than the beta.5 at the moment.


    Additionally, when you duplicate a theme (be it the default theme or an addon theme), you need to (this is a must) edit the theme.json and change the name, which needs to match the folder name you used. Only then it will be possible to use it and avoid any errors like you mentioned above.


    So considering the error in your hands; You need to either clean the application cache from admin > maintenance page or if you can not reach there too, then you need to delete the mentioned (bootstrap/cache/themes.php) file manually for it to be re-created with the corrected info.


    Hope this helps, good luck

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, DanFlutter said:

    Hi everyone:


    My name is Daniel, I'm working on the Iberia, Iberia Express and Air Nostrum Airline for Grupo Iberia Virtual at https://www.iberiava.net 

    Currently, we are implementing PHPVMS 7 with the Disposable extended and we are configuring a brand new environment, as we were using a custom system that we are unable to provide support anymore.


    Of course, deploying an entire new environment and importing all the data we have previously is a titanic work that would take months to complete as we need to start from zero with the phpvms7.


    While browsing all the features offered by phpvms, I found that some functionalities are onboarded through disposable modules, like the Tours feature. However, I could not find how to create or manage "events" or fly-in events.


    We are mostly focused on the scheduled flights, but a big part of our community relies heavily on Tours and Events.


    I was looking how feature can be added using a custom-made or existing module that could satisfy this requirement. Is there anything existing in the market or shall we request to a developer to create this custom module about this.


    Thanks a lot


    As far as I remember, Disposable Basic provides basic support for events (which is backed up with a widget and API endpoints to display events on your landing page). If it is not enough for you, or if it is not fulfilling your needs then yes, you need to contact a 3rd party developer to create you a custom module about it because market is extremely limited at the moment.


    Only full scale modules are Disposable Basic and Special, and some airline based / customized copies of them. A v5 developer tried to convert his old modules and published one of them but we did not heard from him since then. Nothing more is available at the moment :(


    Good luck

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