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Everything posted by dimitris

  1. Hello every one ! I got a serious problem today with the codon.config.php file. Here is the error: Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/index.php:1) in /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/core/codon.config.php on line 40 and at the codon file the line 40 is: session_start(); I really need help please!
  2. maybe you can try to search the .tpl file of the registration and see what happen
  3. try to move the kclt_hub.tpl file to the core->templates and also try to remove the line: <link href="table.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> from the .tpl
  4. hi ! Can you attach your files to check please ?
  5. i have create a folder in core->modules and i name it eddfhub inside this folder i make a .php file names eddfhub.php inside the file i have this code: <?php class eddfhub extends CodonModule { public function index() { Template::Show('eddf_hub.tpl'); } } ?> and i have one .tpl file in my skin folder named eddfhub.tpl and inside this file i have the following code: <h3>Rhein-Main-Flughafen Frankfurt am Main (EDDF)</h3> <link href="table.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilotsByHub('EDDF'); ?> <table width="800" border="0"> <tr> <td style="vertical-align:top" width="350"><table width="350" border="0"> <tr> <th class="tableOdd">Pilot</th> <th class="tableOdd">Country</th> <th class="tableOdd">Rank</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($pilots as $pilot) { ?> <tr> <th align="left"><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); ?> | <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?></th> <th><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location); ?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location); ?>" /></th> <th><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage ?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank; ?>" /></th> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> <td width="41"> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top" width="395">Frankfurt am Main Airport (IATA: FRA, ICAO: EDDF), known in German as Flughafen Frankfurt am Main or Rhein-Main-Flughafen is a major international airport located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 12 km (7.5 mi) southwest of the city centre.Run by Fraport, it is by far the busiest airport by passenger traffic in Germany, the third busiest in Europe and the ninth busiest worldwide in 2009. It serves the most international destinations in the world and is the busiest airport in Europe by cargo traffic. The southern side of the airport, Rhein-Main Air Base, was a major airlift base for the United States from 1947 until late 2005, when it was acquired by Fraport.The airport is directly located in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main region, Germany's second largest metropolitan region, which itself has a central location in the densely populated region of the west-central European megalopolis. Thereby, along with a strong rail and motorway connection, the airport serves as a major transportation hub to the greater region, less than two hours by ground to Cologne, the Ruhr Area, and Stuttgart.There are plans to expand Frankfurt Airport with a fourth runway and a new Terminal 3. First modifications to the airport to make it Airbus A380 compatible are completed, including the first building of a large A380 maintenance facility near the former U.S. Air Base. The work on the fourth runway has been delayed several times due to environmental concerns, but received zoning approval in December 2007. The runway should go into operation in 2011. <table width= "590" border="0"> <tr> <td><h3>Hub Manager:</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p>GRW013 | Dimitris Spritos <img src="http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/lib/images/countries/gr.png" width="16" height="11" /></p></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><table width= "590" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><h3>Hub Gates:</h3></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><strong>V126,V128,V130</strong></p></td> <td><a href="http://greeceairwaysva.com/downloads/eddfhub.jpeg">Map</a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> All the above for the EDDF Frankfurt Am Main airport. You can edit and play with the code until you find the best for you
  6. yes www.greeceairwaysva.com is my va i got it working. On pilot list i have listed all the pilots to my va but i have make some pages like: http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/index.php/lgtshub http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/index.php/lgavhub http://www.greeceairwaysva.com/fss/index.php/eddfhub listing only the pilots per hub and some general info for the hubs if you need any help reply here
  7. You are the BEST !!!! Thank you so much !!!! working also if i want to show the pireps i can use this code ? <?php $pireps = PirepData::getAllPirepsByHub('LGTS'); ?> ?
  8. hello ! thank you simpilot i try it but no results me code is : <h3>Thessaloniki Airport (LGTS)</h3> <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilotsByHub('LGTS'); ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter" width="800" border="0"> <tr> <th>Pilot</th> <th>Country</th> <th>Rank</th> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo ($pilots->code, $pilots->pilotid); ?></td> <td><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /></td> <td><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td> </tr> </table> but without any success... can you help me ?
  9. Hello ! I want to display a table with the pilots forom every hub. For example i have a HUB the EDDF and i want to display only those pilots. Have someone a code for this ?
  10. hi Tom ! Thank you for your fast reply! I fix it by changing the: .nav ul a { border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom: 0; padding-right: 20px; width: 150px; white-space: nowrap; } to: .nav ul a { border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom: 1; padding-right: 20px; width: 150px; white-space: nowrap; } it was so simple! Thank you again because you make me to check it again
  11. Hello all coding guru and not only ! Recently i had finish my skinning work for my virtual airline based on phpvms and now I ask your kindly to say me you opinion about it. A link can be found here: http://greeceairwaysva.com/fss/ Also be careful it works completely under Firefox, Safari, Opera etc. except Internet Explorer (due to the drop down menus). If you check my drop-down menus you will notice that at the last menu of every sub menu item there is no the border gray line the css is the following: .dropdown li a { background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border:1 none; color:#777777; display:block; height:25px; line-height:25px; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 3px; text-decoration:none; } Hope you like it and you can help me with the border
  12. Good Day everyone ! I have create a small piece of code to use at your pilots_list.tpl to add an icon (Active/Inactive) to the pilot list.(taking data from the pilots active/inactive in admin panel) Demo here: Demo Pilot List The steps you need to follow are: 1. Add this code to add a column at the table: <th>Status</th> 2. Add this code under the column to create a row with the code you need:(replace the "yourskin" with your skin folder name) <td><?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskin/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Retired';} else {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/yourskin/images/yes.png" alt="warning" /> - Active';} ?></td> 3. Download the images (.png foramt) attached to this post and upload to your images folder inside your skin. For any questions or problem tell me to know status.zip
  13. thank you all ! now working on a system with admin panel so no need to mess with files it is an early version but is going well
  14. as always thank you ! working fine !
  15. i use the 1st code but Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Couldn't resolve host name in /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/lib/skins/crystalogre/frontpage_main.tpl on line 112 Warning: file_get_contents(http://forum.yourwebsite.com/index.php?type=rss;action=.xml) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: operation failed in /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/lib/skins/crystalogre/frontpage_main.tpl on line 112 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/lib/skins/crystalogre/frontpage_main.tpl on line 117 the 2nd code Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/greeceai/public_html/fss/lib/skins/crystalogre/frontpage_main.tpl on line 123 the line 123 is : foreach($feed['item'] as $item)
  16. Thank you lorathon !!! you save us ! servetas is my VCEO and his knowledge about web develop and phpmyadmin isn't good... It is ok now and working fine ! Thanks once again :rolleyes: p.s im the web manager
  17. can you explain much more please i can't understand
  18. Thank you but have you got a code to do this ? I m trying a lot but without results
  19. someone ? :rolleyes:
  20. Hello ! I have add one drop down custom field to registration form and i like to display this selection on pilot list.The selection is between IVAO and VATSIM... so i like to have one more field to pilot list with those data (IVAO/VATSIM) and under this to be the pilots selection.What code i have to use to do it ?
  21. Exactly that !
  22. not to reduce hours. for example Expl Test 1 hour 100. If the pilot have less than 100 hours he can't proceed to exam. if pilot got 100 hours ++ he can continue. not to reduce
  23. Is possible to make the exam center require hours instead of pay ?
  24. already to it but nothing.... No all fine ! p.s.Is out there something to get data from fspassenger ? and display in a live board or on a map ?
  25. yes the site accept the pirep normally.
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