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Posts posted by DisposableHero

  1. 23 hours ago, Strider said:

    You have a code missing for an airport. You need to go through your routes and/or airports and find the one missing the code


    production.ERROR: Attempt to read property "code" on null


    This does not mean that the "code" is missing, contrary to what you think the main object is missing. And in this particular case it is an "airline" (hint is checking the line number provided in error details). How to debug this error is explained in Most Common Errors topic with a similar example.




    So in theory, checking and/or editing airports will not solve this, updating to latest dev and latest Dispo addons will not solve this either... Most probably this is a pirep with a broken/missing airline, it can be a flight too, as both have direct relationship to airlines.


    Disposable Basic offers a simple database check page, in which admins can see some risky records with their id's, it does NOT fix stuff but helps identifying the errors quickly. It can be used to figure out which pirep/flight is causing trouble.


    Also if this is the same problem discussed in discord, the error was caused by another 3rd party module which was messing up pirep records and directly recording stuff to v7's database etc.


    Hope this reply helps people in future :)


    Good luck to all

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  2. 4 hours ago, WestIndian876 said:

    Hello friends,


    We are doing some migrations as well. For some reason, we are unable to get in contact with the va-schedules team at this moment.


    How can we make this process easier in terms of migration (export/import) without having to edit over 65000 schedules by hand. What is the best way, then, to add the subfleets to the schedules to expedite importation process?


    If someone else would have made a workaround, it would be greatly appreciated if that logic is shared.


    Thank you in advance.


    Maybe you can use some sql queries to assign subfleets to flights after the import, it still may need manual corrections or some faulty assignments to be checked/fixed manually.


    But other than importing your flights via csv files (with fleet details) I can not think of an easy end user solution/workaround.


    • Export your flights (either from v5 or v7, by airline if possible)
    • Edit those exported csv files to meet v7's requirements and by some tools (like excel or similar) assign your subfleets to flights in that csv
    • Import the flights

    Good luck

  3. 17 hours ago, WestIndian876 said:



    We have imported our information from the older php v5 and now using the latest php v7.


    The pilots who once had admin roles from the previous version are still admins. The challenge is, we cannot seem to remove that role from the pilots. When we go to the user page, click user, edit the role (remove admin), when it saved, the role comes back. Can you shed some light on that please?


    Further, we are having some issues with the pagination. Pages 1,2 and 3 work fine, then page 4 isn't, then page 5, 6, 7 works, then another doesn't. The one that does not, gives the 500 | Server Error


    Another question. In the ACARS, should it not be that if a pilot is restricted to a fleet via ranking, it does not show up in the acars? So If I am an FO, and the flight has a subfleet of an CA, it should not show up on the front end of the site nor on the ACARS. Is that the correct logic? To add to that, if I am an admin, with a rank of an FO, would that override the subfleet restriction?


    Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.



    • There is a blank option (smaller than others, first item of the list) in role selection dropdown, you need to remove their admin role (or other roles) and then add that blank to reset given roles.
    • Need the logs for the server error as ProAvia mentioned, without logs no one can help you.
    • Fleets can be restricted by rank or type ratings (check settings and admin definitions), frontend follows the restrictions (so does vmsAcars) and pilots do NOT see something they are NOT allowed to use, no override logic for admins (or staff).


    Hope this helps

  4. 1 hour ago, dpFlyer said:

    Please find attached my PHPVMS Log. I am using Steam MSFS 2020 v1.36.20 which is the most current version I have seen. I am able to use ACARS with X Plane 11-no problem. As per the Title above for some reason it won't connect to MSFS. Of course, I selected MSFS in Settings & ran the Re-Sync Scenery. I ran the scenery mode on Native. ACARS does connect to the vuscg server as it shows exactly where my A/C is staged, also it does pull in the flt plan & it shows me logged into ACARS.

