Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
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Hello Nabeel I have 2 questions At this point i have about 700 flight schedules but here comes the question I have about 300 done flights But I want to refresh off all the flight schedules on new year. Is this possible (read) will this affect any off the old pireps that have been send Example: Now TAY 256= ebbr-lfpg a flight has been done and stored in the pireps db After new year TAY 256= ebbr- eddw. Will this give an error or not because we are a real live airline and our schedules change every 3 months and if this can’t be done we need to ad so many schedules And that would we sad. Second If I want to start a second airline within phpvms is it possible tha…
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, I'm in the process of finalising my site and operations, ( but I have a question about ticket prices for schedules. I've flown two test flights and suddenly my VA has got £16M in the bank ;D as much as I wouldnt mind my personal bank account to reflect this sort of amount, It seems I may have set my ticket prices a tad high. Can anyone advise what an average ticket price would be? My airline is based around Specialist Charters to parts of the Globe that are considered generally highly dangerous flying areas/airports. Obviously its easier to work out ticket prices for General Airline flying into holiday destinations as they can refl…
Last reply by bunoire14, -
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Hi everyone, when a user registers i have an insert statement taken from the create forum account that inserts a users ID and name in to my teamspeak db, what i currently have is this, // Insert a row of information into the table "ts2_clients " mysql_query("INSERT INTO ts2_clients (i_client_id, i_client_server_id, b_client_privilege_serveradmin, s_client_name, s_client_password, dt_client_created, dt_client_lastonline) VALUES('0', '1', '0', '".$code.$fname."', '".$pass."', '', '' ) ") So this inserts in to my teamspeak db Pilot ID and First name like this ABC0001Mark, what i am trying to do is put a space in between the id and the name so it inserts like this, AB…
Last reply by mark1million, -
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I'm out of ideas, but the awards I have so far are: 5000 hours 10000 hours 500 pilots 1000 pilots I'm also thinking maybe 75% active rate after a month, and 60% after 2 months. Any other ideas?
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hi all! I am coding a custom ACARS program in C# for my va. The pilot login function will have the pilot enter their ID and password, then it will need to query a different Login.php (will be in the same folder, but named Login2.php). The different Login.php will need to simply take to ID and Password that is sent to it form the ACARS program, and send back to the program as true or false (basically, does the ID and password match up in the database, and does the pilot ID exsist). I need some help on what the new Login.php would need, as I have no experience with php. Can anyone post the php needed to perform a function like this? Also, if anyone knows what code is …
Last reply by coryb12, -
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Hey everyone! I have been gone for ever it seems but it's only been days and I am WAY behind on the beta versions. Hell I am still on 22 and we are now up to 38 I see. I'm glad all the dam holiday stuff will be over here in a couple days and everything around my house can get back on track. Hope everyone got what they wanted/needed for Xmas and that you all have a very Happy New Year. And my resolution for this year is going to be to quit lying. Yes that's right. Every year I say I am going to do this or that and never do, so this year I am not even gonna lie about it at all. lol I am just simply not going to do anything or say anything about doing anything. ;D ;D ;D
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Question About HTML Tables
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Hi, Quite funny that I do not know the answer to this, But I've seen a few sites that have roster's with 1 row being 1 color and another being another. While the roster is all automated, How i can i create it so it knows to make like the next row a certain color and the one after that another. For an example, Check below;
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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My father just got an activation call pending 24-48 hours to the staging area for immediate deployment to port au prince in Haiti for reliaf work. My father is an EMPA here at ft. hood and will most likely end up managing a US hospital camp.. So urgent. I just hope he isnt there to long
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I would just liek to through a couple of ideas in for development, the topics may have already been covered.. 1, Eco, Business and First Class seating. It woudl be good if we could deteremine how many seats are for each class in an aircraft and assigned different ticket prices. In the new ACARS system in develoment could we have a penalty system for poor flying in the sam eway FSPassengers does, speed limits below 10K Ft, heavy, landings, not using landing lights etc. I know this all takes coding, and I am no coder, but it was just a thought, as I said topics may have already been covered.
Last reply by TennShadow, -
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I noticed that there is an embedded METAR in the pilot brief page, and would like to be able to do this on another website (i.e. not phpVMS), but I can't find the code to do it. How is it embedded, and does it use PHP or JavaScript?
Last reply by chrisbontnewydd, -
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Hey guys, I didn't want to have to ask here, but our guy fell of the face of the earth and we need a few repaints. Anyone know who does them? I'm willing to pay via paypal. I have 2 maybe 3 planes that need done. 737, B1900, and I would like to redo our E145 send me your estimates if your interested. Thanks! Chad C.
