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Posts posted by DisposableHero

  1. Hi, without getting error details or the log itself, no one can help you, even it is not an essential feature for you, you are getting errors and this can be a sign of other (maybe bigger) problems.


    If it continues, and if you want to solve it just provide required details and open a topic on v7 support section or use discord :)


    Safe flights



  2. Hi,


    No problem, was trying to understand what is going on there 'cause you are the first reporting something like this with the theme... If you are using vmsAcars, as you know it has a module for phpvms v7 and it needs to be updated too (depending on the changes) and when an update is needed you got notified during that process.


    I am not sure where are you referring with "maintenance tab", but there is not auto update feature for modules (or phpvms v7 itself) it is always done manually.


    Hope you can solve the problem and have a working livemap soon.

  3. 7 hours ago, fillikirch said:



    accessing the live map, when there is a flight active via the vmsacars results in this error:

    [previous exception] [object] (GeoJson\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Position elements must be integers or floats at /mnt/web502/c3/83/559619683/htdocs/airline/vendor/jmikola/geojson/src/Geometry/Point.php:39)

    Laravel log:


    Everything else works as intended, i am using the most recent phpvms dev version, php 8.1 (tried 8.2 aswell) updated phpvms acars etc. Once there are no active flights anymore, the page works showing the default position (north america).






    Probably you are missing some coordinates for livemap or migrations at phpvms, without seeing more details or knowing more I can not speculate. There were some improvements for altitude values, these should not cause location based errors.


    1. Are you using vmsAcars ?

    2. If so, is your vmsAcars module updated ?

    3. Are you really on latest phpvms v7 dev build ? Please provide the full version number installed on your end.

    4. Which version of my theme you are using ?

    5. Did you tried switching to non-modified default theme, is it working ? (Best way to understand if this is theme related or not)


    Also please provide error details, something publicly without any additional access needs.

  4. Anywhere you wish, just find a place to upload (or copy the contents of the scan here as text or in a code box) :) If you can find me at Antalya, why not, I can take them with a mobile device too, if you wish to wait that long of course. When you provide the scan log, people can try helping you, that's it ;)


    Have a nice day/night

  5. 2 hours ago, Jbaltazar67 said:

    We have our site based on phpVMS with your addons . I am looking to translate the content of the footer which contains the rules of the Va and the GPDRD and Staff. Can you just give me a little indication of the file to be modified? Thanks in advance.


    Hi, speaking for Disposable Theme, footer is defined in app.blade.php directly, it reads the theme_version.blade.php to display the version of the theme and provide the attribution link automatically.


    If you want to have more space in the footer to add your stuff in, then you need to edit the css (stylesheet) file too and this is mentioned in the readme of my theme.




    As long as you comply with license terms (for both phpvms and my addons) all modifications are ok :)


    Best wishes and good luck on the design

  6. Some servers do DROP data (especially http post data) when doing that forced redirection, thus it can cause more/deep problems. Soft redirection still allows http being used.


    Therefore it is strongly advised to inform people, force them to do their vmsAcars (or any flight tracking software) profile settings right, check their favorites etc. and always use https://.... in their records.


    Good luck to all ;)


    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Stijn said:



    We just installed phpVMS7 with the Disposable Basic and Special addons. Our server has mySQL database and is on php 8.1.29.


    We would like to completely disable all Finance related content. We could disable some finance related modules in Disposable Special, but not all.


    Would appreciate your help (in non-programming savvy language 🙂 )




    • Don't enable Disposable Basic/Special expenses and income,
    • Don't define Fuel prices,
    • Don't define Ground Handling prices,
    • Don't define Subfleet costs,
    • Don't define Pilot salaries,
    • Don't define Fare Price/Cost,

    Simply set everything as 0 usd/eur if leaving them empty is not possible.


    Then you may need to remove some stuff from frontend blade files to hide cost/balance related information.


    Good luck :)

  8. 9 hours ago, ARV187 said:

    If someone want export the phpvms7 flights to volanta, can be done exporting database data to csv with the next sql script.

    NOTE: If you have flights currently in volanta and are the same of phpvms7 this isn't overwrite, so you will have duplicate flights in Volanta (Volanta + phpvms7 flights)

    SELECT dpt_airport_id AS Origin, arr_airport_id AS Destination, block_off_time AS DepartureTime, pireps.flight_time AS Duration, airlines.name AS Airline, flight_number AS FlightNumber, aircraft.icao AS AircraftType, registration AS AircraftRegistration, route AS Route, block_on_time AS ArrivalTime, distance AS Distance, fuel_used AS Fuel
    FROM `pireps`, `aircraft`, `airlines`
    WHERE aircraft.id = pireps.aircraft_id AND airlines.id = pireps.airline_id AND user_id=1
    ORDER BY block_on_time DESC;



    Do this with laravel relationships and by only using the `Pirep` model please :) Then add a csv export to that code, there you go, you have something built for phpvms v7 as an addon. (A widget will do the trick, no need to go for a full scale module)


    Condiser this as a learning target.


    Good luck

  9. Hi @CartesianPixels


    The "issues" you mention are all related to your phpvms v7 settings and not theme or addon related (also not related with acars), therefore I would kindly request you to spare some time and pay attention to the guides published here in this forum about initial setup.


    Most probably you are restricting yourself with settings thus not able to see any flights or aircraft.


    Hope this helps :)

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, CartesianPixels said:

    Hello, I just started setting up my VA and I am using 7.0.0-beta.5, I just installed the Disposable_v3 and it shows error 500, when I enabled debugging from .env I found many errors, as a novice with a basic background in web dev, I need your help resolving these issues as I think the theme fits well with my needs for my VA

    PhpVMS version : 7.0.0-beta.5

    Php : 8.1.29

    Laravel: 10.12.0


    link to my VA






    It is clearly stated in theme readme (literally it is the third line), that it needs a much recent build compared to your phpvms v7 (which is beta.5 and almost a year old).


    So in theory, you have two options;


    1. Keep your current build (beta5) and stick with default theme (or you can use older builds of Disposable Theme which are compatible with beta5)

    2. Update your phpvms v7 to the latest development build and use latest addons/themes


    I would prefer the second option :)


    Good luck

    • Thanks 1
  11. No :) It is not possible at the moment (and I am not sure about future development for this).


    vmsAcars does not write values , it only reads them from the simulator whenever needed. It is a pilots responsibility to load his/her aircraft properly before starting a flight and releasing parking brakes for pushback (or similar in helicopter ops)

  12. Just now, vFAB said:

    I haven't received any emails since I initially installed PHPVMS, I checked the data with my provider and they are correct!


    Then either they are not telling the truth or you are missing something! Because when configured properly mails do work, I can say you that and provide evidence to prove that :)


    Check your logs for errors and please follow the docs for required details when requesting help.


    Good luck

    • Like 1
  13. https://docs.phpvms.net/config/email#smtp-configuration


    It simply says ;


    For detailed settings about host, port and encryption details please check your hosting control panel (or VPS). These settings are not generic and can differ between hosting companies, even on a custom VPS these settings are local to your install (packages installed etc.) Therefore there a no generic examples for SMTP and mail settings.


    Just don't forget to clear application cache when you make .env changes.

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