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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. There is a foreach somewhere in the template sturucture you are using that is based on hubs from what I can tell from here, You have 11 hubs by your registration form and you are showing up 11 times in your pilot list..... look through all the templates that are being used when that page is called.
  2. It is easy actually, on my site I just created a module that calls any data sitting in the acars table that is less than X number of hours old. Create a new sql SELECT command to return the data from the phpvms_acars table and then just parse the data into a table or whatever format you are trying to use.
  3. How about -> <?php if (!$variable) {do something if the array is empty} else {do something if the array has data} ?>
  4. How are you calling this? Is this the whole tpl file, or is it embedded in another using a call?
  5. I just tested your code on a clean install and it works fine - Have you checked the db and see how many entries there are in the pilots table?
  6. Hard to tell without seeing the code but looks like you have the foreach for hubs still in there and you have 11 hubs. You would not need that part anymore if you are just showing a full pilot roster.
  7. To fix the "there are no pilots issue" that your getting above you need to change <?php $roster = PilotData::GetAllPilotsDetailed($start='', $limit=50) ?> to <?php $roster = PilotData::GetAllPilotsDetailed('', '') ?> This will give you the first 20 pilots in the db unless you have changed the parameters in the PilotDataClass for the getAllPilotsDetailed function. A cleaner way to get all the pilots would probably be -> <?php $roster = PilotData::getAllPilots(); ?> This will return all the pilots and their information that are in the db You can use <?php print_r($roster); ?> after the above call and see everything in the array. After that use a foreach and build your table to your liking.
  8. Have you tried moving the schedule_results.tpl file from the core/templates folder to your skin folder temporarily to see if the add to bid function works. I think it is something in the javascript on your site, I have it working on a number of sites without any issues.
  9. are you running version 858? are you showing any errors on the page?
  10. hmmm, the add to bid is working with that code in both IE8 and FF for me without any issues, it even brings up the "already in bids" if you hit it more than once. I am guessing that the popup login is something using javascript that was added after the original install, almost sounds like it may be suffering the from the same issue as the javascript for the map and add to bids...... maybe it is the cause of the issue and is conflict with the newer phpvms coding..
  11. Try the "add to bids" funtion fix I posted here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1994.0 Users online is only standard on the index page. If you are using the listing on other pages you must include -> <?php $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); ?> prior to using the listing. Sorry, not sure what you mean by the popup login, if you can link me or point me in th right direction I will try to take a look.
  12. You can use the export function (in the top tabs of phpmyadmin) and check the box to save it as a zip to your local pc. It will collect the table structure and data from the db and place it all in the zip file which could be used to restore a damaged or corrupted db.
  13. Check your schedule_results.tpl file for the add to bid function. if it looks like -> <a class="schedules" id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo url('/schedules/addbid');?>">Add to Bid</a> change it to -> <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/addbid');?>">Add to Bid</a> This has the function working for me in IE8 And FF
  14. You have already started a thread on this issue... Have some patience, we are all volunteers.
  15. That error would lead me to believe that the mail_check template does not exist in the core/templates folder or is corrupted. Try re-uploading that template and let us know if that clears up the error.
  16. It looks to me like you deleted something out of the db along the way... The link is looking for id=2 and there is nothing in your db list with id #2 I would drop the whole table and reset it with the supplied sql file and try it.
  17. This is what I do <style> .row0 {background-color: #E0E0E0;} .row1 {background-color: #ffffff;} </style> $class = 0; foreach ($results as $result) { echo '<tr class="row'.$class.'"><td>Your data</td></tr>'; $class = 1 - $class; }
  18. Check in the database and see if there is actually anything in the forum_posts table. I am guessing that the db table did not get created correctly or one of the files is corrupted. If the table is there with all 8 columns I would re-load all the files and reload the sql file into the db. Let me know how you make out.
  19. Check in the phpvms_fieldvalues table and see if there are any values with fieldid 7 that have any data in the value column. That is where the code will ultimatly pull the data from.
  20. Can you post a link to the site Looks like it is not posting the data correctly to the database. Does it show a post count in the forum index?
  21. hmmm.. I will have to do some more digging to figure out what is wrong on my end then. I have updtated everything including the ini files for fsacars... ???
  22. No I did not, but I have not gotten the default landingstat to work on any of my sites yet. The column is always a zero. I looked through the PirepData and can not find the code where it should be pulling the stat out - All i see is around line 580 where it is looking for it and setting it to 0 if it is not there.... So i modified my old code to work with the newer version. I will take it down until I figure it out.
  23. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/dev/index.php/TopPilot In final stages 8)
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