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  1. Hey, there is no mention in the instructions that it need to go /core/modules. this is the instructions : The smartCARS 3 phpVMS 5 API uses "handlers", which represent the platforms it is communicating with. We support phpVMS 5 in this repository, but custom handlers can be written for other platforms. For phpVMS 7 support, please go to the phpVMS 7 repository instead. Step 1 Download the latest release from the releases page. Step 2 Extract the contents of the release zip file to an empty folder which is in the same directory as your installation (a core folder should exist in this directory). Step 3 (nginx only) (im not using) If you are using nginx as your webserver, you will need to serve the smartCARS API as a seperate location. An example configuration is below: location /smartcars/api { try_files $uri $uri/ /smartcars/api.php?$query_string; } You will need to modify this configuration to fit your needs and to point to the correct location. Step 4 Verify that the installation was successful by visiting the handler file in your browser. You should see a JSON response with the version number of the API and the name of your handler. Assuming you have placed phpVMS 5 in your public_html folder and your API folder is called smartcars: http://yourdomain.com/smartcars/api/phpvms5/ This URL will be the "Script URL" option in smartCARS 3 Central when managing your community.
  2. hello, im follow the instactions on smartcars , and open a lot of tickets but they cant help me. i was install the smartcars on this folder : and there is the error i get from smartcars website :
  3. where i can find the discord of phpvms?
  4. THE 7.0.0-beta.4
  5. hey after i open the subdomain and i insert all the files and folder needs by the book, i get error: "This page isnt working" xxx is currently unable to handle this request. http error 500
  6. hello, im stuck in the installation of phpvms version 7 please someone can help me install this. i will give him symbolic payment for the helping. please pm me.
  7. i would like to know where i can find the $page_content file? i want to add some php code to all the website, but in the layout its not work correctly.
  8. hello guys, i want to do a also connection to pdo in the php and i will like to know where is the best place in the code that it will affected of all the modules.
  9. Please help me
  10. Hey you have some ideas to solve this issue?
  11. Yeah i have toppilot module, i was tried to do something and still the problem wasnt solved, I change the name of the phpvms_pireps query to phpvms_archive_pireps . and create phpvms_pireps new one with same parameters but still the pireps is send to the system but with error.
  12. this is what the hosting supporter send to me : "On the shared hosting environment there isn't a way to tweak the my.cnf file only for a specific user. This could be done if you have a VPS or a dedicate server where you are not sharing resources with other users but you have them allocated only to you. Could you provide me with a bit more information about the query that you are having and what those people advised you? "
  13. From what I have checked I cannot install it on my hosting company does not approve
  14. Where I can find this file i search all over the cpanel and the ftp and i didnt found it.
  15. Hey mark, Actually i have 33000 pireps, Dont really understand you can you explain yourself a little bit more? Like how i can increase database memory
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