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    Jakarta - Indonesia
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  1. Well, I dont want to be rude, but I suggest you to start be a honest person within the community will help you get help and friends. Good luck. Regards,
  2. Good, and the portfolio of your 2 years experience? Regards,
  3. Portfolio? "Steal"? Regards,
  4. Just what we need, Count me in! Regards,
  5. Quidquid agis, prudenter agas, et respice finem! - "Whatever you do, may you do it prudently, and look to the end!†Timmer, M. Van Anima tot Zeus / druk 1, Lemniscaat.

  6. Hello, I don't want to be rude, but I have to say, asking for donation without any proof on the project (i.e no website yet), its make no sense for me. Good luck anyway. Regards,
  7. Impressive work Manuel, Looking forward to use one of this module to my VA real soon! Regards,
  8. Im using GoDaddy.com for 3 of my VA, very good services so far, no downtime (as far as I know) and ofcourse 24'7 support. Operating System: CentOS 6 RAM: 1 GB Total Disk Space: 40 GB Bandwidth Quota: 1000 GB Regards,
  9. There is no official document published from their side, but I guess the suspend problem was due server issue. Regards,
  10. It's always sad to see these stupid people doing thing like this, specially they are from Indonesia. One of my VA also has been compromised and I decide do temporary disable it while our WM checking the possible solution as discuss. Regards,
  11. Looking good Jacob! Regards,
  12. Actually, Jordan made a good point there, A portfolio in order to demonstrate that you have the appropriate creative design is required if you are offered a work. How we supposed to know what level of creation we are expecting from you with 10-20$? Regards,
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