    I am definitely not a programmer but it does seem that it was having problems finding all of the MSFS folders/files? Originally, I had MSFS installed on my 😄 drv SSD but I bought a new NVME SSD so I moved it over to the new 😧 drv. Strangely, Steam still kept folders on both drives instead of moving everything over to the 😧 drv. I don't know if that's a problem but thought you should know. I am also attaching the file I have on my 😄 drv in the documents folder. This file was from a previous ACARS version, that worked, so I changed the url & API Key in hopes that it would work but no dice. Thank you very much for your help!


    Don't share your API KEY publicly.


    Since it is known (and cached by computers/bots), I would suggest changing it from your VA's website > profile page.


    For the rest (SimConnect problem), yes moving the installation may have the reason for this, some references may not updated properly, some key may still be pointing out to old folders/locations. It can simply be an antivirus or firewall software problem too, be sure your firewall allows two way, in/out connections and you don't have any access restrictions for the location of MSFS.


    More info can be provided the developer only, hope it sees and finds time to inspect your logs.


    Good luck

  5. 15 hours ago, WestIndian876 said:

    alright, this is great...


    If this is the case, then it makes it more bearable for one's pocket.


    thank you.


    I think you know that the basic license is also one time payment and license is issued to your domain (like myvirtualairline.com) and usage will be free for all your pilots. And once you want to add the premium features you can upgrade easily (again with a one time payment) ;)


    And phpvms v7 is free of charge, you can plan your budget to get the domain and hosting first, install v7 freely, test it with manual pireps, prepare your theme/skin etc and next month you can buy vmsAcars, then on the other premium upgrade etc.


    Safe flights

  6. I can not speak for the developer but as far as I know, basics functions will be always included in normal license, but customizations like visuals, custom rules, airline specific sound sets etc. will be available to premium licenses owners only.


    And again, as far as I know, you can opt-in with basic license, and when you have some more budget you can upgrade to premium, as it will be a one time payment ;)


    Safe flights

  7. Those lines are examples, but in theory they go in some files placed on your landing page/site.


    If it is a wordpress site then you can have some easy (gui) tools to place them.


    On any solution you need to write the codes to show/display the results returned via api endpoints on your desired pages.


    You can check https://turksim.net or https://thyva.com for custom (hand made templates), https://sunexpressvirtual.com for a wordpress placement of api returned results.


    Even if I send you files from Turksim, they will not fit in your landing site's design, this is why custom design is needed.


    Hope this helps a little bit, good luck.

  8. Looks like you are mixing aircraft with subfleet, they are different and their csv import formats are different.


    Aircraft.csv example for a subfleet (type code B773-STW)




    Subfleet.csv example for this subfleet


    STW,LTAI,B773-STW,,"Boeing B777-300",1,2560,,125,Y?capacity=550;CGO?capacity=21500,


    If the 3rd party developer does not provide an aircraft.csv you should generate one for yourself or request support from them to provide some data.


    Good luck

  9. If possible try something from php8.2 series to be sure ('cause php8.3 support is not official at the moment so eliminate that risk)


    And I assume your docker has a compatible database server, like mysql or mariadb and it is configured + running. This looks like a db issue to me.


    Good luck

  10. 5 hours ago, Christian said:

    Hello everyone,

    I need help and don't know how to proceed.
    When I try to fill in a manual PIREP, I get the following error in the Aport column (Departure/Arrival)

    The results could be loaded

    The days it worked and once, I don't know what I did.

    But it does not work.


    I have packed all data from PHPVMS into the main folder.


    I suspect that this is not the fault.

    I suspect that it has something to do with these settings, but I don't know exactly where?



    DB_PASSWORD=**my correct PW**

    Maybe someone has an idea and can help me so that I can finally fly relaxed again :)


    Thank you for help!!





    Looks like this is a classic CORS (Cross Origin Scripting) error to me, check your browser console when the error happens, you will see the error live.


    Also please check the forum for problems regarding airport dropdowns, discord has the same/similar solutions provided.


    Main reasons: http vs https difference, app_url definition, ssl redirection, wrong url being used etc.


