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Everything posted by eliezerazevedo

  1. Database with 52163 Airports. Fetus file to be used in PHPVMS https://github.com/eliezerazevedo/Airports-PHPVMS
  2. Complete database with all aerodromes and heliports worldwid. https://github.com/eliezerazevedo/Airports-PHPVMS
  3. Solved! Try to use this file. Before you create a backup Directory: /core/common This file is already compatible with the module Auto Accept / Reject Pirep I am using php 5.3 on my server The version of my PHPVMS and phpvms 5.5.x PIREPData.class.zip
  4. An unexpected problem has appeared. Everything was going well, but I noticed that the flights are being approved and the pilots are not receiving payment for the flight. any idea what it is?
  5. I have the same problem
  6. Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly!
  7. Flights are not being approved automatically, do you have any idea what's going on? PirepAcData.class.zip
  8. Could you make the updated module available for version 5.5 of phpvms?
  9. Can you have PIREP move to the status "Under analysis" when the pilot makes a comment? Example: A flight was automatically rejected, after the pilot made the comment, the flight returns to "Em analize" and stays in that status until a member of staff performs a manual analysis.
  10. Managed to solve, it only took delete the line: if(Auth::LoggedIn()) // Make sure they don't over-ride it { $this->render('login_already.tpl'); return; } Thank you so much for services armpits.
  11. Grandes obras, mas eu tenho um outro problema. Por padrão logado usuários não possam fazer o registro, sabe poderia mudar isso?
  12. Hello, In my virtual airline'm using a separate system PHPVMS to the evaluation and admission of new crew. (And a kind of training center) I would like to leave the PHPVMS the registration page restricted to staff. After the pilot is approved in the proof of the training center, a staff makes the registration manually in PHPVMS.
  13. The download link is not working, someone can offer this project to download?
  14. Another doubt, I use this code to count the number of registered pilots. It would be possible to count only active crew? <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?>
  15. It worked, thank you The only thing I had to do and add the line. //To skip a retired pilot, uncomment the next line: if($pilot->retired == 1) { continue; } if($pilot->retired == 2) { continue; }
  16. I would like the list of pilots of my virtual airlines do not show inactive pilots, removed or banned. In my database is as follows . <?php if($userinfo->retired == 0) echo 'Active'; elseif($userinfo->retired == 1) echo 'Inactive'; elseif($userinfo->retired == 2) echo 'Banned'; elseif($userinfo->retired == 3) echo 'On Leave'; ?> My pilots_list.tpl <?php echo $page_htmlhead; ?> <body> <?php Template::Show('core_navigation.tpl'); ?> <!-- /. main-header --> <!-- /. Carousel --> <div class="page-acars text-center"> <div class="container zoomIn animated"> <h1 class="page-title"> TRIPULANTES <span class="title-under"></span></h1> </div> </div> <?php if(!$allpilots) { echo 'There are no pilots!'; return; } ?> <table id="tabledlist" class="table table-style-1"> <thead> <tr> <th>Piloto</th> <th>Nome</th> <th>Rank</th> <th>VATSIM ID</th> <th>IVAO</th> <th>Vôos Realizados</th> <th>Horas</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { /* To include a custom field, use the following example: <td> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> </td> For instance, if you added a field called "IVAO Callsign": echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign'); */ // To skip a retired pilot, uncomment the next line: //if($pilot->retired == 1) { continue; } ?> <tr> <td width="1%" nowrap><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a> </td> <td> <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td> <td><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM'); ?></td> <td><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO'); ?></td> <td><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td> <td><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php Template::Show('footer.tpl'); ?> <!-- main-footer --> <!-- Scripts --> <!-- jQuery --> <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/golv/assets/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script> <!-- Bootsrap javascript file --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/golv/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- owl carouseljavascript file --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/golv/assets/js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <!-- Template main javascript --> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/golv/assets/js/main.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/golv/assets/js/modernizr-2.6.2.min.js"></script> </body>
  17. I do not know if this helps! Please find attached the module version I'm using. http://forum.phpvms....&attach_id=1611
  18. It worked perfectly, thank you very much. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. Place this code in the file core_htmlhead.TPL <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>
