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Everything posted by SkiesTheLimit

  1. Yes
  2. Doesn't matter for me anymore
  3. Joeri - I think it would be nice if you didn't "grill" other Chase. You make this forum look very immature and unruly. I'm sure Nabeel or the mature moderators wouldn't be happy if they see the forum has deteriorated to one of the moderators personally criticizing (in a deconstructive way) to another member. Don't abuse your powers, because as easily as they were given to you - you could lose them. Just a reminder this forum is supposed to helpful, constructive, and nice - not the opposite.
  4. But it's heavily customized, Express Regional only changed one image left everything the same.
  5. Topics like these are for the PM system, we do not need any excess debating, arguing, or drama within these forums. We don't want to make this once nice forum seem like a public bash, now do we? Have some mutual respect. We all start somewhere, let him learn and if he doesn't take the advance just hope for the best for him. The whole point of these forums are constructive criticism and help, not deconstructive criticism it does not add to the solution. Of course, we shall now leave it to the moderators to aid the conflict and close this topic as well.
  6. Agreed, I see this theme on about 10+ virtual airlines and just shows lack of uniqueness. If you want people to be interested or want people to fly you have to show some difference between all the other virtual airlines that use this template.
  7. Reiterating what Sher said, in order to run a successful and fun virtual airline you must dedicate time and effort! If you want pilots to dedicate their time flying for you, you must dedicate your time building a great virtual aviation environment for them. Going to leave with a quote: You will never be satisfied with anything less than the highest you can attain
  8. WOW! What an amazing site, love it!
  9. There are some of the well-known developers who would do it outside of these forums. Most of them have experience with custom systems but don't cost a fortune and would probably be able to get this done. I'll try to contact them, but I'll leave this open if anyone from PHPVMS is willing. If not, then off to the MacDev forums, etc.
  10. There are a few Mac developers out in the community, I'll ask them and see what comes up. Some of them really are just fine with that, and have even worked on various projects for virtual airlines with only a $70 price. It varies from person to person. I will just wait and see who comes along, but please let them come here. I'm patient and can wait for someone who can do it to reply
  11. For an ACARS programmer; it'd actually be a on par if not easier I'd think to build it for Mac. XUIPC, module files for my web server (standard), Objective-C coding, Interface Builder with X-Code (extremely simple interface) At most $100.00, it's just the small amount of Mac developers.
  12. For an experience person; it shouldn't be all too huge at all. If they have knowledge in Objective-C (I think) and XUIPC then they should be able to make it using Xcode and some other XUIPC. At the most a hundred would be required.
  13. Bumped it up to $100
  14. Hello wonderful PHPVMS world Calling all talented programmers, this is quite a task but easy for a lot of you! Many of our pilots are getting X-Plane 10 (great simulator, to say the least) and we need a custom ACARS for X-Plane. XACARs is very bland, we'd be willing to pay eh the price of custom KACARs or SmartCARs. $60-$100 range sounds fair. The ACARS would run as a Mac application on the OS X 10.7+ environment and layout be customized to our liking. It would be great to have a pilot chat, or some type of flight announcements, bid system like KACARs/SmartCARs, intelligent logging w/ flight phases, and you know our colors and logo. A modern look would also be essential, it would have most of the features of our current smartCARs. It'd be a separate application. It'd be pretty cool, and simple to use and for Mac. If any of you could do this that'd be great. Also I have X-Plane 10 and Mac OS X 10.8.2 so I'd be willing to test it.
  15. Less than a year after launching, AALv (AALv.net) has hit it's 5000th flight hour. Thanks for the positive support, and we couldn't have doe this without such a helpful and passionate forum. Our next goal is hitting our 2000th PIREP, wish us luck on our endeavors. Have a wonderful Holidays everyone! Regards, Chase Reid
  16. Hello Maciej, More like of what Zach posted, split into various tabs, including more information as stated above! Zach, Fantastic idea, although I'm quite the noob compared the rest when it comes to PHP I can maybe give punctual ideas Thanks for the replies guys
  17. Forgot to add, gate information would be randomized (plausible range please), in addition a small route planner page where you can visualized your waypoints, view their coordinates, and name on a map (similar to below) In addition, what about weight planner and loadsheet and a checklist also? Thanks
  18. Hello there Looking for experienced programmer with experience who would be able to code and integrate a fully functioning dispatch center into the American Virtual (aalv.net) flow! In the dispatch center for the persons flight which they would be able to access fairly easily they would be able to plan and get the following information: Cost Index, Flight Time, Required Fuel, NOTAMS, NAT tracks if crossing the pond (updated daily), Gate Information, printable or viewable OFP (PDF format), up-to-date WX information. It would have tabs to switch between the various sections of information for example Flight Information | Flight Planning | OFP | Weather & NOTAMS With each of these things being categorized in the respective tab. I would like to be quoted on this from somebody. Thank you!
  19. I have a iOS Developer Account from 2011 and never did anything with it, might brush up on the good 'ol Objective-C and take an app into my own hands soon...
  20. I would be interested in this code as well.
  21. Very nice website!! Finally a WestJet, looks awesome
  22. True, the others ones seem to: - Lack activity - Lack creativity - Lack innovative ideas - Lack a work a system Liam, it's your time - make it happen my friend and the result could be epic! Go for it
  23. Definitely! I bought it and i love it
  24. I agree with Ariel 100% I run http://aalv.net/ and we are 'just another American' but what sets us apart is we are unique and different. Be unique and different, good luck with your VA
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