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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. put your pilot id in the login box put your password in the password box click on login......... :
  2. try -> <?php MainController::Run('News', 'ShowNewsFront', 5); ?>
  3. Looking at the source from your page all I see in what should be the news is <p></p> - without you posting any of the code from the page I would guess that there is something around the news call that has been changed, maybe inadvertently. maybe even the (5) to (0), or a missing php tag in the news template that holds the news layout. I think I would start looking in the news template first as it looks like the call is being made due to the fact you are getting the open and close paragraph tags.
  4. Can you post the code that you are using to call the news on that page.
  5. Topic Locked Gentleman, it is time to take your disputes elsewhere. This forum board is not going to host any flame wars which is the only place I can see this going.
  6. Something like newest posts? - I can build that in, just need to know what we really want to show, newest posts, or topics.... most popular, idk...
  7. The only requirement that really has anything to do with phpVMS is to have a logo on your frontpage, which can be accomplished when you skin your site, just include one of the supplied Vatsim logos on your frontpage with a link to their site. Everything else is things you must achieve as a group, not anything the management system would really do.
  8. errr - what?
  9. Here is a straight forward chat script you could intergrate into phpvms -> http://www.peachydandy.com/scripts.php and here is a pretty good shoutbox -> http://www.gerd-tentler.de/tools/shoutbox/
  10. What are you trying to integrate from Vatsim, their system runs on their own servers as far as the flight operations.
  11. hmmm - all other pages work correctly? - Can you paste your frontpage_mail.tpl to pastebin and give us the link.
  12. I think you are looking for the text settings in acarsmap.js in the lib/js folder. Look through that, I beleive the table setup for the bubble and font style and such is in there.
  13. Are you trying to voice chat or just text? - There are good freeware apps for both.
  14. Tell your site to Straighten Up! Could you post the error you are getting or maybe explain "something funny" a little more. 8)
  15. simpilot


    hmmm.... can you put your page code up at pastebin and post the link here
  16. simpilot


    You could use something like this -> $password = md5(your_user_input_password. your_user_salt_from_db); if($password == your_user_password_from_db) { do stuff }
  17. Currently, the pilot id is based off of the pilot id in the database plus the offset out of your local config file. There is no good way of changing id's at this point, you could add a field to the pilots table and use it to create an alias of each pilots id to display but all the functionality of the system ties into the db id which is automatically generated when a pilot signs up.
  18. simpilot


    It uses a standard md5 hash plus a random salt string to further encrypt user passwords. Both the md5 string and the user specific salt string are saved in the _pilots table in the db. Hope this helps.
  19. I would like to do that, on a number of addons I have done/am doing but photoshop I am not very good at, well, I do not even own a copy, I use Gimp and not very well. : If anyone would like to help out and create some button images for the addon I would be glad to use them. I have searched around the net but have never found a set that I really wanted to use that were the same size etc....
  20. Of course! To me that is what the open source community is all about, helping one another and making projects better! Quite frankly I do not have much time for folks that constantly point out issues and problems yet offer no ideas of a solution. Just remember that BETA means just that, a work in progress.
  21. It looks like you are missing a closing php tag somewhere in the tpl file you are trying to access. If you could let us know when you are getting the error, ie - what page you are trying to view, it would be easier to try and help out.
  22. TAV - you hit on the main reason that I did not include the editor in the release, it is one thing to use it in the news center when only a select few will have access to it, but another whole world when you install the editor in an open forum system that all your pilots have access to. My intent is to have a bbcode table in the database to use and try to escape many of the issues you have descirbed as well as dis-allow html in the posts.
  23. Hi Jay, sent you an email
  24. edit forum_mod_list.tpl line 21 if ($moderator->pilotid == 1) {echo '&nbsp';} Change the 1 to the pilot number that you want as the permanent admin.
  25. Go into the DB and find the table forum_moderators, the columns should be, id, pilot_id, mod_level 1 1 2 change the pilot_id column to whichever pilot you would like in that first row. If it is pilot #2 you would change it to id, pilot_id, mod_level 1 2 2
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