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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. VATSIM Avsim Flightsim.com FlightSimWorld
  2. Is this possible? For example to be able to tell kACARS the number of passengers for a flight?
  3. Perhaps add CLS to the 767 list on the application form
  4. I was actually in the process of doing this myself...
  5. But that wouldn't make any sense as the CSS file is determined in the layout.tpl. There is no CSS link in the schedule_brief.tpl.
  6. What path? All of my other schedule functions are working fine (details, boardingpass)
  7. My forum skin is also missing, any ideas?
  8. I recently switched hosts and now I've found that my briefing page has no CSS. It looks like what you'd get it you replaced index.php with action.php, although I'ev checked the URL and it's definitely index.php. I don't want to post the code and the page is locked for crew only so I can only describe it and hope that someone can offer a suggestion as to why it won't display? I've already tried looking through the code to see if there are any missing tags etc Also, I use tabs for the different parts of my briefing and it only works when I click the first two, the other three do nothing which is why I thought it was due to a missing tag.
  9. What do you mean by any news?
  10. Have you tried emailing Emirates?
  11. If this is for the profile then you should just be editing the profile_main.tpl file in core/templates (move it to the same location as the layout.tpl above). Then you can just use $userinfo->firstname and so on...
  12. I understand that but you need something to get the info with. Show me your full code.
  13. I don't get what you're doing. What are you trying to get the details with (i.e pilot code or what)?
  14. freshJet

    Bording Pass

    Sorry forgot to mention that you need to move the schedule_boardingpass.tpl into your lib/skins/[YOURSKIN] folder
  15. You don't necessarily have to import them manually edmundk. If you can find a source you could use PHP to fetch the route.
  16. /action.php/schedules/brief/1 Change the 1 accordingly. -------------- Alternatively you can create a file in your main directory like briefings.php and create your own. Just remember to add: <?php include_once(/core/codon.config.php);?> Then you need to add: $schedule = SchedulesData::getScheduleDetailed($_GET['flight']); So now you can get flight details like: $schedule->flightnum and $schedule->depicao To get the details. So in your address bar you'd put: http://yoursite.com/briefings.php?flight=1 And again change the one to the corresponding schedule ID
  17. ataTables warning (table id = 'plist'): Cannot reinitialise DataTable. To retrieve the DataTables object for this table, please pass either no arguments to the dataTable() function, or set bRetrieve to true. Alternatively, to destory the old table and create a new one, set bDestroy to true (note that a lot of changes to the configuration can be made through the API which is usually much faster). Btw, you put a dot on the end of that link
  18. I didn't say they weren't allowed it and if they can't afford it then why are they starting a VA in the first place? This is the problem in the VA industry
  19. Yes but Tom people are told during installation not to use free hosts. People do it anyway and then want help when it doesn't work. It's their problem.
  20. I don't think free hosts should be allowed support. You were warned upon installing phpVMS.
  21. Could do with more content and the news box needs some padding but apart from that not bad.
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