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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. freshJet

    VAForum 2

    Or just open the file and copy it into phpmyadmin and run it
  2. freshJet

    VAForum 2

    How could you implement a Recent Forum posts to this?
  3. Try using ul { clear:both; } OR li { clear:both; }
  4. Do you have a website or portfolio?
  5. I thought euroscot was dead but clearly not, good luck!
  6. Yup Firefox recognises it as a reported attack page. Diagnosis: http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?client=Firefox&hl=en-US&site=http://golda-airlines.com/
  7. Air Transvat is Canada’s leading holiday travel virtual airline. It carries some 3 million passengers annually to nearly 50 destinations in 25 countries. You mean Air Transat does that.
  8. Yes the best way to do it is using your database client, e.b phpmyadmin if you're using cPanel.
  9. Could you draw it in Paint or something?
  10. If you mean to show the whole text, I think you should edit the image.
  11. Just needs a bit of padding really...
  12. I did this in September for the first time and the only thing I lost was my forum skin. That was JustHost's fault. If you are moving from JustHost: 1. Good choice 2. DON'T USE THEIR BACKUP SYSTEM
  13. Oh, and if you're transferring from JustHost, don't use their full backup system
  14. I'm still on FS9
  15. Important question: will our sims be compatible?
  16. http://chatoglek.net/images/0.png
  17. Use the one provided and change the colours then...
  18. Well it's good to see that you can answer it. And my name isn't Rob despite the understandable assumption. Read my sig, not my username
  19. More important questions are 1. Is this really worth it? 2. Can I honestly see my VA making a difference? 3. Am I prepared and do I have the free time required to run this VA successfully?
  20. It's in your local.config.php somewhere... have a look Something along the lines of DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID
  21. Or just list-style:none; That's the vital piece of code for menus
  22. if($row->phasedetail == 'Arrived') $img = "<img src='http://airindiavirtual.com/images/arrived.gif' />";
  23. I don't work with multiple airlines but you could add a column in your phpvms_airlines table called 'image' and add the image URL for each airline and then in the foreach loop enter: <img src="http://www.yoursite.com/ib/images/<?php echo airline->image?>.gif" />
  24. I have a relatively small screen but that shouldn't be an issue. A good site should work at almost any resolution on almost every browser.
  25. Ditto Sava's point. And what's with the grey highlighted text in your post??
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