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Everything posted by hollinst

  1. Hello all, I wanted to take a moment tonight to congratulate the members of Legend Air for collectively completing over 300 flights for over 500 hours! After a very slow start Legend Air has picked up in the new year and already has completed over 45 flights (our average was 22 flights per month). I am very proud of where Legend Air is heading, and I thank all of you for your support and help through the rough spots! Thank you for your time!
  2. They should have a contact form or contact information on their website. If not you may have to call or write a letter. Keep looking though, they should have those emails somewhere.
  3. Most likely the first thing they will do is write you a nice letter asking you to close ASAP. If you don't they could get you in a lot of trouble for using their name and logo without written consent. Also, I wouldn't put any kind of "Donations" button on your site as if you don't have consent to use their name and logo, and if you do not have their consent to make money or "donations" off of their name and logo, you could end up in a lot of trouble. (I use to run a United Virtual until I was shut down for not getting permission.) Good luck!
  4. Check again and refresh a few times. The re-direct should be fixed and should go to "clients.fspremier.org" instead of the previous "billing.fspremier.org". We are still working on rebuilding as well so keep sending me reports of non working pages! Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the heads up. We have been working to resolve the issue and we are happy to say that the site is back online. We do not know why it happened, but no information was stolen and measures are being taken to prevent the se type of attack again. It wasn't how I pictured starting the new year, but hey, it's like they say, "if you want to hear god laugh, tell him your plan". Thanks again for the heads up, and I'm glad that this wasn't as bad as it could have been!
  6. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. Our main website is hosted on the same $5,000 dedicated server as our hosting services and can hold 300 high usage clients! We also really do have a 99.9% up time!
  8. FSPremier is happy to announce that after a week of renovations, hosting changes, and management changes, we now offer website hosting! FSPremier offers affordable hosting with plans starting at $5.00, $8.00, and $12.00 per month. Our plans are cheaper, and provide a lot more "bang for your buck" than comparable hosting plans online. Transfers are easy, and can be completed usually within 24 hours! Head on over to www.fspremier.org today to get started! We are also developing a whole new website and client panel where updates can be easily posted/viewed, and where items can be downloaded easily! While this site is being built, we are still taking orders via the contact us form. We are taking orders for the following: • Aircraft Repainting • Airline Consulting • Graphics/ Logo Design (Banners, Route Maps, Signatures, etc...) • VAFS website design • phpVMS website design (Coming Very Soon) Check out www.fspremier.org today and get your New Year started off right!
  9. Amazing! Very nice work Jeff!
  10. Joeri, You can be as straight forward as you would like to. I am pointing out that as a "leader" on these forums you should behave as such. If you have an issue with my pricing contact me directly with that problem and I would be happy to explain and or adjust based on the debate. I have come here to advertise my services that are available to the public and the prices for such services. Thank you.
  11. Thank you very much!
  12. Joeri, I have shown nothing but the utmost respect for you on these forums and even helped you solve problems with various users on these forums. What would cause you to disrespect myself, and my business in this way? You are one of the people that is looked up to the most on these forums. But the main thing I see you doing is bashing other peoples work now, and embarrassing people for all of the phpVMS community to see. You obviously do not agree with the service/price and therefore should contact me directly (PM or even the email that I supplied in the original post) and share your comment instead of attempting to publicly "rip apart" yet another post on phpVMS Forums. I do thank you for showing interest in FSPremier however. I hope that you will think through your next few negative remarks before posting them to myself, or any other member on these forums. Thank you.
  13. Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a minute to inform everyone on phpVMS about the great deals we have set up for them! Starting now 11/21/2011 until 12/22/2011, all products and services will be at discounted prices! Some great deals coming up are: • 5 planes for $34.99 • 2 custom logos for $24.99 • Airline Consulting for $24.99 More great deals available, email me at t.hollins@fspremier.org or visit www.fspremier.org to find out more today!
