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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Can you post the piece of code you are trying to use, I will take a look
  2. Then post your code that you have so far and let us help you along with it, that way we all learn from it and can move on.
  3. faraz - I think it is time for you to start using the search function of this forum, coming in and making demands ending with exclamation marks is not doing yourself any favors. I count seven new threads by you over the last few days, all ending with basically DO THIS FOR ME! or something similiar. This forum is to ask for help and guidance, and almost everything you have been trying to get someone to do for you has been addressed previously. Just my two cents.
  4. It will not function properly in 700 - it uses some functions that did not appear until around the 770 version. You could re-write most of the code to function but I think it would be easier to upgrade to the newer version when it comes out, or a beta now.
  5. Good, it lloks like everyone thinks the same as I on the guest posting. I have an early version running on my development site and am planning on cleaning up the code and getting all the functions configured over the weekend, hopefully will have a beta release by the first of the week.
  6. I am nearly done coding an internal forum board system that runs within phpVMS but had something cross my mind about it. I have designed it that only members of the airline can post in it, does anyone allow non-pilots to post in their forum boards, is this option needed?
  7. All the data you want is already in the array on the pilots list page, just go in the pilotdata class and change the column to sort by and which way you want it to sort, ASC or DESC, or create your own sql query to pull just the data you want from the table and sort it the way you would like.
  8. Try this -> http://www.simplemachines.org/community/ssi_examples.php
  9. Your menu is in the core_navigation.tpl file, right now it looks something like this -> <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/index.php/Frontpage">home</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/index.php/login/">Login</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/index.php/registration">Register</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/index.php/pilots">Pilots</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/index.php/acars">Live Map</a></li> </li> </ul> </div> You can add any links you want like this > <li><a href="http://www.southerncrossva.comli.com/myforum">Forum</a></li> putting whatever address you want the button to point to in the line. As far as looks, if you are not going to implement a new nav bar, you could edit the background images for the existing one with a photo editor and change the colors/borders in your css file.
  10. Css menus -> http://www.cssmenumaker.com/ also -> http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/index.html
  11. Instead if displaying $yourvariable->icao Use $yourvariable->name
  12. Nice screen shot... looks familar, lol
  13. Gotten side tracked this week with a project at work, I should be back at it this weekend
  14. If it producing any errors? what version phpVMS?
  15. hmmmm. seems as though when a pirep is approved it doesnt just add the pay for that flight to the money in the pilot's "bank" but recalculates all the pireps.... I will have to find some kind of work around, probably going to end up being another table for the examcenter for pilot pay, with a listener for pireps......
  16. Nabeel built it into the beta - ;D From the default frontpage_main.tpl in the new beta <?php /* $usersonline also has the list of users - really simple example Or if you're not on the frontpage: $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); */ if (!$usersonline) { } else { foreach($usersonline as $pilot) {echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />";} } ?>
  17. If you have not changed the default variables <?php echo $pilot->lastpirep; ?>
  18. Getting rid of lines that tell it what template to show will make it so nothing will display. You can change the file that it shows to match your template or just redo the existing one. They will all be reformated to match the new version in the next release, like this -> $this->show('exam_list.tpl'); but it will do the same thing.
  19. @TAV1702 Exams.php line 15 -> echo '<div id="error">'.$message->value.'</div>'; Also - for those that have custom css files you need to have the following lines in your css in order for some of the backgrounds during the testing/approval process to render correctly -> #error { border: 1px solid #FF0000; background: #FFCCDA; padding: 1px; text-align: center; } #success { border: 1px solid #008020; background: #D8FFCC; padding: 1px; text-align: center; } #pending { border: 1px solid #008020; background: #FFFF99; padding: 1px; text-align: center; } Happy Coding
  20. I have it running on 808 - have not tried anything past that but it should be ok. Yes - writing your own tests is what it is all about. I just put a test in it to give an idea how it works.
  21. ^do stuff! - lmao - dont know why but that made me laugh today! ;D
  22. If you can put your code up at pastebin.org and leave the link I will look at it...
  23. I have gotten the feeds for Vatsim, IVAO, Virtual Skies, and Real World ATC working on my development site. They all have a similar format but do have small items that are different so each data feed needs it's own module. I am working on transfering the data to the live map, right now all it does is count the data and can display all the info for each Pilot or ATC, as well as sort out a certain airline call sign. Does anyone know the admins on any of these sites other than Vatsim? Vatsim has a detailed written policy about using their data which I have made the Vatsim datafeed adhere to, but the others seem to lack much if anything in regards to the use of their data. I have had some tell me "yeah it's ok" but nothing as far as a policy.
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