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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Working with what is already in the array you really only have the "flightnum" field to work with which already has the "code" and "flightnum" fields combined, ie ABC1234. I was using the first three digits to create a way to differentiate between airlines, this is assuming that he is using the airline icao as the first three digits of the flights for that airline. Without creating some new code to supply the array to the map you are not going to be able to get the airline data, and then it will only be the airline that the pilot belongs to.
  2. If you have set your memory limit as high as "1024M" and still get the error I would say that there are more issues than the phpVMS script. Either the override is not being used by the system, some hosts do not allow local php.ini overrides outside of the server root, the command may be in the wrong place, it is too late in the script to make a difference, or the server has a very low memory capacity. If you are positive that the server is actually giving you that much memory you can start working your way through the functions that are parsed when you update a Pilots Profile on the admin side in the PilotAdmin.php file. I would start with line #158 -> https://github.com/phpVMS/phpVMS/blob/master/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php#L158 - The updatetotalhours is notorious for causing issues for both pilot and airline statistics. Feel free to work on it and create a pull request on GitHub and it will be reviewed and merged in if it is benficial. As far as the group being unprofessional, I do not know what to tell you, we are all volunteers that try to help when we can. I thought twice myself before posting this response figuring I am just going to get a backlash anyway, but I have tried to give you a direction to go per your request.
  3. The table automatically sets the widths for the cells for each new table to what fits best for the current data. You can set some column widths in the template to force them all to be the same. In pilotslist.tpl try something like -> <tr> <th width="10%">Pilot ID</th> <th width="30%">Name</th> <th width="20%">Rank</th> <th width="20%">Flights</th> <th width="20%">Hours</th> </tr>
  4. Not really sure what you want to reset. If you want to erase all your PIREPS you could just trunacate the table from phpmyadmin or similar. If you want to set all the landing rates back to 0 then run a sql query to reset them -> somthing like -> UPDATE table SET landingrate = 0;
  5. *Not Tested But Should Work Or Get You Close In acarsmap.js change line 104 from icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].heading+".png", to icon: url+"/lib/images/inair/"+data[i].flightnum.substr(0,3)+".png", Put your flight image you want to use in the /lib/images/inair/ folder. Example if you have a flight ABC1234 then put an image for it in the folder named ABC.png
  6. You need to look at issues with FSAcars then, I do not think the TouchdownStats module is the cause.
  7. You are going to need to add a join statement to the pilot data call as it only gets the data out of the pilot table the way it is written in the default version. $this->set('allpilots', PilotData::findPilots(array('p.hub'=>$hub->icao))); Best bet may be to write your own custom query for this and join an array of the pilots awards to each pilot.
  8. On my version on GutHub here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS_extended/blob/master/core/common/PIREPData.class.php#L709 You will find the line you need at line 709 $pirepdata['accepted'] = PIREP_PENDING; change to $pirepdata['accepted'] = PIREP_ACCEPTED;
  9. Call me lost but it looks like you are trying to do a number of things within the same application. Is this part of this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/9008-news-about-the-new-administration-program-phpvms/ ? What is the prpose of connecting to an FSX install if it is not as an ACARS app?
  10. I built a similar tie in for the Vanilla Forum and found it easier to login using the native phpVMS auth system and then add the login from the forum to that by creating another step to the phpVMS login process. I think you could do something similar with this if you started around line 16 of your pastebin. I would look at their API and see what the login variable is returning on line 22 and see if that data can just be added to the user session to authenticate them into the forum. You may get a few ideas from the way I did it here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-VanillaBridge/blob/master/core/modules/Vanilla/Vanilla.php
  11. Check Out -> http://fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-custom/kavarscustom-information Contact Jeffery Kobus at fs-products.net jeffery.kobus AT fs-products.net
  12. Hope you find some people to help you out Allan, it would be a shame to lose this VA, a lot of time and effort has been invested in it.
  13. I can not say enough good things about kACARS and Jeff at fs-products. No matter what you have there will always be a time when you need help with a bug or something unique which Jeff has always been right there to address it in my experience. A proven track record is always desireable in my opinion.
  14. Line 23 in the file is ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); ini_set is a php function that would override the php.ini file in the server root. Some hosts disable the ability to have individual php.ini files or use the ini_set function outside of the root of the server which I would guess is the case here as well, it is not uncommon on free hosting to limit some of the user functions to push you towards a paid hosting scenario. You may be able to get around it by commenting out the line in your file - //ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); The rest of your errors are directly from the cURL php module not being installed on the server or it not being active - [Connection failed] Could not connect to remote server - error is "cURL not installed or initialized!" You can try to contact the host and see if they will allow your account to use the ini_set function for php and also install or make available to you the cURL module.
  15. Have you refreshed the browser screen? I double checked here on a local test and it seems to function correctly. - Also, did you also "install" the plugin after uploading it?
  16. Without seeing the rest of your error I would guess that the template files are not present for the module - That is usually the cause of a template class error.
  17. @ARV187 This is not really an issue with the Touchdown Stats module as it only grabs the info that is in the pireps database. I would take a look at what is actually in the landing rate column of your PIREPS table and go backwards from there. I would guess it is how your ACARS log is being parsed or you have manually changed some pilot id's somewhere along the way and flights are getting crossed up between pilots.
  18. Did you look in the database to see if there is actually a settings table or if there is any data in it?
  19. I am not sure if you are trying to build another acars system or something to manage the core of phpVMS, if it is the latter I may be willing to share the code for the core manager I have depending on what your intentions for the application are. http://www.simpilotgroup.com/home/managerapp
  20. All code is available on github - link in my signature
  21. It is most likly an issue with ASP tags on your server. There is some information on how to fix it here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3580-live-map-is-not-working-correctly/page__hl__flightpilotname
  22. see - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8987-phpvms-suddenly-down-and-doesnt-work-error-given/
  23. With the section of the error showing "/CURRENT_SKIN/", it shows that the system is not able to define that constant from the database. I would think that you have lost all the data out of the database or it has become corrupted. Take a look in phpMyAdmin and see if there is anything left in the "_settings" table.
  24. Not a problem, sorry for the delay, I am back in treatment and unfortunatly spend a lot of time sleeping.
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