  20. The error persists Pilots are not listed.
  21. Web541, does not work the system does not find the crew I believe the problem and be here. <h3>Choose Pilot</h3> <br /> <select name="pilot" onchange="location = this.value;"> <?php foreach($allpilots as $pilot) { $pilotcode = PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); echo '<option value="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/FBSV/viewpilot?pilotid='.$pilot->pilotid.'">'.$pilotcode.' - '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</option>'; } ?> </select>
  22. Thanks a lot for the help. Unfortunately it did not work because the version I use the phpvms and TPL. And so I change the station to funcinar or should I do something else?
  23. My scenario and this: I want to enable a jump seat inside the administrative panel. Example: If one member of the crew go to an airport and for some reason not exitir left flights from its current location, a staff can make the jump seat through the administrative panel. I do not want the crew can do that only staffs, can they move them! This can be free! Yes, I have the Flight Booking System module installed on my site however I do not use. Not want the pilot do the jumpseat, only the staffs menbros teram this permiçao, they can do the jumpseat of any pilot.
  24. Does anyone have any idea how I could include the jump seat in the administrative panel. pilots_details.tpl <form id="dialogform" action="<?php echo adminaction('/pilotadmin/viewpilots');?>" method="post"> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter" style="float: left"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2">Edit Pilot Details</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Avatar</td> <td> <?php $pilotcode = PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilotinfo->code, $pilotinfo->pilotid); if(!file_exists(SITE_ROOT.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png')) { echo 'None selected'; } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL.AVATAR_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png';?>" /> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pilot ID</td> <td><?php echo $pilotcode ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="firstname" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->firstname;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="lastname" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->lastname;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email Address</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->email;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Airline</td> <td> <select name="code"> <?php $allairlines = OperationsData::GetAllAirlines(); foreach($allairlines as $airline) { if($pilotinfo->code == $airline->code) $sel = ' selected'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'" ' .$sel.'>'.$airline->name.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Location</td> <td><select name="location"> <?php foreach($countries as $countryCode=>$countryName) { if($pilotinfo->location == $countryCode) $sel = 'selected="selected"'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$countryCode.'" '.$sel.'>'.$countryName.'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hub</td> <td> <select name="hub"> <?php $allhubs = OperationsData::GetAllHubs(); foreach($allhubs as $hub) { if($pilotinfo->hub == $hub->icao) $sel = ' selected'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$hub->icao.'" '.$sel.'>'.$hub->icao.' - ' . $hub->name .'</option>'; } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Current Rank</td> <td> <?php if(Config::Get('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE') == false) { $allranks = RanksData::GetAllRanks(); echo '<select name="rank">'; foreach($allranks as $rank) { echo "<option value=\"{$rank->rankid}\">{$rank->rank}</option>"; } echo '</select>'; } else { echo $pilotinfo->rank; } ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date Joined</td> <td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($pilotinfo->joindate));?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Login</td> <td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($pilotinfo->lastlogin));?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Flight</td> <td><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($pilotinfo->lastpirep));?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Flights</td> <td><input type="text" name="totalflights" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->totalflights;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Hours</td> <td><?php echo $pilotinfo->totalhours;?