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Has anyone ever figured out how to make it so that it shows when new posts have been made? I am trying to use the code to show latest posts on the front page but I am having no such luck getting a new posts icon or notification to show up in the forum.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, everyone!

I'm having problem with the charset using this add-on. My language is portuguese. It has accents into some words. This, for example, should be...

não tão bom, mas no momento não há diferença

... and it is being shown as...

n?o ? t?o bom, mas no momento n?o h? diferen?a

It has to be something inside the add-on, because on other parts of my site and add-ons it does not happen. Does anybody know how to solve it? It would be very appreciated.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Quick and helpful update to this:

   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
   bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allTextAreas() });
   <textarea style="width:100%; height:150px;">

Replace your normal message textbox with that and you'll get a nice rich-text editor.

This will:

  • Prevent displaying a slash where the user enters an apostrophe
  • Allows formatting such as bold, underline, italics etc
  • Allows the importing of images and links

Simples ;)

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Great add-on Tom, I was looking for ages on how to link the phpBB forum with the phpVMS DB's, before realizing that phpBB is actually utter rubbish compared to all forum software out there.

I was wondering, as a suggestion but also as a cheeky request, is there any possibility of adding Sticky Posts feature? I'll try to have a crack at scripting it if I'll get some time this week, but with my limited PHP knowledge, I probably won't get far. I'll see how I go :D

  • 2 weeks later...

NOTE: In order for my code to work you need to add name="message" to the textarea otherwise the message will not appear. Also, be sure to remove the PHP that removes HTML tags (found in the core/modules/Forum/Forum.php under new post, edit post and new topic functions)

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok the million dollar question. Has anyone ever figured out how to show an image or something in the forum index if there is a new post made? I have recent posts on my front page of my site but I don't like it being there. I have tried until I was blue in the face and I can not get it to let me know if there is a new post or not to show and imjage.


After I've finished my last exam I'll have a look further into the permissions.

As for the line breaks, when adding a message you should use


and then when displaying the message you can use


I hate to kick this up again, I did this once before and it worked. I have since replaced my files and now don't recall where I used this at. Can you give me a quick refresher Tom? Thanks!


Checked the code on github it seems to do that already. If you download a fresh copy and try does it do it?

Looking back over this now it clearly needs rewriting, this can all be done so much better. I just have no time for it :(

  • 1 month later...

Hey Guys,

Currently testing this on our site - Everything is working fine until you click edit on a post and try to delete it, it is showing the following error

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xx/public_html/xx/core/templates/forum_post_list.tpl on line 9


Hey Guys,

Currently testing this on our site - Everything is working fine until you click edit on a post and try to delete it, it is showing the following error

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xx/public_html/xx/core/templates/forum_post_list.tpl on line 9

Is it the first post in a topic? You need to delete the topic else it's trying to take you into a topic with no posts.


Hi Tom. Long time nochit chat. Hope all is well your way.

I just bumped in to something after using the forum the last few years.

I have had this happen twice now. I will use you and I as the example.

Here is the order of the problem:

1. Tom posts a new post

2. Ray replys to the post and submits.

3. Upon returning to the the forum I just replied to Tom in, there is no reply. Only the original post.

4. Ray checks the database to find that the data for the reply was entered in to the database correctly.

5. Ray checks latest forum posts on front page and it shows that I was the last to post but yet when clicking that link and going to the forum, there is no reply at all.

6. No matter if I go to the forum directly, or through the link from the latest posts, the reply will not be there.

7. Having others try to reply, same thing happens. Only the OP's post shows up. No replies.

Odd to say the least. This has only ever happened twice and it was to 2 different people about a month or two apart frome ach others occurence. No matter what I do, I can not recreate this problem.

Ideas? Thoughts? Concerns? Lets chat! :)

On a side note, Any way to get http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5342-to-get-the-pagination-for-the-schedules-to-work/page__hl__datatables that to work in the forum? My topics listing is getting quite long. I have tried to get that to work only to fail miserably.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, everyone!

I'm having problem with the charset using this add-on. My language is portuguese. It has accents into some words. This, for example, should be...

não tão bom, mas no momento não há diferença

... and it is being shown as...

n?o ? t?o bom, mas no momento n?o h? diferen?a

How can I move file to configure the language of the forum?


No you don't need to edit files you need to edit the database settings. Go into phpMyAdmin and change the charset on all the forum_ tables.

And TAV1702 sorry I missed your post, best place to get me is on skype :)

That's not a problem I've heard of before, and it's hard to work out why it would ever happen without seeing it. Add me on skype and we can talk it through :)



Thanks, what I thought was the APP.CONFIG.PHP

Line's 35,36,37

# Page encoding options

Config::Set('PAGE_ENCODING', 'utf8');

Config::Set('DB_CHARSET_NAME', 'utf8');

I change to "UTF-8 without BOM"

Unfortunately it did not work the problem continues.

  • 1 month later...

Quick and helpful update to this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allTextAreas() });
<textarea style="width:100%; height:150px;">

Replace your normal message textbox with that and you'll get a nice rich-text editor.

This will:

  • Prevent displaying a slash where the user enters an apostrophe
  • Allows formatting such as bold, underline, italics etc
  • Allows the importing of images and links

Simples ;)

Sorry but when i use your text editor i have blank post's

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