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Ok, I have read the forum, but don't think the answer is there?!

I get this error now, and not sure why or what I might have done to get it:

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open '/home/########/public_html/CPC//lib/signaturesCPC0001.png' for writing: Permission denied in /home/########/public_html/CPC/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 1001

Now I noticed a double "//" above in the "/home/########/public_html/CPC//lib/signaturesCPC0001.png" part and was wondering if that is the problem? If it is, I have no idea why there are 2 slashes there?!?

Line 1001 in my PilotData.class.php is:

imagepng($img, SITE_ROOT . SIGNATURE_PATH . '/' . $pilotcode . '.png', 1);


Yeah, it is set to 777, thanks. But I was asking why there were double slash's in the address. I think therein lies the problem. I just don't know why that would have changed?!


You could try to see if this is what is located in your PilotData.class.php to see if it is missing something.

 * This generates the forum signature of a pilot which
 *  can be used wherever. It's dynamic, and adjusts it's
 *  size, etc based on the background image.
 * Each image is output into the /lib/signatures directory,
 *  and is named by the pilot code+number (ie, VMA0001.png)
 * This is called whenever a PIREP is accepted by an admin,
 *  as not to burden a server with image generation
 * Also requires GD to be installed on the server
 * @param int The pilot ID for which to generate a signature for
 * @return bool Success
public function generateSignature($pilotid)
	$pilot = self::getPilotData($pilotid);
	$last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED);
	$pilotcode = self::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid);

	if(Config::Get('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS') === true)
		$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours + $pilot->transferhours;
		$totalhours = $pilot->totalhours;

	# Configure what we want to show on each line
	$output = array();
	$output[] = $pilotcode.' '. $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname;
	$output[] = $pilot->rank.', '.$pilot->hub;
	$output[] = 'Total Flights: ' . $pilot->totalflights;
	$output[] = 'Total Hours: ' . $totalhours;
	$output[] = 'Current Location: ' . $last_location->arricao;

	if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_EARNINGS') == true)
		$output[] = 'Total Earnings: ' . $pilot->totalpay;

	# Load up our image
	# Get the background image the pilot selected
		$bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/background.png';
		$bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/'.$pilot->bgimage;

		# Doesn't exist so use the default
		$bgimage = SITE_ROOT.'/lib/signatures/background/background.png';

			return false;

	$img = @imagecreatefrompng($bgimage);
		$img = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 50);

	$height = imagesy($img);
	$width = imagesx($img);

	$txtcolor = str_replace('#', '',  Config::Get('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR'));
	$color = sscanf($txtcolor, '%2x%2x%2x');
	$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
	$font = 3; // Set the font-size

	$xoffset = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_X_OFFSET'); # How many pixels, from left, to start
	$yoffset = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_Y_OFFSET'); # How many pixels, from top, to start

	$font = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_PATH');
	$font_size = Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_SIZE');

		imageantialias($img, true);

	/* Font stuff */

		Config::Set('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT', false);

	# The line height of each item to fit nicely, dynamic

	if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)
		$stepsize = imagefontheight($font);
		$fontwidth = imagefontwidth($font);
		// get the font width and step size
		$bb = imagettfbbox  ( $font_size, 0, $font, 'A');

		$stepsize = $bb[3] - $bb[5] + Config::Get('SIGNATURE_FONT_PADDING');
		$fontwidth = $bb[2] - $bb[0];

	$currline = $yoffset;
	$total = count($output);
		if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)
			imagestring($img, $font, $xoffset, $currline, $output[$i], $textcolor);	
			// Use TTF
			$tmp = imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, $xoffset, $currline, $textcolor, $font, $output[$i]);

			// Flag is placed at the end of of the first line, so have that bounding box there
				$flag_bb = $tmp;


	# Add the country flag, line it up with the first line, which is the
	#	pilot code/name
	$country = strtolower($pilot->location);
		$flagimg = imagecreatefrompng(SITE_ROOT.'/lib/images/countries/'.$country.'.png');

		if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT') == false)
			$ret = imagecopy($img, $flagimg, strlen($output[0])*$fontwidth, 
						($yoffset+($stepsize/2)-5.5), 0, 0, 16, 11);
			# figure out where it would go 
			$ret = imagecopy($img, $flagimg, $flag_bb[4]+5, $flag_bb[5]+2, 0, 0, 16, 11);

	# Add the Rank image
	if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE') == true && $pilot->rankimage!=''
			&& file_exists($pilot->rankimage))
		$ext = substr($pilot->rankimage, strlen($pilot->rankimage)-3, 3);

		# Get the rank image type, just jpg, gif or png
		if($ext == 'png')
			$rankimg = @imagecreatefrompng($pilot->rankimage);
		elseif($ext == 'gif')
			$rankimg = @imagecreatefromgif($pilot->rankimage);
			$rankimg = @imagecreatefromjpg($pilot->rankimage);

		if(!$rankimg) { echo '';}
			$r_width = imagesx($rankimg);
			$r_height = imagesy($rankimg);

			imagecopy($img, $rankimg, $width-$r_width-$xoffset, $yoffset, 0, 0, $r_width, $r_height);

	if(Config::Get('SIGNATURE_SHOW_COPYRIGHT') == true)
		#  DO NOT remove this, as per the phpVMS license
		$font = 1;
		$text = 'powered by phpvms, '. SITE_NAME.' ';
		imagestring($img, $font, $width-(strlen($text)*imagefontwidth($font)), 
					$height-imagefontheight($font), $text, $textcolor);

	imagepng($img, SITE_ROOT.SIGNATURE_PATH.'/'.$pilotcode.'.png', 1);

It may also be in the way the path is written. You can see if the signature is supposed to be written after the CPC/ or the CPC. If it is after the CPC/ then you might want to remove the / or just route it to the full URL.


I will review the code when I get home later. As for the "/", I did remove that just to see, but no luck. I will copy and paste your code here to see. But I was wondering if I would have changed the PilotData.class.php code for some reason?! I sure don't remember why, if I did. Thanks, will keep u posted.


Ok, I will look into it. I have had NO time to fix it since I last posted. Thanks for the input Dave, I will take a look! :)

It's weird though, why would it have changed?! Oh well. Probably something I did :)


Correction. It did not fix it. I don't get the error pop up, but it does NOT change the signature with updated hours, nor will it change the sig pic from the pilot profile. So something, somewhere, I must have broken :(


I can't remember now, is there a list for PHPVMS of what folder and file permissions, SHOULD be set to?! Sorry, if that seems like an obvious question, but I am at a loss right now :(

  • 5 months later...

Dave, sorry to come back to this after so long, but I never did get it fixed :(

As for what you said above, where EXACTLY did you mean, when you said:

It is a directory issue, I ran into the same thing. For my fix I just has to use the complete absolute url in the ranks image setting.

http://www.yoursite.com/path to image


/path to image

  • Administrators

It has been a while but I think this falls back to the pilot rank images and not using relative paths in the admin center.

In the pilot ranks admin panel instead of





Ok, I finally fixed it, after reading over and over again what you all told me :lol: Sorry, but sometimes, I am a total MORON apparently. It is good now. The folder permissions were fine, but I made the .png files all 777 in the signatures folder and all is fine. The individual .png files were 644 or something. Not sure why that was.

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