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I have been working on a skin conversion and was wondering if you guys could take a look for me and tell me what you think.

It's still a work in progress, so go easy on me!


kind regards



You are in for one rocky ride! EasyJet does not allow anyone to do anything which represents EasyJet in any way. I have seen lots of EasyJet Virtual and EZYVirtual come and go over my time.


I know, that's why I was careful not to use any logos, pictures and kept the world easyjet down to a minimum, at present I've not copied anything from them, except for a little colour!

I'll keep it going for as long as I can...cos as far as I'm concerned I've not infringed any copyright!



Have to take into account that there is already a very strongly established VA representing easyjet already and it may be very tricky to attract pilots for that reason :D

But I'm sure it will be all be good for you!

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I really don't think they can get onto you. There is no crime with using the words FlyEzy... Plus the logo is a bit different. I think you should be fine. I doubt they have the name FlyEzy copyrighted. :)

Good luck with your Virtual Airline!!!


Edmund K.

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