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Rev 941 - VMS-325 #close fixed, PIREP file fixed, import bug and KACARS update

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Updated Tickets:

[VMS-325] - Copy uploaded files to local temp dir

Changed Files:

m admin/modules/Import/Import.php

m core/common/CentralData.class.php

m core/common/PIREPData.class.php

m core/common/PilotData.class.php

m core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php

m core/version

m install/hashlist

m install/structure.xml

VMS-325 #close fixed, PIREP file fixed, import bug and KACARS update

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I use X-Plane... So forget about kACARS ! angry.gif

Maxwaldorf, what is wrong with xacars?


Already working on it with Nabeel,

Seems that reported route fields are not correctly placed

EDIT: Well, Route is entered correctly but reported as comment too... minor bug...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Nabeel, question for you. I am currently still on Version 2.1.935 . Is it safe to say that I can upgrade and not worry about my template? I see in your changed files list there are not template changes. I am wanting to upgrade first but just wanted to be sure first. Time is short now days with going to school and all and don't have time for major template upgrades.

Thanks in advance.



Also, is there any news to the Live Fuel for phpVMS, or should we just keep setting them manually, as I updated to 2.1.941 already?

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Hey Nabeel, question for you. I am currently still on Version 2.1.935 . Is it safe to say that I can upgrade and not worry about my template? I see in your changed files list there are not template changes. I am wanting to upgrade first but just wanted to be sure first. Time is short now days with going to school and all and don't have time for major template upgrades.

Thanks in advance.


Yep, no template upgrades, you should be good.

Also, is there any news to the Live Fuel for phpVMS, or should we just keep setting them manually, as I updated to 2.1.941 already?

Yep, no new news on that. Any changes there would be for all versions anyway


Non of the admin groups are working, I have two different level admin groups and the admin link doesn't show for them when logging in ....

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Non of the admin groups are working, I have two different level admin groups and the admin link doesn't show for them when logging in ....

What if they goto /admin?


I had that problem as well. I created Admin groups and applied pilot to it they couldn't see the link. I gave him the direct link to yoursite/admin and he said he didn't have permission. So I just gave him full admin and that worked, so not sure.


Also, I had a new pilot join, I changed his Pilot ID to another that wasn't being used (Previous Pilot who was deleted). When you do this it removes the pilot from the new pilots list..


Also, I had a new pilot join, I changed his Pilot ID to another that wasn't being used (Previous Pilot who was deleted). When you do this it removes the pilot from the new pilots list..

This is where I get confused. First everyone gets told not to change the Pilot ID, then an update comes out where you have the option to change the pilot ID. If you do change the Pilot ID, it gets messed up. My question is, should we just not ever use it and just remove the option from the updates?

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I did that because people were manually changing it, then coming for support when things were broken. This at least does the change properly. Use it if you have to, I mean, I wouldn't go changing every pilot ID.

The latest pilots list picks out the latest 10, I believe, I'll check that to make sure.

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I fixed it, the core_navigation template changed...I am lazy and didn't bother looking..LOL

Haha, I didn't wanna say it... :D

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