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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I will take that for now. Great job!!
  2. Well lets start with the simple stuff: If your using the new version, the very last field is the captcha. It sais what does this add up to? Are you filling that in?
  3. RogerB


    What you would have to do is just layer it in photoshop or some other image program like that, your really making it harder than is has to be. Dan is correct, your header is not stretched properly at all.
  4. Those VA's you mention are successful because they have people who know what their doing, coders, painters and so on. Thats the difference between people who know what they are doing and those who don't starting a VA. You can also use your forums to schedule training sessions, or create pages with in the system to do some of the things you are speaking of. And many of you have a very distorted view of what makes a good VA. There are some VA's that have a pretty website and aircraft, but their financial system is s*** and they are totally unrealistic in their operations. I am friends with a gentleman that runs a VA, he is a real pilot with a degree in finance and does check rides without fancy systems and pages. You don't need all that stuff. And you mention Metro, they don't have any special stuff on their site for training, I know as I was a hub manager, they use their forums and Team Speak.
  5. Anyone can search the schedules, Nabeel didn't put the link out there cause he figured people would put it where they want anyway.
  6. RogerB


    I think the best way to do that is in your style sheet. Are you using an image with a transparent background?
  7. Even with the as you say "lack of addons" this system is way better the VABASE and VATOOLS. What would a training academy add on consist of anyway? You can do training without any sort of add on. With phpvms you can have multiple airlines, make one of them a training division.
  8. So whats the word on this project, I thought it was supposed to be done?
  9. Yeah thats great Karl. I was thinking of having the bids show with a background image of something that looks like a flight board. Just a thought.
  10. Let me know how this works
  11. RogerB


    your talking about the flight time correct???
  12. It came correct out of nowhere, go figure.......Not sure if it was a cache thing...
  13. I have tried all that. The table width doesn't do anything when you adjust it. The other tables will adjust fine....Arghh!!!
  14. RogerB

    Live map

    On my site, once in a while IE will load the whole page body to the left. I hit refresh and its ok......
  15. RogerB


  16. RogerB


    OK, I did this last post but can't find it... One of my pilots only has a few hours so I did his. The system is stating 5.37 -----I added them up manually and the actual hours are 4.57 All his reports were accepted--I tried clearing the hours fields in phpmyadmin and did an hours reset, still the same results.
  17. RogerB


    I hate to keep harping on this but: I have the latest Beta, the actual flight hours are still off, almost by a whole hour on the + side. I did a maintenance hours reset.
  18. Oh yeah I saw that didn't know what it was.....LOL
  19. Any word on this one??
  20. There is really no reason to, but The only way I think is thru PHPMYADMIN
  21. Well you need A hub. Is that what you meant??
  22. I read the docs on this and it made no sense to me either.....
  23. I have tried everything to adjust this table > > Nabeel have any ideas why I can't adjust the width of this bad motor finger?? You will notice its partially off the page on the right.
  24. You have to make sure all the airports your going to use are added first.
  25. #1. Freeweb VA's, a big no no. #2 Filezilla is a free FTP client I suggest you try it. #3 Read through this site before posting as all of your questions have answers if you read. Good luck.
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