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    Goiânia, Goias - BR

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  1. Database with 52163 Airports. Fetus file to be used in PHPVMS https://github.com/eliezerazevedo/Airports-PHPVMS
  2. Complete database with all aerodromes and heliports worldwid. https://github.com/eliezerazevedo/Airports-PHPVMS
  3. Solved! Try to use this file. Before you create a backup Directory: /core/common This file is already compatible with the module Auto Accept / Reject Pirep I am using php 5.3 on my server The version of my PHPVMS and phpvms 5.5.x PIREPData.class.zip
  4. An unexpected problem has appeared. Everything was going well, but I noticed that the flights are being approved and the pilots are not receiving payment for the flight. any idea what it is?
  5. I have the same problem
  6. Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly!
  7. Flights are not being approved automatically, do you have any idea what's going on? PirepAcData.class.zip
  8. Could you make the updated module available for version 5.5 of phpvms?
  9. Boa tarde! Vc teria como me enviar o arquivo do skin FLY para download?




  10. Can you have PIREP move to the status "Under analysis" when the pilot makes a comment? Example: A flight was automatically rejected, after the pilot made the comment, the flight returns to "Em analize" and stays in that status until a member of staff performs a manual analysis.
  11. Managed to solve, it only took delete the line: if(Auth::LoggedIn()) // Make sure they don't over-ride it { $this->render('login_already.tpl'); return; } Thank you so much for services armpits.
  12. Grandes obras, mas eu tenho um outro problema. Por padrão logado usuários não possam fazer o registro, sabe poderia mudar isso?
  13. Hello, In my virtual airline'm using a separate system PHPVMS to the evaluation and admission of new crew. (And a kind of training center) I would like to leave the PHPVMS the registration page restricted to staff. After the pilot is approved in the proof of the training center, a staff makes the registration manually in PHPVMS.
  14. The download link is not working, someone can offer this project to download?
  15. Another doubt, I use this code to count the number of registered pilots. It would be possible to count only active crew? <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?>
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