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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. Ha ha very good
  2. Not bad but not really 'custom' because the users aren't choosing it themselves.
  3. It's a very extensive fleet for a startup
  4. Yeah British Atlantic uses it too. You can't expect your site to be unique if you're using open source resources available on the web. That's why you make your own unique CSS.
  5. I don't have that in there. I do have: $metar1 = file_get_contents("http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/lib/skins/premiumseries/basic_metar.php?airport=EGPF"); But deleting it doesn't solve the problem.
  6. Anyone at all?
  7. freshJet

    VAForum 2

    Quick and helpful update to this: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allTextAreas() }); //]]> </script> <textarea style="width:100%; height:150px;"> </textarea> Replace your normal message textbox with that and you'll get a nice rich-text editor. This will: Prevent displaying a slash where the user enters an apostrophe Allows formatting such as bold, underline, italics etc Allows the importing of images and links Simples
  8. Actually looks really good! What more information do you have? Bases? Fleet? Destinations?
  9. bump
  10. I know and that's good but I mean I don't like the image for it. Alternatively you could just have a select language bar on the homepage.
  11. Looking good! Nice video, but I don't like the design of the choose language page. I suspect you'll get some criticism for having an intro page anyway.
  12. So you mean you set up phpVMS for him?
  13. Pretty simple. You can use a pop-up box or jQuery Dialog to display the form. For each row have an image or just an edit link which will open this form. First however you would need to assign an id to the row and an id column in phpMyAdmin (assuming that is what you are using). Now, you'd need to use SQL for this so it would be something like: UPDATE table_name SET id=<?php echo $rowid;?> WHERE LastName='Doe' AND FirstName='John' Of course this is just an example and will not be an exact code (I have a feeling the PHP part may not be correct), but it's the basic idea. $rowid would need to be the same as the id in the table and would be something like: <table> <?php $id = 1; $rowid = $id + 1; foreach ($tablerow as $row){ ?> <tr id="<?php echo $rowid;?>"> <td><?php echo $table->firstname;?></td> <td><?php echo $table->lastname;?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> Also check out http://www.w3schools.../sql_update.asp
  14. I think you know what I mean, and everybody else is thinking the same thing. Since I came to the phpVMS community I have seen countless new virtual airlines based on big airlines started by you and, although on seperate occassions, Taylor. Why do people say 'started for a friend' anyway? You never hear Bill Gates saying 'Microsoft was started by a friend of mine for me back in....' Why can't your friend do it himself?
  15. I hope that profile pic is an old one, but if not this would explain a lot.
  16. http://skyteamva.net/index.php/pilots
  17. Looks alright but I cringe when I see Ryan Palmer and Taylor Welka. How long will this venture last?
  18. I logged into my site using my test pilot today (something I haven't done in a long time) to find the following error on the pilot centre: This appears nowhere else on the site. The code shown is from my profile_main.tpl, from the very first line. I presume it stops at 'backgroun' because it cannot display any more. I don't get this error on my own profile, and am unaware if it happens on other pilot's profiles. Could it be something to do with the double brackets (shown in red) ?
  19. You'll find it in core/templates but you need to copy it to lib/skins/skin_name before editing
  20. Have a good look around the internet for some CSS inspiration, no one will give you actual code. That's your job.
  21. Yes, profile_main.tpl. Dunno how I can help you anymore than that because you didn't say what you actually need help with.
  22. Thanks, it's a nifty little feature
  23. Work in progress. The dates are messed up, I know, but this only affects my profile...
  24. Yes.
  25. Definitely some CSS issues there. Or missing HTML tags.
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