  14. Hello phpVMS, I would like to take a few minutes to let everyone know about the new and improved FSPremier! A while back we were in operation and became very backed up with orders, our lead designer also started having RW problems that created even more backups in the system than before. After this, one of our staff members deleted all of the content and files from the FSPremier site and email center then began posting fraudulent topics on various forums bashing FSPremier (We are still in "battle" with them trying to get all of the wrong sorted out in court). Since then we have totally rebuilt ourselves and the way we operate. Two orders have been received and filled since we have re-opened, and another one (Palmair) is in the process of adjustment. We are back, and even more dedicated to quality than ever, and you can see this through our new site offering a better look at some of the work we have done in the past. No longer are prices set and payments made before the product is completed, the new system is set up like this: Customer contacts us with the details of their project. We respond via email with a quote on the project. The customer replies and confirms the order for the price quoted. The project is then assigned to one of our designers, and is completed. Screenshots are sent to the customer of their product. An invoice is sent to the customer. Once paid, the product(s) is/are delivered to the customer via email. Soon we will have a place for previous customers to log in to re-download their products and see the various coupons/promotion deals they have unlocked. Please take a moment to check out our new site, and see our improvement. We have been working very hard for the last 4 months to re-build after what happened. Also - please feel free to email or PM me those "tough" questions if you have any, I will be happy to answer anything at all! Thank you very much for your time!
  15. Airline: Freshjet Pros: Website design is pretty nice Looks pretty active Cons: Site has a lot of empty space No fleet images Rating: 3 (out of 5) Lets see what we get, www.legend-virtual.org/index.php
  16. With kACARS custom you are looking at a totally customized program for your VA in your colors, already linked to your site for $40.00. If you try to get another developer to make you a custom ACARS with the same basic features as kACARS custom base has, you will be looking at $300.00+ depending on who it is. Legend Air has recently bought the custom kACARS and it was the best money I have spent yet on the airline. Definitely reconsider kACARS, it is the best phpVMS tracking out there!
  17. Hello, I am looking for some help/information about a project that I am working on. I am building a Virtual Airline Alliance website (html) not linked to any of the member airlines phpVMS systems. I want to set up a page similar to this ( http://www.staralliance.com/en/booking/flight-search/ ). I want to create a flight search module like this to show all of the members flights including airport changes(remember, this isn't plugging in to any phpVMS system at the moment and most likely wont). Lets say you search EGLL - KSAN. Lets say that there isn't a direct flight for any of the airlines, however there is a flight on carrier A from EGLL to KJFK, then a flight on carrier B from KJFK to KSAN. I want both of those flights to show up like it does on the real world United Airlines website if you search say Denver to Tokyo. It shows the DEN to ORD flight followed by the connecting ORD to NRT flight. Another example could be seen at this link http://flightaware.com/live/findflight?origin=KDEN&destination=RJAA&Search=. I hope someone knows what I mean. I figure that that the way to do this would be set up a database to hold all of the route information (like phpVMS). Then, create a "search box" that would look through the database and find the information inside then display the information along with the prices, routes, aircraft, etc. I do not know for sure, but I do not think that this would work with html. This would not be a booking system, only a searchable database (?) to display all of the information and showcase how the members of the alliance actually compliment each other. Any help would be much appreciated!
  18. Hello Everyone, Well, It has been a very, very, very, very (did I mention very?) long time since I have made a video for FSX. I decided that it was time to crate a better promo for Legend Air, and with a nights work, I came up with this! I hope you enjoy (Make sure to click 1080p)!
  19. I'm not sure if you have proper permission to do so, but you have copied the rank images from www.deltavirtualairlines.com. Good luck!
  20. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Malaysia Virtual Airlines (Wow, that would be a mouthful)Happy birthday to you! Congratulations on your continued success in the Virtual Community!
  21. Hello - Another quick question about the "New Air France". AFR0001 - Why do you have a donations button at the bottom? I'm pretty sure if you do not have written agreements with Air France you can not make profit of any kind using their name and logos without serious consequences. Your site currently does not feature their logo, however you are using their name and will most likely have images of their fleet on your site in the near future. You really should look into that to keep yourself out of a whole heap of trouble (This is why I started a fictional VA. No worries with copyright infringements and we shouldn't have any legal troubles with any company.). Good luck with whatever you do, but please be smart and avoid any (further) incidents with your airline.
  22. Thanks for all of the tips, our hosting security team has pinpointed the issue and resolved it! I am now having google webmaster tools review it and confirm that it is safe again. I agree with you all that hacking a VA site is pretty pointless, and that maybe we were just some kind of practice for a newbie? Whatever the reason, the security team did a great job and pinpointed everything within hours of me submitting the initial complaint. They wont release any details to me about "who done it" (of course), but have showed me where the files where and assured me that they will take any further steps they deem necessary.
  23. Thanks! We are working with our hosting company as we speak, and have major leads on whoever did it. I'm not sure the level of expertise the hacker had, and I do not know a whole lot about it, however my hosting company has informed me that they have done a very very bad job covering their tracks.
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