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Everything posted by MC1028

  1. Do you have permission from Monarch?
  2. The thing that is pushing me away from kACARS right now is that he isn't offering custom layouts so...
  3. Hello, We are looking at trying to find someone to make us an custom ACARS. We'd like a detailed flight logging client with maybe a chat and a custom design. We want something different to smartCARS. Regards, Myles
  4. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21840-how-to-install-phpvms-16-steps/
  5. What specific errors?
  6. http://forum.phpvms....s-errornew-php/ or use SimPilot V5.5.x should that not work.
  7. Try to install SimPilot v5.5.x. This may be because of you're php version.
  8. I'd just like to say a few words about Sava's services. I was having ^ that project done up there. He was undoubtedly the best developer i've ever had the pleasure of working with. He got back to my queries quickly, did everything I asked him to, and did an unbelievable job. I would recommend him to anyone. If you want any info, PM me.
  9. Go and get the sim pilot one and see if that works.
  10. Hello, I'm in desperate need of some repaints. Willing to pay. I need: B738 NGX PMDG PMDG T7 200 Level D 767 Maybe an Aerosoft A320 and or 19? Regards PS: Skype: mylesgc Email: myles.carey98@gmail.com Or PM Me on here
  11. From the UK, Happy new year! Here's to a good new year!
  12. Have an awesome day! Cheers xD
  13. Website isn't working for me...
  14. Well, I understand your point, and I'm not trying to point score, but I do offer my services for free, however I do see that the money that you pay is for that developers time, and effort, which is sometimes frowned upon. I don't mind doing this for free, but if it will take a very long time, then there you go. Cheers
  15. I just thought that it was needed. Cheers
  16. Genna change it now. I could see that happening. Apart from that, what do you guys think? Not sure because its my first tutorial.
  17. Check this out: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21840-how-to-install-phpvms-16-steps/
  18. Yep, PHP-Mods are there too. Just thought it would be useful as I have seen people with these issues. So they can follow now! Cheers
  19. Hi All, I felt this would benefit a lot of people! Lets get started... 1. Choose hosting company and register your domain. Download phpVMS and extract it to somewhere where you can find it later. Recommendations: Paid Hosting: http://www.fivedev.net/ - http://limenex.com/ Free Hosting: http://www.000webhost.com/ NOTE: FREE WEB HOSTING MAY NOT WORK. Domain Registration: https://www.123-reg.co.uk You can get a free domain with a free hosting company or just google free domains. 2. Download FTP client Recommendation: https://filezilla-project.org/ 3. Log into cPanel on your chosen web hosting's website. 4. Navigate to view FTP details or something similar E.G. FTP accounts. 5. If it asks you to, create an FTP account. If not, the details will be supplied. 6. On more advanced cPanels, it will say Configure FTP client OR On the second example, the password will be the one you signed up with. 7. Open filezilla and find where you extracted phpVMS. 8. Type your details into filezilla. Then press quick connect. 9. When connected, drag the contents of your phpVMS extract to the right hand side. Wait for all of that to be loaded BEFORE you go onto next step. 10. Goto your domain. If the error message in the photo below is shown, go into your file directory in filezilla - on the right hand side - and goto core and then delete local.config.php. " [i][b]11.[/b][/i] Now click install/install.php on your website to start installing phpVMS onto your server. [i][b]12.[/b][/i] On your web hosting, find Manage MySQL databases or similar. Create a MySQL database by filling in the details. [i][b]13.[/b][/i] Click create database and then go onto your domain and fill in the details with your MySQL databases you have just filled in. If no host is given to you after you created it, leave the Database server box on phpVMS install as [b]localhost[/b]. [i][b]14. [/b][/i]Click next step. [i][b]15.[/b][/i] If all returned green, click next step again, and fill in the final details to set up your VA. If the next page comes up with loads of red boxes, go back and check you entered all the correct details. [i][b]16.[/b][/i] Your all set up, and a new Virtual Airline is born! Congratulations. Hope you guys find this useful. Myles. [b] [/b]
  20. That is an option but then again, we would be using smartCARS so we are limited with that. Thanks though - Still an option.
  21. I'd like to see a clean and modern design with two applications. One admin one, and one client one. This would include the admin being able to give flight plans out, weather details and let the admin see details of people's flight. Anything like that would be good.
  22. Yes
  23. Hello, How much would people charge too build me a separate live dispatch system? Regards
  24. Why have you copied the LUX virtual website?
  25. Thanks guys!
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