Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello together, here some Pictures of my new created CREW CENTER. It will be a Free Theme for anyone. Greetings. Current status: HTML / CSS - Work Completed Next Step: Adaptation to phpvms 5.x
Last reply by Bwallnut, -
- 1 reply
I am new to phpvms and I am having a hard time installing a skin. I have setup the database, and I am hosting it through a LocalHost, so that is basically my PC through Visual Studio Code The Instructions say to create a SubDomain but I am confused since I do not have a domain yet. - Instructions to install the skin Discord - Kimba#2859
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Hi My name is Amir hossein, I'm CEO of Iran Airtour virtual airline based on phpvms I'm ready to skin for your vAirline you can order your custom skin by email me : All skins price is only 20$ You can visit my virtual airline with my custom skin which designed by me from here : Regards,
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 1 reply
Ive had a nice skin for a few years now for one of my VAs and the original author is now gone. I am looking for someone who can do a new skin for me to freshen the look of the VA. I value usability and a 'clean' look over bombardment Thanks in advance Topher
Last reply by topher2880, -
- 1 reply
Ciao ragazzi, ho anche questo errore durante l'installazione della chiarezza della pelle per PHPVMS 5 Il file modello /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5//lib/skins/clarity/footer.tpl non esiste in /home/ta3xnt1x/public_html/phpvms5/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php alla riga 248 Non sono super esperto e non riesco a trovare nulla per poterlo risolvere Grazie mille per l'aiuto
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 0 replies
Hello! I have a virtual airline called Iberia Virtual airline! I wounder if someone can help me to create a nice skin for the site! Here is the address?
Last reply by joakim00, -
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Would anyone be interested in helping me with my website. I can't pay you but what I want done is not difficult(integrate phpVMS, edit the template I have picked out). If you can help please leave a post or PM me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by patva1, -
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Hey there I´m the CEO of EuropeSky and where searching for an talented "skinner" for our phpvms System If someone is interested in helping us - please contact me - We don´t have a lot of money but we will try to pay you for your help Or ICQ 84001245 Or Skype : Nagelfar2 Thx
Last reply by Nagelfar, -
I have tried my hand at skinning (although it was with an older version of PHPVMS) and I pretty much fail. I am willing to pay for someone to setup a good working PHPVMS site. My failed attempt was which will give you an idea of what I'm looking for. I have the space, bandwidth and SOME PHP / html knowledge but I can't seem to get it right. That, and I don't know CSS. If anyone is willing to take this job on for me, please let me know. I have been trying to get this VA off the ground for a while.
Last reply by PhatZilla, -
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problem in explorer I have finish my skin In firefox everithing diplay 100 % als so the Google map but the google maps dont noth showing in explorer?? any one advise?
Last reply by CTB001, -
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Hi, here is a useful web site to find pretty icons
Last reply by I-MAXI, -
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This is the skin that i build for my VA powered by phpVMS I have already build another skin for another VA, watch it
Last reply by shervin88, -
by Graeme Davis- 0 replies
hi i have just started my own va Bmi Baby Virtual i have got phpvms all set up just need to get a new skin for my website could anyone help.
Last reply by Graeme Davis, -
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Just updated to VMS2 and its mint! Thought i'd celebrate with a site design re-fresh! Hope you like.
Last reply by davehardy, -
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Pls can someone tell me how to adjust table of showing pilots, pireps and so on, regular html codes or? And another request, where can i fix that only new pilots and new pireps are shown only on main page, like this now its shown on every page, and also how to adjust those tables. Thank you
Last reply by shiljo, -
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Is it safe to say that one needs or should just use winmerge to update their custom skin? I used it for a few files so far and it has worked out nice.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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Many thanks to all who help with the navigation bar. The site is coded and now all i need is the content, for those of you who are going to view the page source i have the site configured for each page to read a phpVMS created page so staff and others are able to edit without a web edit software. Comments, suggestions, questions are always welcome. Tom
Last reply by Shuttle VA, -
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Hey all i am currently looking fo some one to help me creat a skin for my Virtual Airline, i can provide Logo Background and any information i just need someone to put it together for me thanks. CEO- ThoamsCook Virtua Oliver roper
Last reply by nevada, -
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Hi again peeps, Just a quick question, which I hope someone may be able to help with. I am trying to display the logs of the FSACARS and FSPAX PIREP logs within a table on the report page, but can't do it. I can place the results in a table, but I wanted each line of the log to be a new cell with shading etc. Could anyone let me know if this is possible please? I have searched and can't find what I am after. Cheers, Stu PS, I am getting each line of the FSPAX logs starting with the letter n before each first word, any ideas on how to remove?
