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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. If you are just trying to get the last 10 reports change; $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid)); to $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, '10')); That should return only the last 10 reports, there is also a third parameter available as to the status of the pirep. For example if you just want approved pireps do; $this->set('pireps', PIREPData::GetLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, '10', '1'));
  2. Are looking prior to anopther PIREP being accepted? Using this method the PIREP will not be included in the stats until another one is accepted.
  3. Was it finding flights prior to the code change, or is it something from the original code? I just tried these changes on another site and it seems to work, the only drawback being that it is sortng by departure time for each aircraft so they are in the result in blocks. When searching by aircraft you will prbably have to do a key sort after filling the variable with all the flights.
  4. In FrontSchedulesData.class.php change line 21 AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE '$aircraft'"; to AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE '$aircraft' ORDER BY phpvms_schedules.deptime ASC"; and change line 32 AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft"; to AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft ORDER BY phpvms_schedules.deptime ASC";
  5. I am not sure what is going on here but Mini you asked for this to be addressed via the report to moderator link, you get your wish. Locked.......
  6. Remove the /* and the */ comment marks from that line and it will not add the PIREP when it is submitted by the pilot. I am rewriting this module now anyway as it has started to create issues for sites that have a large amount (10k +) and timeouts.
  7. This stereotypical ignorant American thinks this has gone far enough.
  8. Has this corrected itself? I am guessing it was a conflict when the month turned over between the server time and PIREP times.
  9. That was a cheap shot Tom.......
  10. Seems even more like this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2706-new-vacars-v10-screenshots/ to me, just like anything else in life, you get what you pay for.....
  11. Check your database in the phpvms_groupmembers table and make sure there is an entry in the frst line as groupid - 1 and pilotid - 1 It sounds like the amdin permission is not getting set to the first user for some reason.
  12. I am not sure why you would want to do this but if it is to change the title in the browser tab you can set a custom title in the start of the controller which will be reflected in the browser tab; <?php class Profile extends CodonModule { public $title = 'Pilot Center'; function index() { etc.....
  13. I am not sure if this is a new server you are using versus the other two you already have set up but it looks like a server/hosting side issue. The offical MySql definition for that error code is: My guess is that you are on a shared hosting environment and the database is being taxed to it's limit, but in any event I would start a support ticket with your host's support group.
  14. Thats Cool - Any attribution would be appreciated.
  15. This is getting ridiculous guys - Take it up using PM
  16. Take it up with theme forest - not here
  17. Could you guys at least remove my VA website address from your privacy policy that you copied. I am in no way responsible for anything on your site. BTW - I had to chuckle that you copyrighted it.....
  18. Check your function call - you are aksing for; DownloadData::GetLatestDownloads($total) and getting the error Fatal error: Call to undefined method DownloadData::GetLatestDownloads() in C:\wamp\www\PIA\core\modules\FrontDownloads\FrontDownloads.php on line 30 the new function is called get_latest_downloads()
  19. All your database connection settings are located in the local.config file; Location - /core/local.config.php define('DBASE_USER', 'user'); define('DBASE_PASS', 'password'); define('DBASE_NAME', 'database_name'); define('DBASE_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('DBASE_TYPE', 'mysql');
  20. You could add something like this to a custom data class; <?php function get_latest_downloads() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."downloads ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5"; return DB::get_results($sql); } ?> That would give you the last 5 downloads in order of their database id. You can loop through the results using a foreach command.
  21. Too many quotes in the links - try <?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<img src="www.hawaiianairva.com/lib/skins/BrettLoweUALSkin/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Retired';} else {echo '<img src="www.hawaiianairva.com/lib/skins/BrettLoweUALSkin/images/yes.png" alt="warning" /> - Active';} ?>
  22. This is a server side issue, I would contact your host and let them know.
  23. @MCSchwartz - I find it hard to believe that you can make an opinion of the forum and the moderators when you only have been a member for a few weeks, much less try to "take control" of it. We are all here as volunteers, not paid baby sitters. I will usually close down or delete posts that I find to be unreasonable or offensive, granted, I am not on the forum every day. I also hear your feelings that the hijacking of threads and general disputes that are taking place has to stop, yet you want to start a thread for people to bash each other in? That doesn't make sense to me. As Nick Tyson states we are Tyrants, so with that my vote is to remove the VA Disscussion forum board completely. The vast majority of the threads are looking for pilots to join VA's, and as it has been stated many times, this forum is for owners and operators of virtual airlines, not pilots that are looking for a VA to join. If you want someone to review your new skin, put it in the skinning forum. If somethings starts up then the moderators will address as we see fit, and when we can. Unfortuantly, banning members and deleteing posts usually just adds fuel to the fire with the banned member returning using a new id through a proxy server. Now, as I find a thread that encourages members to engage in flame wars not needed in this forum I am locking it.
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