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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. You should have gotten an email with your IP address. You can you that until DNS has propagated.
  2. Could you post the php code your using for that link?
  3. I think that skin was created for version 1x and if your using v2.1 you will need to replace some templates. Look at the changelog that is included in the latest phpvms download. It will tell you which templates have been updated.
  4. He is talking about the Pilot list on the admin side (when you click "View All Pilots"). If you click "Status" to sort it doesn't display anything. All other sort features work.
  5. Yes, upload the install folder again and then run it.
  6. If you move Register.php from its default folder a lot of stuff will not work.
  7. I got a question about the scoring. I read the other posts on it but I'm still confused on this. My VA has been 9th for a while and then all of a sudden we go to 19th by losing -219 points. Then the next day we are back in 9th by gaining 219 points. Today we are back in 19th by losing another -219 points. It's like we are riding a points roller coaster. Here is our link. http://www.vacentral.net/airline/pva_patriotvirtualairlines Thanks, Keith
  8. I can't help you with the first part of you question but I can with the images issue. It looks like you didn't place the examimages folder in the root of your website. Try that and see if they appear.
  9. Sorry, I was at work so I was trying to remember the correct template name. What you need is called email_registrationaccepted.tpl . I was close.
  10. You need to put Register.php back. Only the template files go in your skins folder.
  11. Open up core_navigation.tpl and add it in there to get it on the main menu.
  12. Look in your admin/templates for a file called registration_accepted.tpl. Copy that to your lib/skins/yourskin directory and then just edit it to what ever you want.
  13. It loads fine now for me. It didn't at first. Have you tried XACARS again? DNS may have been the issue for a while.
  14. Good news is you can do all three now. 1. That code is commented out. All you need to do is uncomment it and your good to go. ( I'm not at home or I'll give you the exact code) 2. In the app.config you can find the code that will allow you to pick who gets new pilots and new PIREP notices. Just copy that code to your config file. 3. There is an Airmail addon in the "Addon and Releases" forum which will do just that thing.
  15. Thanks Tom. I was going to do that first but I decided to check out the actual product sites first. I had no idea I would have to piece meal an aircraft together.
  16. Thanks guys for the help. I just went with the full packages on FS sites. Keith
  17. Its been a while since I used XACARS but I believe you don't need the password in there. Remove that and see if that works.
  18. Thanks for the links. I went to both the POSKY and Project Airbus and the only thing I found was .mdl files for FSX and not complete aircraft. Where can I get a complete aircraft? I assume I'm missing something important here.
  19. Since I'm finished painting our fleet for FS9 and Xplane I need to find some good quality freeware a/c for FSX. I'm looking for the below: Boeing 737 Boeing 747 Boeing 767 Boeing 777 Airbus A319 Airbus A321 CRJ-900 EMB 170 If any of you know where to find any of the above for FSX that would be great. I've looked around and am not having any luck. Thanks in advance, Keith
  20. I have three of the four he is offering and they work great.
  21. Please disregard this. I figured out what the problem was. *Note to self: Don't do any VA stuff on a hangover*
  22. Yes, multiple times.
  23. That did the trick. Thanks!
  24. Nabeel, I logged into VACentral today after your update announcement and my airline doesn't show up anymore. While it does show up in the ranking just not in my profile. I was wanting to edit the VA details but to my surprise I can't see it any more. http://www.vacentral.net/airline/pva_patriotvirtualairlines Thanks, Keith
  25. That is awesome...
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