Last reply by stuartpb, -
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I know, this is kind of vague, but anyone know what my be causing this problem on our live map with the white backgrounds on the images on the live map (see picture below)....something about how it is shifted over because of the Latest Flights feed is what's causing the problem, but anyone know what my be cuasing it in the code? Also, here is the header.tpl code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title><?php echo $title; ?></title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; chars…
Last reply by coryb12, -
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Not sure if this was a skinning question or general support. As you all know I have been around for a few 3 or 4 months now and loving every minute of it so far. Now when I update, I look at the change log and it shows what templates were changed, but it does not say exactly what needs to be changed. I might be missing something some where. that I am not sure. Now talk about feeling like a complete newbie. I am running my template with minimal updates to it that I was running way back from october or november of last year. I fear it is so far out of date now, I need to copy a fresh crystal template and rename it and start over.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
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I just wonder if anyone wants a new admin layout? Heres what i have in my mind 1) Top Navigation with Sub Menus 2) Header Picture over the Nav. 3) And Mods in the Center. What Do You Think? Please Let Me Know. The Poll is On Top Of This Post. If you have any suggestions, please post here!
Last reply by Kyle, -
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k, i don't have the admin settings on right now but i want to test it first before inserting the access phps thingy. And i need your help that i can't get the navagation to come up. Do you know whats wrong with this code from the core_navagation.tpl <style media="all" type="text/css">@import "htdocs/phpvms/lib/skins/crystal with bar/styles.css";</style> <div> <ul class="menu"> <li class="top"><a href="<?php echo url('/'); ?>" target="_self" class="top_link"><span>Home</span></a> </li> <li class="top"><a href="<?php echo url('/registration'); ?>" target="_self" class="top_link"><span…
Last reply by Kyle, -
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Could someone delete this please because i did it and it was pretty simple
Last reply by joshua.john, -
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Hey guys, i been looking for that type somthing like a bar in the timetable just liittle info of the flight and if i click it and it expands it and provides more info. Is that possable. I would like to see that. Does anyone have good JS, or whatever. Thanks!
Last reply by Kyle, -
Hi all im in the middle of starting up a mil va of thr RAF to be precise and was wondering are there any fantastic skinners outthere for the site and not skinning a chicken sort of thing i mean lol. if someone could do this is would be greatly appreciated as well as them being automatically promoted to a group captain in my air force once up and running if they are flyers atol on it makes and allows a change to learn new skills and meet new like minded people much appreciated shilly.
Last reply by shilly, -
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Last reply by RogerB, -
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I thought I would try to create a reference guide that is more of a list of elements and pieces that you can put into a template (a little more in-depth than the documentation). I think its generic enough to not get too technical, but if I left something out, let me know so I can update it. EDIT: forgot to attach phpVMS Skinning Reference.pdf
Last reply by monkeypaw201, -
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Hello, I'm new in this kinda of things and i need help to start up a New Airline and i Don't understand nothing about Website Contruction or Textures and i need a Few Help for start up my Virtual Airline so i'm looking for a Simple Webdesigner for free to setup my VA and do somelink to my VA Forum that i will do soon and someone to do textures for 737-800, 747-400, and A321 for Now. Heres my Email: Skype Username: Tadsantana94 or PM on PHPVMS. The max i can pay is giveaway a PaySafeCard of 10€...
Last reply by TiagoSantana, -
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How do I change the links where it says Utilities and Links so I can redirect it or possibly rename it to put my own, the picture is attached
Last reply by MAT,