> <input type="hidden" name="totalhours" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->totalhours;?>" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Transfer Hours</td> <td><input type="text" name="transferhours" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->transferhours;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Pay</td> <td><input type="text" name="totalpay" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->totalpay;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pilot active?</td> <td><?php if(intval($pilotinfo->retired) == 1) { $retsel='selected'; $activesel = ''; } else { $activesel = 'selected'; $retsel = ''; } ?> <select name="retired"> <option value="0" <?php echo $activesel?>>Active</option> <option value="1" <?php echo $retsel?>>Inactive</option> </select> </td> </tr> <?php if($customfields) { foreach($customfields as $field) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $field->title;?></td> <td> <?php if($field->type == 'dropdown') { echo "<select name=\"{$field->fieldname}\">"; $values = explode(',', $field->fieldvalues); if(is_array($values)) { foreach($values as $val) { $sel = ($field->value === $val) ? 'sel="selected"' : ''; $val = trim($val); echo "<option value=\"{$val}\" {$sel} >{$val}</option>"; } } echo '</select>'; } elseif($field->type == 'textarea') { echo '<textarea name="'.$field->fieldname.'" style="width: 400px; height: 100px" class="customfield_textarea">'.$field->value.'</textarea>'; } else { echo '<input type="text" name="'.$field->fieldname.'" value="'.$field->value.'" />'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input type="hidden" name="pilotid" value="<?php echo $pilotinfo->pilotid;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="saveprofile" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes" /> <div id="results"></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> Operations.php <?php /** * phpVMS - Virtual Airline Administration Software * Copyright (c) 2008 Nabeel Shahzad * For more information, visit www.phpvms.net * Forums: http://www.phpvms.net/forum * Documentation: http://www.phpvms.net/docs * * phpVMS is licenced under the following license: * Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) * View license.txt in the root, or visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * @author Nabeel Shahzad * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Nabeel Shahzad * @link http://www.phpvms.net * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * @package module_admin_operations */ class Operations extends CodonModule { public function HTMLHead() { switch($this->controller->function) { case 'airlines': $this->set('sidebar', 'sidebar_airlines.tpl'); break; case 'addaircraft': case 'aircraft': $this->set('sidebar', 'sidebar_aircraft.tpl'); break; case 'airports': $this->set('sidebar', 'sidebar_airports.tpl'); break; case '': case 'addschedule': case 'activeschedules': case 'inactiveschedules': case 'schedules': $this->set('sidebar', 'sidebar_schedules.tpl'); break; case 'editschedule': $this->set('sidebar', 'sidebar_editschedule.tpl'); break; } } public function index() { $this->schedules(); } public function viewmap() { if($this->get->type === 'pirep') { $data = PIREPData::getReportDetails($this->get->id); } elseif($this->get->type === 'schedule') { $data = SchedulesData::getScheduleDetailed($this->get->id); } elseif($this->get->type === 'preview') { $data = new stdClass(); $depicao = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($this->get->depicao); $arricao = OperationsData::getAirportInfo($this->get->arricao); $data->deplat = $depicao->lat; $data->deplng = $depicao->lng; $data->depname = $depicao->name; $data->arrlat = $arricao->lat; $data->arrlng = $arricao->lng; $data->arrname = $arricao->name; $data->route = $this->get->route; unset($depicao); unset($arricao); $data->route_details = NavData::parseRoute($data); } $this->set('mapdata', $data); $this->render('route_map.tpl'); } public function addaircraft() { $this->set('title', 'Add Aircraft'); $this->set('action', 'addaircraft'); $this->set('allranks', RanksData::getAllRanks()); $this->render('ops_aircraftform.tpl'); } public function editaircraft() { $id = $this->get->id; $this->set('aircraft', OperationsData::GetAircraftInfo($id)); $this->set('title', 'Edit Aircraft'); $this->set('action', 'editaircraft'); $this->set('allranks', RanksData::getAllRanks()); $this->render('ops_aircraftform.tpl'); } public function