    Good luck


  11. As ProAvia wrote, there a no stored html pages for anything in v7, almost everything is dynamic and database driven (except fixed stuff to deal with the data provided and render the end results). 


    Only way to edit those "pages" is the admin panel, which offers you a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) type editor. You can prepare something outside (in an html editor) maybe and then copy paste the code to that editors "code" section. Other than this, you need to design is visually.


    What can be done, at best, is editing the relevant file rendering those pages, put some conditional checks in it and when a page is loaded then it can behave differently according to that page. Imagine it like, when you create a page named "fleet" and another one named "rules", you can have a different design for these two with this. Data will be provided by v7 but the look of the page will be different (up to a point of course)


    If you want real fixed pages, with separate and hand coded blade/php files (yes, they need to be like mypage.blade.php) then you need to have your own custom module for them.


    Hope this helps, good luck

  12. What does the log says ? You need to share it to get support :(


    I am trying to help one of your friends, probably the admin for the same error. Simply your server is not accepting requests (according to the log your friend provided), so if you can share your log, which can be found on acars/logs folder, we can have a look and compare it for similarities.



  13. Simple logic to see what is needed is to create a manual pirep or check an acars pirep directly from the database, then you can prepare your old data to match the new fields and import via some sql queries. Or of course you can write a custom module, utilizing laravel features to make it more complex if you wish.


    Most important things is the data units, flight (pirep) times are in minutes and all weight / fuel values are in pounds (lbs) for phpvms v7 database (regardless what you select for display).

    Also you may need to match your old pilot id's in those pireps with new user_id's you have in your system (don't mix them up with idents, I am talking about the real database indexed id numbers of users)

    Then you may need to match your old airline codes with your new airline_id's to have more matches / reflecting details.

    You can probably use the same timestamps for created_at, submitted_at, updated_at fields of v7, it will not harm the system but if you have detailed times you can use them too (created_at is the time a flight is started, submitted_at is the the it gets filed etc.)

    Pirep type (manual/acars), pirep state, pirep status can be same for all these imported all pireps.


    In theory if you can match the pilot id's with their old pireps, nightly cron can re-calculate their pirep counts and times according to that data (pilots will be happy).


    What you will lose is financial details of those pireps (can be done if you want to go that deep but I think this is not important compared to the pirep itself), and detailed acars data (like logs, flown points etc) you may have in that old system.


    Good luck

  14. 9 hours ago, 4JSL said:

    Got this working. Had to edit line 16 of the events module to hard code a prefix, and it worked.


    Technically there is/was no need to edit the widget itself, the event "route code" is defined at module admin area and it works both for API endpoint and Event Widget.






    No need to edit/alter line 16 of the widget controller as it simply reads the above definition.




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  15. 9 hours ago, aarbee said:


    what I want is a frontpage, with public access without login and some text, images, lets say info.
    And the content/body should be extracted out of a page that was created in the admin, under pages.
    Only 1 one page, so the info is easy to edit in a html environment, instead of editing the php page with html elelements.
    Not specific for me, but other admins, are not good at html.

    I know HTML/CSS.




    So you want a "landing page", preferably outside of phpvms v7 namespace, something like a wordpress website which you can edit as you wish. It may not be that easy to achieve, because v7 "pages" system is not designed for that purpose. You can still have it by some tricks and injection logic of laravel but I am not sure that it will give you the best results out of the box.


    At minimum, you may need a modified app.blade.php which will be used only for that home.blade.php, and in that home.blade you can load a "page" created at admin side by (or maybe you can load more as per your design needs). And then display it without escaping html special chars, so it can be displayed as designed in a WYSIWYG editor.


    Or you can have a real landing page, with any CMS you like to use (like WP or Joomla etc) and have your phpvms v7 located under a subdomain like many of VA's around. Imagine https://phpvms.net (landing site) and https://demo.phpvms.net (phpvms v7)


    Good luck

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