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Everything posted by SkiesTheLimit

  1. Congratulations, and safe flights for many more years to come!
  2. American Airlines Virtual has hit our 5 month of operations, and over 1,000 hours from each of our 25 active pilots. Check out our new promo here: Our new TeamSpeak server is up, connect with us socially right now. Server address: aalv.ts3dns.com Password: no password If you are apart of another airline, to help identify make your nickname: CALLSIGN NAME For example: SWA0001 My Name. Enjoy, and wish us luck in coming months!
  3. Nice site, aspiring virtual airline! Good luck
  4. I called AirTran cosigning, Joeri. I thank Hollinst for his info.
  5. Definitely, I totally agree. Thanks Great advice
  6. Well, thank you for your words will take them into consideration. Just a message to others, just because someone with knowledge says something could doesn't mean you have to back them up or cosign. Like AirTran, no need to cosign. We get the point there, anything beyond the point of multiple cosign I consider bashing.
  7. I would, but it is hard as I'm the only one who has put out money for the virtual airline. I've put out 44 dollars so far, and I feel like the rest of the executive team doesn't do much. I will look around
  8. Hm, could you provide more information - we are eager to get back in the skies. This with the combined problems with hosting (free hosting has to many limitations - you get what you pay for) I'm switching to paid hosting soon.
  9. No, Joeri. The reason we've been switching is because some hosts don't allow fsockopen() which makes me switch to another host and I will be on 000 (switching tonight) because ServersFree is slow. NO this has nothing to do with credibility - this has to do with hosting (other than that everything is great.
  10. I'm on ServersFree, but switching to 000webhost. With 000webhost the load times were 5 seconds. I'm currently building up some money to buy hosting.
  11. I searched, tried everything no avail. Here is my layout.tpl: http://pastebin.com/gMxLTV4h My site: http://aalv.net/ Can anyone help, when I and a bunch of others try to bid we get the "No Routes Passed" error. Been trying for 3 hours, and nothing
  12. After a month, it is my great pleasure to introduce the new American Airlines Virtual. Reimagined, redesigned, rebranded, relaunch. With a new high-tech fully functioning website, a beautiful design, laid back and relaxed hours and easier navigation flying has never been better. It's been a great 4 months of operations, and this is the next big step in becoming one of the greatest. We will take you places you've never been, we will return the passion and love of flight, and we will succeed and give you your wings. We aren't just an airline anymore, we are a team, we are a family, we are American Airlines Virtual... Reborn! Introducing the new site: Some things are still in development but here are the basics, we are moving servers so please do not mind the slowness http://aalv.net/ So what are you waiting for join us...
  13. Go to GEFS Airlines group and contact Le AlphaDelta he is free, skilled, and overall one of the best out there.
  14. Hello all, Can someone please kindly assist in teaching how to use Google Maps instead of GCMap for the recent arrivals (latest flights map) on the frontpagemain.tpl? I know they use different API's and all, and just want to know how. Thanks, Chase
  15. I've switched hosts! I haven't been in contact with my host/developer in quite sometime now and we've been at this state for 3 weeks. We are going to use the template he made now, and finish it (only pages, and some pilot center styling) which is quite easy. Expect us up.. well sooner than expected! Thanks for sticking with us!
  16. I'm not sure where Jamie is. He could've let me know at least what's going on. I will finish the template I guess, we should be back in 1 to 2 days.
  17. :/ I should've kept we're I was! Our host is screwing us over, he hasn't been on for a number of days, nothing is working. That's it.
  18. We will open up our old site until our host/designer can get back in touch with us. We will return to operations temporarily until I can get back in touch with him.
  19. OK, the official reason name.com will not provide us registrar services are because they believed that we were hosting a phishing login for the other AAvirtuals (not sure if it was .com or .net) and that they got complaints (weird). Anyway, I made backups and contacted our host and web designer and we should be back up and running new site, new ACARs, new domain, etc by this week. When everything is up, our new domain is: http://aalv.net (It will return a blank page until the nameservers have updated/propogated and our host accepts our pending request)
  20. Apparently we are phishing site for the real AA
  21. We are transferring our domain to GoDaddy
  22. A website would be nice...
  23. Our site is currently being redesigned by our amazing web designer. It should be done by the end of the week (or early next week). To my eyes it's amazing, a big step, and sets the tone for a virtual airline for the ages. Here is a preview:
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