addairline() { $this->set('title', 'Add Airline'); $this->set('action', 'addairline'); $this->render('ops_airlineform.tpl'); } public function editairline() { $this->set('title', 'Edit Airline'); $this->set('action', 'editairline'); $this->set('airline', OperationsData::GetAirlineByID($this->get->id)); $this->render('ops_airlineform.tpl'); } public function calculatedistance($depicao='', $arricao='') { if($depicao == '') $depicao = $this->get->depicao; if($arricao == '') $arricao = $this->get->arricao; echo OperationsData::getAirportDistance($depicao, $arricao); } public function getfuelprice() { if(Config::Get('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE') == false) { echo '<span style="color: red">Live fuel pricing is disabled!</span>'; return; } $icao = $_GET['icao']; $price = FuelData::get_from_server($icao); if(is_bool($price) && $price === false) { echo '<span style="color: red">Live fuel pricing is not available for this airport</span>'; return; } echo '<span style="color: #33CC00">OK! Found - current price: <strong>'.$price.'</strong></span>'; } public function findairport() { $results = OperationsData::searchAirport($this->get->term); if(count($results) > 0) { $return = array(); foreach($results as $row) { $tmp = array( 'label' => "{$row->icao} ({$row->name})", 'value' => $row->icao, 'id' => $row->id, ); $return[] = $tmp; } echo json_encode($return); } } public function airlines() { if(isset($this->post->action)) { if($this->post->action == 'addairline') { $this->add_airline_post(); } elseif($this->post->action == 'editairline') { $this->edit_airline_post(); } } $this->set('allairlines', OperationsData::GetAllAirlines()); $this->render('ops_airlineslist.tpl'); } public function aircraft() { /* If they're adding an aircraft, go through this pain */ switch($this->post->action) { case 'addaircraft': $this->add_aircraft_post(); break; case 'editaircraft': $this->edit_aircraft_post(); break; } $this->set('allaircraft', OperationsData::GetAllAircraft()); $this->render('ops_aircraftlist.tpl'); } public function addairport() { $this->set('title', 'Add Airport'); $this->set('action', 'addairport'); $this->render('ops_airportform.tpl'); } public function editairport() { $this->set('title', 'Edit Airport'); $this->set('action', 'editairport'); $this->set('airport', OperationsData::GetAirportInfo($this->get->icao)); $this->render('ops_airportform.tpl'); } public function airports() { /* If they're adding an airport, go through this pain */ if(isset($this->post->action)) { switch($this->post->action) { case 'addairport': $this->add_airport_post(); break; case 'editairport': $this->edit_airport_post(); break; } return; } //$this->set('airports', OperationsData::getAllAirports()); $this->render('ops_airportlist.tpl'); } public function airportgrid() { $page = $this->get->page; // get the requested page $limit = $this->get->rows; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $sidx = $this->get->sidx; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort $sord = $this->get->sord; // get the direction if(!$sidx) $sidx =1; # http://dev.phpvms.net/admin/action.php/operations/ # ?_search=true&nd=1270940867171&rows=20&page=1&sidx=flightnum&sord=asc&searchField=code&searchString=TAY&searchOper=eq /* Do the search using jqGrid */ $where = array(); if($this->get->_search == 'true') { $searchstr = jqgrid::strip($this->get->filters); $where_string = jqgrid::constructWhere($searchstr); # Append to our search, add 1=1 since it comes with AND # from above $where[] = "1=1 {$where_string}"; } # Do a search without the limits so we can find how many records $count = count(OperationsData::findAirport($where)); if($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count/$limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } # And finally do a search with the limits $airports = OperationsData::findAirport($where, $limit, $start, "{$sidx} {$sord}"); if(!$airports) { $airports = array(); } # Form the json header $json = array( 'page' => $page, 'total' => $total_pages, 'records' => $count, 'rows' => array() ); # Add each row to the above array foreach($airports as $row) { if($row->fuelprice == 0) { $row->fuelprice = 'Live'; } $edit = '<a href="#" onclick="editairport(\''.$row->icao.'