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Everything posted by dimitris
Hello! Just installed It looks very nice but I m getting this error on every page... except the Fleet List Warning: Division by zero in /home/xxxx/public_html/fss/admin/templates/ops_buysellaircraft.tpl on line 14 Warning: Division by zero in /home/xxxx/public_html/fss/admin/templates/ops_buysellaircraft.tpl on line 20 Warning: Division by zero in /home/xxxx/public_html/fss/admin/templates/ops_buysellaircraft.tpl on line 25
Why you are not using one contact form but with a dropdown from which the sender have to choose the subject of his mail ? and also according to the subject you can use if...else statements to send the email to different receivers
Thank you so much for your help Unfortunately there is no reset finances button at my maintenance page also the delete function works with databases so it is not possible to implement it here because my database finances tables are empty :/ Thanks again,
Yea :/ I recognized that some months before on my first attempt to edit the finances and the only thing I could do was to change values on pireps (fuelunitcost, fuelprice, revenue etc) and airport table fuel prices, but I m looking for something like a way to do it all in one...
Hello All! I would like to know how I can reset the Finances back to 0. Although I know have 41millions but we are starting from scratch for a better simulation of finances and also we finally decided to leave FSAirlines... Just FYI the table phpvms_financedata is empty. How the finances are calculated and where are saved ? Thanks in advance, Dimitris
Everything is working as it should here! Thanks for this Just to inform you, the .sql file is creating the table at this format: phpvms_pilotlogins and at your class your calling it with the TABLE_PREFIX so it will not work if someone is using a prefix (like me I corrected it for mine)
I didn't wanted to curse and I apologies for that. But I was angry because it wasn't working (self coded).
Yea that is what I also think... For the beta version I f*****g need the function for the pilot status: (Banned,On leav etc)
Hello! I would like to update phpvms to latest Rev v2.1.934-158-g60320ae but I have edit my site like hell and not only the public side but also the admin side. Not only the tpls but also a huge amount of classes/modules and the databse tables. I believe that updating will screw up every single file which will result to a boring process of restoring backup. What do you think? Will it work or it will screw up ? Thanks!
any news about v3 :
I type it wrong sorry... Place the lines under the public function index() { $this->set('allgroups', PilotGroups::getAllGroups()); $this->render('mailer_form.tpl'); } and above the public function sendmail() { echo '<h3>Sending email</h3>'; if($this->post->subject == '' || trim($this->post->message) == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must enter a subject and message!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } So it will look like this: http://pastebin.com/B4XRWg6y
Email individual pilot. Current version: v1 Tested on: 2.1.93 Email individual pilot is a module that allow you to send a mail a a certain pilot to his email address from inside the phpVMS admin panel. Installation: 1. Upload mailer_mailpilot_form.tpl to your /admin/templates folder on ftp. 2. Insert the following lines at your MassMailer.php file located at /modules/MassMailer on your ftp. #------------Individual Pilot Mailing------------------------------------------------------------ #Copyrights dimitris phpvms forum public function mail_pilot() { $this->render('mailer_mailpilot_form.tpl'); } public function sendmail_pilot(){ echo '<h3>Sending email...</h3>'; if($this->post->subject == '' || trim($this->post->message) == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must enter a subject and message!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $subject = DB::escape($this->post->subject); $emailp = DB::escape($this->post->email_pilot); $message = stripslashes($this->post->message). PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $message = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $message); Util::SendEmail($emailp, $subject, $message); echo 'Completed! Email sent.'; LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Sent a private mail'); return; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Save and close MassMailer.php and upload to your site. 4. Navigate to " www.yoursite.com/admin/index.php/massmailer/mail_pilot " and test it. Note: This is my first admin side module. For any problems please report. Thanks! mailer_mailpilot_form.zip
Hi! I also own a copy for Greece Airways Virtual and I have the exact same problem with the rejected legs... It is not happening all the time but it happens from time to time. Also what is the command to set a cron job to rebuild the tour process? It is not updating as it should...
Thanks Dave! Working fine now. Re-packed and uploaded. (external url due to file size limit) Download Here!
Hi Dave! Yes you are right about the safety but the cURL is not working :/ at least my localhost and the line extension=php_curl.dll is uncommented at my php.ini The above result to: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in X:\AppServ\www\vmsdev\core\modules\liveflights\liveflights.php on line 70
You should change the: allow_url_fopen=0 to: allow_url_fopen=1 In your server's php.ini
Yes Check at servetas 's post or this link: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5620-live-flights-board-for-ivao-released/
Hi Tom! Until the release could you post hare a code so we can use to get the last post per forum ? I mean as you have topics/posts on forum_index.tpl to have a column for Last Post Like: +=====Latest Post=====+ | By pilotname at Date | | topic name | +===================+
could someone post the code for this one please ? Regards,
Open liveflights.php look around at line 9 you will see: //randomize servers below are some servers, just comment the server "de1" (line 13) and you are done an other (and a bit harder) way is to put some if...else statements to see if there is an error... Also you get this: [b]Warning[/b]: file() [[url="http://malaysiava.org/index.php/function.file"]function.file[/url]]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [b]/home/globalai/public_html/malaysiava.org/core/modules/liveflights/liveflights.php[/b] on line [b]18[/b] Is file access enabled to your server ? Regards,
yes you have to wait for 5 seconds and then you will be prompted to the website with photos. (Live website will be available soon)
Where does it says that I m not allowed to put an ad before a link and then use the forums linking way ? Or is there a restriction that prevent me from doing that and informing me about the "mistake" I did ? I know soon or later someone will lock this topic and take my posting rights again but okay I know how it works...
Wait! I m not allowed to make money from a module ? According to this topic I m allowed http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2479-licensing/
A module to view the on line traffic on IVAO/VATSIM networks. One at a time you can't see both at one table. Currently data access only from IVAO, in case you use it for VATSIM without approval you should explain them why you did it and face the consequences. Developed and tested on: phpVMS v2.1.934-153-g822a0b9 Please read readme.txt for instructions. See post #17 for updated version. Thanks!