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Everything posted by SkiesTheLimit

  1. Should all Javascript includes be in the code before the CSS includes?
  2. *UPDATE* I had two JQuery includes, when I delete the new (1.9.2) include the site fails to display the frontpage effects but when i include (1.9.2) and (1.42) no route passed when i include just (1.9.2) no route passed. anyone?
  3. Hello all, I've read numerous post of No Route Passed and instead of hijacking one I come here to make my post. Now, the no route past is because of a skin I'm working on at the moment - the reason it is doing such I believe is because of a JS error. I'm not quite the JS wiz, but I believe it is the TypeError in my function.js I will post my function.js and screenshot of error and maybe someone can assist me in fixing and eliminating no route passed error thank you below is the screenshot and code and below is code for function.js where problem is occuring: scrolling = false; scaleSpacing = scale+spacing; $page.current = ""; $page.layout = "full"; $page.smallWidth = -1; $group.count = $group.titles.length; $group.current = -1; $arrows.rightArray = []; mostRight = 0; mostDown = 0; tileContainer = ""; zoomScale = 1; $hashed.parts = []; $hashed.get = []; $hashed.doRefresh = true; submenu = []; $group.spacing = $group.spacingFull.slice(); // clone arrays /*Replace spaces by hyphens. ( - ) for TEXT to URL*/ String.prototype.stripSpaces = function(){ return this.replace(/\s/g,"-")} /*Replace hyphens by spaces, for URL to TEXT */ String.prototype.addSpaces = function(){ return this.replace(/-/g," ")} /*Case insensitive array search and returns the index of that search in the array */ inArrayNCindex = function(val,array){var i=array.length;val=chars(val.toLowerCase());while (i--){if(chars(array[i].toLowerCase())==val){return i;}}return -1;} inArrayNCkey = function(val,array){val=chars(val.toLowerCase());for(var key in array){if(chars(array[key].toLowerCase())==val){return key;}}return -1;} /* Returns the case sensitive index after a case insensitive index search */ strRepeat = function(cnt,char){var a = [],x = cnt + 1;while (x--) { a[x] = '';}return a.join(char);} /*PHP strtr equivalent*/ chars = function(r){ r = r.replace(new RegExp("[à áâãäåæ]", 'g'),"a"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("ç", 'g'),"c"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[èéêë]", 'g'),"e"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ìíîï]", 'g'),"i"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("ñ", 'g'),"n"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[òóôõöðø]", 'g'),"o"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("œ", 'g'),"oe"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ùúûü]", 'g'),"u"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ýÿ]", 'g'),"y"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("š", 'g'),"s"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("ž", 'g'),"z"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("[Þ]", 'g'),"b"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("ß", 'g'),"ss"); r = r.replace(new RegExp("ƒ", 'g'),"f"); return r; }; /* Init the tile-pages move functions */ $.extend($group, { goTo: function(n){ if($page.current != "home"){ window.location.hash = "&"+$group.titles[n].toLowerCase().stripSpaces(); $show.prepareTiles(); } $tileContainer = $("#tileContainer"); scrolling = true; if(n<0){n=0}; $group.current = n; $tileContainer.children(".navArrows").hide(); if($page.layout=="column" || $group.direction == "vertical") { $("html, body").animate({"scrollTop":$("#groupTitle"+n).offset().top},scrollSpeed,function(){ document.title = siteTitle+" | "+$group.titles[$group.current]; 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var t; if(s>0){t = "-=40"}else{t="+=40";} $('#tileContainer').animate({'margin-left': t}, 150).animate({'margin-left': 0}, 150,function(){ scrolling = false }); } } }); /*Calculates the margin left for tiles/scrolling */ getMarginLeft=function(l){ var s=0; for(i=0;i<l;i++){ if($group.spacing.length>i){ // if in array (to prevent errors); s+=$group.spacing[i]; }else{ s+=$group.spacing[$group.spacing.length-1]; // add last defined groupSpacing } } return s*scaleSpacing; } /* Place the arrows on the right place*/ $.extend($arrows,{ place:function(speed){ if($group.direction=="horizontal"){ if($page.layout == "full"){ $("#tileContainer").children(".navArrows").hide(); if($group.current!=0){ $("#arrowLeft").css('margin-left',getMarginLeft($group.current)-40).fadeTo(speed,0.5); } if($group.current!=($group.count-1)){ $("#arrowRight").css('margin-left',$arrows.rightArray[$group.current]+12).fadeTo(speed,0.5); } }else if($page.layout == "small"){ $("#tileContainer").children(".navArrows").hide(); 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}); $events.transformLinks(); } /*Fired when clicked on any link*/ $(document).on("click","a",function(){ if(this.href==window.location.href){ // if we're already on the page the user wants to go $(window).hashchange(); // just refresh page }; }); Thank you in advance. Chase
  4. Like Tory said, you have stolen: • Content • Images • Links From Virtual United Airlines, then on top of it you claim it to be your own. Word of advice coming from someone who made the same mistake many months ago. Be original, and be unique - it gets you way farther that way. Don't be a copy, become something new in this community. Take down the images and really commit to creating this virtual airline. It takes time, effort, and money. I would do it in a timely fashion before that United finds out and decides to take action with you.