\'); return false;">Edit</a>'; $tmp = array( 'id' => $row->id, 'cell' => array( # Each column, in order $row->icao, $row->name, $row->country, $row->fuelprice, $row->lat, $row->lng, $edit, ), ); $json['rows'][] = $tmp; } header("Content-type: text/x-json"); echo json_encode($json); } public function addschedule() { $this->set('title', 'Add Schedule'); $this->set('action', 'addschedule'); $this->set('allairlines', OperationsData::GetAllAirlines()); $this->set('allaircraft', OperationsData::GetAllAircraft()); $this->set('allairports', OperationsData::GetAllAirports()); //$this->set('airport_json_list', OperationsData::getAllAirportsJSON()); $this->set('flighttypes', Config::Get('FLIGHT_TYPES')); $this->render('ops_scheduleform.tpl'); } public function editschedule() { $id = $this->get->id; $this->set('title', 'Edit Schedule'); $this->set('schedule', SchedulesData::GetSchedule($id)); $this->set('action', 'editschedule'); $this->set('allairlines', OperationsData::GetAllAirlines()); $this->set('allaircraft', OperationsData::GetAllAircraft()); $this->set('allairports', OperationsData::GetAllAirports()); $this->set('flighttypes', Config::Get('FLIGHT_TYPES')); $this->render('ops_scheduleform.tpl'); } public function activeschedules() { $this->schedules('activeschedules'); } public function inactiveschedules() { $this->schedules('inactiveschedules'); } public function schedulegrid() { $page = $this->get->page; // get the requested page $limit = $this->get->rows; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid $sidx = $this->get->sidx; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort $sord = $this->get->sord; // get the direction if(!$sidx) $sidx =1; # http://dev.phpvms.net/admin/action.php/operations/ # ?_search=true&nd=1270940867171&rows=20&page=1&sidx=flightnum&sord=asc&searchField=code&searchString=TAY&searchOper=eq /* Do the search using jqGrid */ $where = array(); if($this->get->_search == 'true') { $searchstr = jqgrid::strip($this->get->filters); $where_string = jqgrid::constructWhere($searchstr); # Append to our search, add 1=1 since it comes with AND # from above $where[] = "1=1 {$where_string}"; } Config::Set('SCHEDULES_ORDER_BY', "{$sidx} {$sord}"); # Do a search without the limits so we can find how many records $count = SchedulesData::countSchedules($where); if($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count/$limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) { $page = $total_pages; } $start = $limit * $page - $limit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } # And finally do a search with the limits $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($where, $limit, $start); if(!$schedules) { $schedules = array(); } # Form the json header $json = array( 'page' => $page, 'total' => $total_pages, 'records' => $count, 'rows' => array() ); # Add each row to the above array foreach($schedules as $row) { if($row->route != '') { $route = '<a href="#" onclick="showroute(\''.$row->id.'\'); return false;">View</a>'; } else { $route = '-'; } $edit = '<a href="'.adminurl('/operations/editschedule?id='.$row->id).'">Edit</a>'; $delete = '<a href="#" onclick="deleteschedule('.$row->id.'); return false;">Delete</a>'; $tmp = array( 'id' => $row->id, 'cell' => array( # Each column, in order $row->code, $row->flightnum, $row->depicao, $row->arricao, $row->aircraft, $row->registration, $route, Util::GetDaysCompact($row->daysofweek), $row->distance, $row->timesflown, $edit, $delete, ), ); $json['rows'][] = $tmp; } header("Content-type: text/x-json"); echo json_encode($json); } public function schedules($type='activeschedules') { /* These are loaded in popup box */ if($this->get->action == 'viewroute') { $id = $this->get->id; return; } if($this->get->action == 'filter') { $this->set('title', 'Filtered Schedules'); if($this->get->type == 'flightnum') { $params = array('s.flightnum' => $this->get->query); } elseif($this->get->type == 'code') { $params = array('s.code' => $this->get->query); } elseif($this->get->type == 'aircraft') { $params = array('a.name' => $this->get->query); } elseif($this->get->type == 'depapt') { $params = array('s.depicao' => $this->get->query); } elseif($this->get->type == 'arrapt') { $params = array('s.arricao' => $this->get->query); } // Filter or don't filter enabled/disabled flights if(isset($this->get->enabled) && $this->get->enabled != 'all') { $params['s.enabled'] = $this->get->enabled; } $this->set('schedules', SchedulesData::findSchedules($params)); $this->render('ops_schedules.tpl'); return; } switch($this->post->action) { case 'addschedule': $this->add_schedule_post(); break; case 'editschedule': $this->edit_schedule_post(); break; case 'deleteschedule': $this->delete_schedule_post(); return; break; } if(!isset($this->get->start) || $this->get->start == '') { $this->get->start = 0; } $num_per_page = 20; $start = $num_per_page * $this->get->start; if($type == 'schedules' || $type == 'activeschedules') { $params = array('s.enabled' => 1); $schedules = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params, $num_per_page, $start); $this->set('title', 'Viewing Active Schedules'); $this->set('schedules', $schedules); if(count($schedules) >= $num_per_page) { $this->set('paginate', true); $this->set('start', $this->get->start+1); if($this->get->start - 1 > 0) { $prev = $this->get->start - 1; if($prev == '') $prev = 0; $this->set('prev', intval($prev)); } } } else { $this->set('title', 'Viewing Inactive Schedules'); $this->set('schedules', SchedulesData::findSchedules(array('s.enabled'=>0))); } $this->render('ops_schedules.tpl'); } protected function add_airline_post() { $this->post->code = strtoupper($this->post->code); if($this->post->code == '' || $this->post->name == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must fill out all of the fields'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if(OperationsData::GetAirlineByCode($this->post->code)) { $this->set('message', 'An airline with this code already exists!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } OperationsData::AddAirline($this->post->code, $this->post->name); if(DB::errno() != 0) { if(DB::errno() == 1062) // Duplicate entry $this->set('message', 'This airline has already been added'); else $this->set('message', 'There was an error adding the airline'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('message', 'Added the airline "'.$this->post->code.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Added the airline "'.$this->post->code.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); } protected function edit_airline_post() { $this->post->code = strtoupper($this->post->code); if($this->post->code == '' || $this->post->name == '') { $this->set('message', 'Code and name cannot be blank'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); } $prevairline = OperationsData::GetAirlineByCode($this->post->code); if($prevairline && $prevairline->id != $this->post->id) { $this->set('message', 'This airline with this code already exists!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if(isset($this->post->enabled)) $enabled = true; else $enabled = false; OperationsData::EditAirline($this->post->id, $this->post->code, $this->post->name, $enabled); if(DB::errno() != 0) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error editing the airline'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return false; } $this->set('message', 'Edited the airline "'.$this->post->code.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited the airline "'.$this->post->code.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); } protected function add_aircraft_post() { if($this->post->icao == '' || $this->post->name == '' || $this->post->fullname == '' || $this->post->registration == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must enter the ICAO, name, full name and the registration.'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if($this->post->enabled == '1') $this->post->enabled = true; else $this->post->enabled = false; # Check aircraft registration, make sure it's not a duplicate $ac = OperationsData::GetAircraftByReg($this->post->registration); if($ac) { $this->set('message', 'The aircraft registration must be unique'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $data = array( 'icao'=>$this->post->icao, 'name'=>$this->post->name, 'fullname'=>$this->post->fullname, 'registration'=>$this->post->registration, 'downloadlink'=>$this->post->downloadlink, 'imagelink'=>$this->post->imagelink, 'range'=>$this->post->range, 'weight'=>$this->post->weight, 'cruise'=>$this->post->cruise, 'maxpax'=>$this->post->maxpax, 'maxcargo'=>$this->post->maxcargo, 'minrank'=>$this->post->minrank, 'enabled'=>$this->post->enabled ); OperationsData::AddAircaft($data); if(DB::errno() != 0) { if(DB::$errno == 1062) // Duplicate entry $this->set('message', 'This aircraft already exists'); else $this->set('message', 'There was an error adding the aircraft'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return false; } $this->set('message', 'The aircraft has been added'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Added the aircraft "'.$this->post->name.' - '.