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Still trying to rename it, tricky to do it.

I'm puzzled by it being tricky to rename. The only reason for it being tricky I can think of is that it still has dependencies on the files in the crystal folder. I used the crystal skin as the basis of what my VA uses, but I created a new folder in skins, then copied all of crystal to it and finally ran a global search and replace in that folder so that every file and all content replaced crystal with the new name. Never had a problem in that regard.


I figured out the image. I opened it with Gimp, and it is showing that the top portion (that is showing the white) is transparent. So I opened the image in paint and just removed the top part completely. Then I placed it back into Gimp and re-sized it back to 1 x 48 px and now it is looking like it should be. Click my signature to see it.


I figured out the image. I opened it with Gimp, and it is showing that the top portion (that is showing the white) is transparent. So I opened the image in paint and just removed the top part completely. Then I placed it back into Gimp and re-sized it back to 1 x 48 px and now it is looking like it should be. Click my signature to see it.

Great! it looks real good!


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

If anyone receives this problem, open the frontpage_main.tpl and look for the 2 </div> that are located in the middle of the script and remove one of them.


I have replaced my files with your and have the following problem.


How can help me?

Ok, first let´s make this clear, this skin is NOT mine, just corrected a few issues and re-uploaded it.

now, tell me what is wrong, i still do not understand what is not wrong, could you explain in detail or provide a link to your place to take a look?

(I speak spanish in case you need it.)


  • Moderators

The the problem, I dont now where the problem is! On this reason UI Have make this screenshoot in my last post.

Can some one reupload the crystal.zip

I have removed the skin due to many problems and I'm allowing if someone can re upload my skin or whatever i don't care.. It's OK with me.


Hello ||

I have problem with the crystal II.

The rigth part in my site isreported in the bottom at the news. I have attach a picture of my problem.

I want the pilot center, recent report ecc ecc on the right side but i don't know why are under.

Thanks for all possible answers

post-634-060273900 1280928169_thumb.png


Hello ||

I have problem with the crystal II.

The rigth part in my site isreported in the bottom at the news. I have attach a picture of my problem.

I want the pilot center, recent report ecc ecc on the right side but i don't know why are under.

Thanks for all possible answers

How the heck did you manage that? The layout is showing on the right, let me see if I can find the code in the css

  • Moderators

Ok, i can't find my skin in my hard drive, if anyone has the fresh copy of it would be greatly thanks ;). I'm going to work on the issues.


Here it is. Hopefully it allows rar files

I do believe that this is unedited. I normally keep every zip file I download and then only work on the unzipped. So this one should be good to go guys.


Ok, first let´s make this clear, this skin is NOT mine, just corrected a few issues and re-uploaded it.

now, tell me what is wrong, i still do not understand what is not wrong, could you explain in detail or provide a link to your place to take a look?

(I speak spanish in case you need it.)


I had this problem last night with another skin and all it was that was wrong was an invalid path to the css file. if your path is correct and it still does not work, then try to include the http:// or in other words, try the entire path. that is the only way I was able to get mine to work.


How the heck did you manage that? The layout is showing on the right, let me see if I can find the code in the css

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/* Skin */

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/* Hide useless elements in print layouts... */

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/* Additional IE specific bug fixes... */

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*:first-child + html .ui-tabs-nav { /* @ IE 7 Standards Mode - do not group selectors, otherwise IE 6 will ignore complete rule (because of the unknown + combinator)... */ display: inline-block; }












.menu ul{

background:url(images/menu-bg.gif) top left repeat-x;






.menu li{



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padding:0px 25px;




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border-left:2px solid #0079b2;

border-right:2px solid #0079b2;

border-bottom:2px solid #0079b2;











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padding:0px 10px 0px 15px;



.menu li ul a:hover{






.menu p{



.menu #current{

background:url(images/current-bg.gif) top left repeat-x;



This is my style css, i want the pilot information and news in the right side of the site

  • Moderators

ok, let's hang on, i'll deal TAV's problem and i'll deal with Tato.

But let me rename the skin system and i'll look into the issues.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderators

Hello ||

I have problem with the crystal II.

The rigth part in my site isreported in the bottom at the news. I have attach a picture of my problem.

I want the pilot center, recent report ecc ecc on the right side but i don't know why are under.

Thanks for all possible answers

You deleted all of your news, add news and it will work again.

  • 5 months later...

Check your main (original) crystal main page code to see how Nabeel has it coded, and you can probably copy/paste that into the crystal II main page.

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