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  1. Yeah i just took the oceanblue v2 skin and changed the coloring...maybe added a few other easy lines of code from basic php knowledge....but who knows....maybe google might help me stumble across some fixes as well. Not knowing a whole lot about php really makes me want to dive deeper into it just to resolve these issues. Just gotta find the time to learn php then explore phpvms a little more as well.
  2. <td><font color="053077"><?php echo count(ACARSData::GetACARSData());?></td></font>
  3. That line of code didn't start til 194. I changed it but it doesn't look like anything changed.
  4. yeah i just lowered it to 7.2 and the deprecated is gone. I have very little knowledge into php so ill just play around with it until i get it or someone throws up a 7.3 version of the modules and skin. Who knows we might get lucky and figure it out lol. I cant tell you how happy i am that you worked with me on this solution!!!
  5. Yeah its good to see it is running on the new admin site. The new admin site is on 7.3 and the main site is on 5.6. It shows i have the option to downgrade the 7.3 to as low as 7.0 tho if i choose. Should i drop it down to something lower?
  6. Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /home2/ravnalas/public_html/Crew/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 45 Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /home2/ravnalas/public_html/Crew/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 46 Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /home2/ravnalas/public_html/Crew/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_base.class.php on line 47 Thees error message appear at the top of the page...can you help with a fix? I am not that experienced with php coding. **ALSO I did as you stated and the admin panel loaded on the new database. So i set it to use the live database...and it WORKS!!!!. The site updated after I approved the pireps and the live site looks to be working. So i think after the above errors get resolved....we have a method of at least getting into the admin panel operations through this method. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! So am I right in assuming that this is then an issue with the overall server being on 7.3 and my site being on 5.6 is causing compatibility issues with admin center files??? It would be nice to find a long term solution for this since the new admin site (crew.ravnalaskavirtual.com) is pretty dull without compatible skinning.
  7. i know its crazy. Not sure what could be causing this. it worked fine 2 months ago and now it wont play nice with us. I might have to find a new skin and start fresh....should i be looking into upgrading to the phpvms7.0 version or stick with my 5.5.2? Aside from that my site is a dud right now as i cant get into the admin panel...
  8. thanks for catching that wit the password....missed that. also I changed the files with the ones from the original files....still no change. Permission number is 536870911 Justhost wont let me downgrade the domains below 7.0...somehow my fly.ravnalaska domain is remaining at 5.6
  9. it shows server is on 7.3 but my fly.ravnalaskavirtual.com is 5.6. I attached the config file so you can see the settings and yes we use the cpanel with justhost.
  10. Justhost has me on 7.3 despite my complaining. I dont see any way of downgrading back to where we were. Our site is: fly.ravnalaskavirtual.com The mobile version is pretty useless so you may want to make sure you view it through a PC browser. Edit: Just host assistant allowed me to bump back down to 5.6 but still having issues...
  11. I thought about doing that...I will see if I can find the default files for 5.5.2 and give that a whirl. Thanks for the advice. I'll let you know how it goes.
  12. When I logout and log back in, there is no change. I even used another admin account and no luck. It is phpvms 5 5.2 running on php 7.3 server. I know they updated about 2 months ago if that makes any difference.
  13. I am running Chrome and I have cleaned up my browsers on all computer....still not working. Still says "An error was encountered. Please login first." Now none of the admins can access the admin center. I double checked the sql database and all the admins are in the administrator group. I tried adding them to the hub manager group, which also has access to the admin center....still no joy. I have tons of pireps stacking up and no way to get to them for approvals. We are running phpvms 5.5.2. Any help at all is great. I'm running against a brick wall.
  14. Anyone have suggestions for a fix?
  15. I also just logged into another pilot's account after bumping them up to admin status for testing (done through sql) and all the admin links popped up that a normal admin would see....but go figure they cannot log in either...same error message I get. Attached a pic of the exact message I get. Any help is great at this point. I have tried 3 different pcs and none will let me back into the acmin center.... error1.zip
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