  5. Does this raise any suspicions for anyone? On VACentral.net, frontpage. 3,000 PIREPs - screenshot taken 2:03 AM EST. Could it be an old virtual airline who has signed up to VACentral, then imported the phpvms_pireps table with over 3,000 PIREPs or is it a fake attempt. Anyway, this problem should be taken more seriously.
  6. 350.00 for a startup.. I would progress over time - just my opinion though.
  7. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. One question Dalvin, Why are you offering to pay an unnecessary amount of 350.00 you can get amazing designs at 100, custom ACARs cost between 40-70 and TeamSpeak you can basically do yourself...
  9. Hey, yes the Etihad site is now out. You can see most of our sites on our facebook page here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sky-Design/520012968057373
  10. Caribbean Airlines Virtual and American Airlines Virtual invite all of the virtual airlines for our partnership event. Both airlines have been working hard for the day were are two airlines woud partner! All of our pilots are hyped and this is big for both of the airlines to access new regions and get their pilots excited for this new codeshare! The event is May 30th, at 2000z - we extend invites to all virtual airlines in this community to attend and bring your strong numbers to VATSIM! Event will be on VATSIM E-2 and we are expecting ATC from VATCAR Piarco division and the Dallas (Fort-Worth) ARTCC. Come celebrate the new dawn of this new partnership with this awesome, fun event. Here is the flier:
  11. did you fix the jit debugging fsuipc error?
  12. I can do skins for you, I have some nice under my belt. My skins are 10.00 here are some screenshots. http://frontierva.zxq.net and here is a screenshot of another one I'm working on: Check our Facebook page for more testimonials from our clients or to stay updated on our work. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sky-Design/520012968057373
  13. I've done Etihad, Frontier, TFVA. Is there a problem with my price?
  14. I'd be willing to do a skin for about $10.00, PM me.
  15. Finally, we can have a free custom ACARs for all, wonderful man!
  16. So cool! OMG, I look forward to using this thanks for the efforts!!!!
  17. Hello All! AAVirtual is currently looking for some reliable and talented people to come join our team for an awesome virtual airline experience. Currently, we have two positions open and we need you to fill them! Position: Events Manager Experience: Over 50 hours in our virtual airline Requirements: Must retain good connections and relations with the various VATSIM ARTCC's and must have over 100+ hours flying on VATSIM Position: Training Manager Experience: VATSIM P1 or higher Real world aviation experience Familiar with phpVMS system (bidding, PIREP, ACARs etc) 300+ hours on VATSIM You think you have what it takes to fill these requirements and become the core of this growing airline? Apply here - we are waiting for you!
  18. Come join AAvirtual, the new growing virtual airline in it's first community fly-in since opening date. We will be flying on the VATSIM/VATUSA network from New York to Philadelphia. New York is one of AAvirtual's most prized and successful hubs, in addition to our new Philadelphia hub which is the basis for all of our new US Airways integrated operations. Come kick of the summer season with all of us at AAvirtual - we're bound to show you a good time Join us on our TeamSpeak, Saturday: social.aalv.net (No password) to stay up to date and communicate with everyone participating. This will be Saturday, and we hope to have KMIA and KPHL ARTCCs online ready for full air-traffic assistance. What are you waiting for? Join in the fun today and lets take the Summer of 2013 by force.
  19. Amazing! Thee best virtual airline alliance out there
  20. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sky-Design/520012968057373
  21. Very harsh You guys don't represent this community and welcome many people - it turns them away!
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