Last reply by piper338, -
Whats Karma?
by Kyle- 2 replies
??? Whats karma?
Last reply by Kyle, -
Anyone have any experience with it? Thinking of moving from SMF over to that. SMF project seems to be dying. Anyone have an extra license or want to donate towards the cost of a license?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Nabeel, Is it possible to integrate this in to phpvms? What a d***!!! forget that lol i got all excited then realized its what we have now lol.....
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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If there is anything missing let me know. I think I got it all View Setup
Last reply by Nabeel, -
Feature [Request]
by Guest N402KC- 2 replies
Hi, It may sound cool, or not. Here is what I had in mind. For Flight that have been bidded on, and flights that are currently in progress, We should have a feature like Flight Aware. Where we can enter the flight's callsign, dep, or arrival airport and see all the flights. It will show all info about the flight, and have its current location on a google map. I think this would be a killer idea and moudule to incorporate to phpvms. Please let me know if this could be possible.
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Posibbly my favourite time of the year as it is any irish persons. A day of drinking partying and a day of great craic what more could you want Anyway a hearty happy st patricks day from Ireland
Last reply by Kieran, -
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Google PHPvms review
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hello, I am looking for a good free programs that will reocord and keep my flight logs on my computer.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Pretty cool:
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WorldACARS is close to BETA release and I need some virtual airlines (or just people) to test it. First of all register at In a couple of days when the BETA is released you will be sent a link to the download. And like everything I release, it is 100% FREE
Last reply by AFVA | Mitchell, -
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Anyone using phpbb3 having problems with signatures. New members after my last phpbb3 update are getting an error when adding a image to their signature. It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image I was going to convert to SMF, their converter is buggy and wont convert images and passwords. So I am going to try to work this out.
Last reply by mark1million, -
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Hi. I'm working on creating and putting into a database all the routes for my VA. But I was wondering, how can I find out the distance from one airport to another? Simroutes doesn't have all the routes I have so I don't know what to do for those routes. Is there a formula I can use in excel? Or a better website than simroutes? Thanks.
Last reply by joe68, -
To whom it may concern. It has come to my attention that a gentleman that was on my old VA website "borrowed" some rank images from another airline who is a member of this website and he did not have permission. I am taking these ranks down tonight after school and I will replace them with new rank images that I DID get permission to use from the VA owner of another VA not affiliated with phpVMS. I sincerely do apologize for this and I can promise that it will not happen again. I will not mention what site they came from or who the guy that was with my airline was that did it. No point in crying over spilled milk this late in the game. If there is anything on my site t…
Last reply by brreclark, -
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Ok, if i own a VA after a airline but for expamle.. The Airlines's name is: Air Canada and i want the va to be: Air Canadas Virtual and i use the logo but i edit to suit to the VA. but not like the real airlines logo. And some real airlines askes you to shut down due to copyrights, i don't understant why, but i'm not using the same logo or anything else. A freind was telling it it's okay to do that way, but i'm not sure............. If you would clear it up why is that way for me please, thanks.
Last reply by Kyle, -
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I know there have been other posts about this topic, but I'm wondering if it is possible, and how, to have my schedules updated automatically by a feed, since they change weekly. I run a Southwest Virtual. Does anyone know where/how I could find, access, and use it? Thanks!!
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
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Hello!Does anyone has white paint kits for aes?? Thank you very much, George
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
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If you know how to fix this, please let me know.... With Windows 7 and my server is local like this "myserver.local". When i am running windows 7 ulmiate and when i was adding the domain to it with locally and it said.......... An Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) for the domain "KYLE75675.local" could not be contacted. Ensure that the domain is typed correctly. What is wrong. My server is connected and on and running to the router and my computer is running to the router too. How can i fix this? Thanks
Last reply by TennShadow, -
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Mark, i was sneaking on your site and i notiched that you made a direct link with vroute could you explain how you got this done. thanks in advance joeri
Last reply by joeri, -
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We would like to inform you that a new project has been started. This is the VA Group which will give the chance to all of the virtual airlines to fly together. We will organizing common events in connection with all our members at the virtual organizations(IVAO and VATSIM).Then will help you to developed your new virtual airline and to exchange some basic knowledge about the administration of a virtual airline and many other. Everyone is able to suggest us things and then we will try to realize them. More information will be posted soon! Stay tuned....Please contact us via pm. On behaulf of the staff of VA Group Project Canceled
Last reply by MrAmsterdam,