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Cleaned up the code in fsbuildparse.php so it works better

This is an updated version of Nabeel's code for navdata update which is avaliable by search in forums

-All intersections uploaded with a lat/lng

-All VOR / NDB correctly labeled

-Intersections all go in instead of hanging up

Works with fsbuild airac

Used 1310 myself

Loading airways segments...91220 airway segments loaded...

Loading VORs...965 VORs added, 2834 updated

Loading NDBs...2202 NDBs added, 1800 updated

Loading INTs...93944 INTs added, 54743 bypassed already in DB


-Would recommend backing up navdata table in database before running

-Program deletes all previous data in phpvms_navdata table before updating

-Also program will not work if the table phpvms_navdata is not present. If it isnt go to DBadmin and copy structure only from navdata table to phpvms_navdata

-Inserts into phpvms_navdata table. If prefix is different rename phpvms_navdata to navdata for example when complete

-Use at your own risk. Works great with me but can't say it will with everyone.

How to load NAVDATA for phpVMS


1. Unzip navdata.zip

2. Obtain fsbuild airac

3. Install fsbuild airac into same folder as fsbuild.exe(airac file)

4. need to have three files

awys.txt -airways (default fsbuild)

ints.txt - intersections (default fsbuild)

navs.txt - ndb/vor (default fsbuild - code fixed to label vor/ndb separately)

5. Take the 3 files listed above insert them into navdata/fsbuild folder

Optional - Recommend sorting out lat/lng intersections in ints.txt and any intersection that is not 5 characters in length

6. Open db.php file and insert your DB username, password, & server name into the appropraiate places between ''

7. Upload navdata folder into root directory of site

8. Connect to server with ssh app. I use putty

9. cd to navdata

10. run php -f fsbuildparse.php at prompt

11. Takes maybe 5 mins or so then should get

Loading airways segments...91220 airway segments loaded...

Loading VORs...965 VORs added, 2834 updated

Loading NDBs...2202 NDBs added, 1800 updated

Loading INTs...93944 INTs added, 54743 bypassed already in DB


navdata.zipFetching info...

  • Like 2

Sorry only have used putty.

Could set it up to run in admin or load page from browser but it wipes out the table navdata everytime you run it

Problem is you want to run once then delete the files and folders

Putty pretty easy to use for me

Select ssh put in web address then click connect

At prompt type in login and password

Then >cd public_html/navdata

Then >php -f fsbuildparse.php

Contact your Hosting company, they might have to enable SSH for putty to work


error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'db username goes here', 'db password goes here');

mysql_select_db('db server name goes here');

define('NAV_NDB', 2);

define('NAV_VOR', 3);

define('NAV_DME', 4);

define('NAV_FIX', 5);

Only db server name? not db name?

Not work to me, in putty I enter the webpage of VA or name server... but i get error network no work time out.

I find this option:



This process is not the easiest but I have listed all the steps.

Try customer service at your Hosting company for SSH problems

open local.config.php in core folder, then copy the DB info name, password, server name into db.php

$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'joetest', 'password')


Mine is localhost and is for most people but change it if different in local.config.php

  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like fivedev does not support SSH I have tried to connect to the server using putty but it can not connect so if anyone has managed this would the mind uploading the .SQL file for navdata so we have all got a working copy.

Please and thankyou

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/6/2013 at 3:03 AM, airhaul said:

Optional - Recommend sorting out lat/lng intersections in ints.txt and any intersection that is not 5 characters in length

Howto make that ? Please

Regards Fred

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ok, navigraph, but Navdata table is confidential? if i search all routes in routefinder or public civil aviation authorities, not is the same? (with more work obvious).

Is a eternal cuestion, public info packed by a private enterprise, is ethical? or is ethical take public info from enterprise without pay?, are complicate cuestions.

Edited by ARV187
  On 2/3/2014 at 6:06 PM, ARV187 said:

Is a eternal cuestion, public info packed by a private enterprise, is ethical? or is ethical take public info from enterprise without pay?, are complicate cuestions.

I'm agree with you in this point. In my case a pay Navigraph to "work" with free datas and make them in Setup... But look at jeff's website http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/6-phpvms-modules

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

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