$this->post->registration.'"'); } protected function edit_aircraft_post() { if($this->post->id == '') { $this->set('message', 'Invalid ID specified'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if($this->post->icao == '' || $this->post->name == '' || $this->post->fullname == '' || $this->post->registration == '') { $this->set('message', 'You must enter the ICAO, name, full name, and registration'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $ac = OperationsData::CheckRegDupe($this->post->id, $this->post->registration); if($ac) { $this->set('message', 'This registration is already assigned to another active aircraft'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if($this->post->enabled == '1') $this->post->enabled = true; else $this->post->enabled = false; $data = array( 'id' => $this->post->id, 'icao'=>$this->post->icao, 'name'=>$this->post->name, 'fullname'=>$this->post->fullname, 'registration'=>$this->post->registration, 'downloadlink'=>$this->post->downloadlink, 'imagelink'=>$this->post->imagelink, 'range'=>$this->post->range, 'weight'=>$this->post->weight, 'cruise'=>$this->post->cruise, 'maxpax'=>$this->post->maxpax, 'maxcargo'=>$this->post->maxcargo, 'minrank'=>$this->post->minrank, 'enabled'=>$this->post->enabled ); OperationsData::EditAircraft($data); if(DB::errno() != 0) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error editing the aircraft'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited the aircraft "'.$this->post->name.' - '.$this->post->registration.'"'); $this->set('message', 'The aircraft "'.$this->post->registration.'" has been edited'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); } protected function add_airport_post() { if($this->post->icao == '' || $this->post->name == '' || $this->post->country == '' || $this->post->lat == '' || $this->post->lng == '') { $this->set('message', 'Some fields were blank!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } if($this->post->hub == 'true') $this->post->hub = true; else $this->post->hub = false; $data = array( 'icao' => $this->post->icao, 'name' => $this->post->name, 'country' => $this->post->country, 'lat' => $this->post->lat, 'lng' => $this->post->lng, 'hub' => $this->post->hub, 'chartlink' => $this->post->chartlink, 'fuelprice' => $this->post->fuelprice ); OperationsData::AddAirport($data); if(DB::errno() != 0) { if(DB::$errno == 1062) // Duplicate entry $this->set('message', 'This airport has already been added'); else $this->set('message', 'There was an error adding the airport'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } /*$this->set('message', 'The airport has been added'); $this->render('core_success.tpl');*/ LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Added the airport "'.$this->post->icao.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); } protected function edit_airport_post() { if($this->post->icao == '' || $this->post->name == '' || $this->post->country == '' || $this->post->lat == '' || $this->post->lng == '') { $this->set('message', 'Some fields were blank!'); $this->render('core_message.tpl'); return; } if($this->post->hub == 'true') $this->post->hub = true; else $this->post->hub = false; $data = array( 'icao' => $this->post->icao, 'name' => $this->post->name, 'country' => $this->post->country, 'lat' => $this->post->lat, 'lng' => $this->post->lng, 'hub' => $this->post->hub, 'chartlink' => $this->post->chartlink, 'fuelprice' => $this->post->fuelprice ); OperationsData::EditAirport($data); if(DB::errno() != 0) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error adding the airport: '.DB::$error); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('message', $icao . ' has been edited'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited the airport "'.$this->post->icao.' - '.$this->post->name.'"'); } protected function add_schedule_post() { if($this->post->code == '' || $this->post->flightnum == '' || $this->post->deptime == '' || $this->post->arrtime == '' || $this->post->depicao == '' || $this->post->arricao == '') { $this->set('message', 'All of the fields must be filled out'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } # Check if the schedule exists $sched = SchedulesData::getScheduleByFlight($this->post->code, $this->post->flightnum); if(is_object($sched)) { $this->set('message', 'This schedule already exists!'