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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Thank you sir. worked like a charm!
  2. Thanks. It figures I was looking at the wrong file.
  3. Hi Nabeel, I looked in the core/modules/schedules/schedules.php file and I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. Could you provide any clues what to look for?
  4. Oh, you can then just create a new file called local.config.php and then use what I told you to set the permission.
  5. Use Filezilla to FTP into your site. From there double-click on the "Core" folder. In that folder you will see a file called local.config.php. Right-click on that file and click "File Permissions". From there you can change it to 777.
  6. SimPilot, Is there anyway to extend the character limit in the subject field? It is kind of short as it is now at 20 characters. It would be very helpful to get it to 30 characters. Thanks, Keith
  7. I just paid for another jumpseat and it does "move" me to that airport but I get the same thing when I try to bid on the schedule "You are not at this airport". That worked and it is showing me at the correct location.
  8. Thanks, that fixed it. I now have another issue. I just purchase a "free" jumpseat ticket to EGLL and the module states I'm at EGLL but when I click on "EGLL" to add it to my bid it states "You are not at this airport". In my pilot center it still shows me at LSZH which was the location before I purchased the jumpseat. Any ideas?
  9. The new contact form uses reCAPTCHA and the old one did not. While I'm not sure if that is your problem it is something to look at. What I had to do was use the new contact_form.tpl from the current version and then modify it to include this mod. It now works fine for me.
  10. I've heard people have successfully got some FS addons to work with X-Plane using XPUIPC. http://www.tosi-online.de/First.html I don't have a clue if it works or not because I don't use X-Plane. There was a user on the VaFinancials website that said he got their ACARS client working with X-Plane and a couple FS Addons using that module but I will never be able to prove it. Just thought I'd share.
  11. Yes, it works great like it is. I'm glad you created it!
  12. If your talking about the schedules in the admin center you can change it by editing the below template. Admin\Templates\ops_schedules.tpl I've changed mine to show 100 instead of 25. Just remember that every time you update to a new version this will be over written.
  13. Check install for me was fine. No issues. The weird thing is when I loaded 930 on my dev site it worked but not on the prod site. I did reupload to no success.
  14. Yeap, that works. I've been doing that way since December. 1234560 Keith
  15. I'm glad you guys got this worked out!
  16. Good catch. I was starting to wonder about this.
  17. Try Tom @ http://www.fstools.co.uk/ He does great work at a good price.
  18. Thanks... I just tried that and it worked.
  19. I'm having the same issue. I updated to 930 and the bids worked on my DEV site but as soon as I update my production site the bids stopped working. I've tried deleting the cache folder, etc but nothing is working.
  20. Thanks, that did it.
  21. I want to display the pilots Hub in the pilot center but I can't figure it out. I don't even have a clue as to what code to be using. If anyone has done this would you mind to post the code? Thanks in advance. Keith
  22. SimPilot, If you need any beta testers for the next version of Airmail my VA is using the current version and I wouldn't mind helping. Keith
  23. Awesome, thanks Simpilot. Moving to Code Sniplets!
  24. I'm using live fuel prices and all I can say is "ouch". As of the time of this posting my VA has 79 flights recorded with over $3,000,000.00 spent in fuel! Thank goodness I have plenty of "virtual passengers" flying with us or I'd go bankrupt. Sorry, just had to post this little bit of silliness. Keith
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