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $enabled = ($this->post->enabled == 'on') ? true : false; # Check the distance if($this->post->distance == '' || $this->post->distance == 0) { $this->post->distance = OperationsData::getAirportDistance($this->post->depicao, $this->post->arricao); } # Format the flight level $this->post->flightlevel = str_replace(',', '', $this->post->flightlevel); $this->post->flightlevel = str_replace(' ', '', $this->post->flightlevel); $this->post->route = strtoupper($this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace($this->post->depicao, '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace($this->post->arricao, '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace('SID', '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace('STAR', '', $this->post->route); $this->post->alticao = strtoupper($this->post->alticao); $data = array( 'code'=>$this->post->code, 'flightnum'=>$this->post->flightnum, 'depicao'=>$this->post->depicao, 'arricao'=>$this->post->arricao, 'alticao'=>$this->post->alticao, 'route'=>$this->post->route, 'aircraft'=>$this->post->aircraft, 'flightlevel'=>$this->post->flightlevel, 'distance'=>$this->post->distance, 'deptime'=>$this->post->deptime, 'arrtime'=>$this->post->arrtime, 'flighttime'=>$this->post->flighttime, 'daysofweek'=>implode('', $_POST['daysofweek']), 'price'=>$this->post->price, 'flighttype'=>$this->post->flighttype, 'EQPT'=>$this->post->EQPT, 'PBN'=>$this->post->PBN, 'EET'=>$this->post->EET, 'PER'=>$this->post->PER, 'RALT'=>$this->post->RALT, 'RMK'=>$this->post->RMK, 'OPR'=>$this->post->OPR, 'enabled'=>$enabled); # Add it in $ret = SchedulesData::AddSchedule($data); if(DB::errno() != 0 && $ret == false) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error adding the schedule, already exists DB error: '.DB::error()); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $this->set('message', 'The schedule "'.$this->post->code.$this->post->flightnum.'" has been added'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Added schedule "'.$this->post->code.$this->post->flightnum.'"'); } protected function edit_schedule_post() { if($this->post->code == '' || $this->post->flightnum == '' || $this->post->deptime == '' || $this->post->arrtime == '' || $this->post->depicao == '' || $this->post->arricao == '') { $this->set('message', 'All of the fields must be filled out'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } $enabled = ($this->post->enabled == 'on') ? true : false; $this->post->route = strtoupper($this->post->route); # Format the flight level $this->post->flightlevel = str_replace(',', '', $this->post->flightlevel); $this->post->flightlevel = str_replace(' ', '', $this->post->flightlevel); # Clear anything invalid out of the route $this->post->route = strtoupper($this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace($this->post->depicao, '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace($this->post->arricao, '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace('SID', '', $this->post->route); $this->post->route = str_replace('STAR', '', $this->post->route); $this->post->alticao = strtoupper($this->post->alticao); $data = array( 'code'=>$this->post->code, 'flightnum'=>$this->post->flightnum, 'depicao'=>$this->post->depicao, 'arricao'=>$this->post->arricao, 'alticao'=>$this->post->alticao, 'route'=>$this->post->route, 'aircraft'=>$this->post->aircraft, 'flightlevel'=>$this->post->flightlevel, 'distance'=>$this->post->distance, 'deptime'=>$this->post->deptime, 'arrtime'=>$this->post->arrtime, 'flighttime'=>$this->post->flighttime, 'daysofweek'=>implode('', $_POST['daysofweek']), 'price'=>$this->post->price, 'flighttype'=>$this->post->flighttype, 'EQPT'=>$this->post->EQPT, 'PBN'=>$this->post->PBN, 'EET'=>$this->post->EET, 'PER'=>$this->post->PER, 'RALT'=>$this->post->RALT, 'RMK'=>$this->post->RMK, 'OPR'=>$this->post->OPR, 'enabled'=>$enabled); $val = SchedulesData::editScheduleFields($this->post->id, $data); if(!$val) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error editing the schedule: '.DB::error()); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return; } # Parse the route: SchedulesData::getRouteDetails($this->post->id, $this->post->route); $this->set('message', 'The schedule "'.$this->post->code.$this->post->flightnum.'" has been edited'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited schedule "'.$this->post->code.$this->post->flightnum.'"'); } protected function delete_schedule_post() { $schedule = SchedulesData::findSchedules(array('s.id'=>$this->post->id)); SchedulesData::DeleteSchedule($this->post->id); $params = array(); if(DB::errno() != 0) { $params['status'] = 'There was an error deleting the schedule'; $params['error'] = DB::error(); echo json_encode($params); return; } $params['status'] = 'ok'; echo json_encode($params); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Deleted schedule "'.$schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum.'"'); } }
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