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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. The exam center is not tied to the phpvms native ranks, you will have to do that manually. The $ is hard coded into the templtes in this module - you will have to change it there.
  2. It depends on the module and function you are using. An example might be; <?php MainController::Run('touchdownstats', 'index'); ?> or, you can pull the data you need directly from the data module and display it as you would like in the template; something like; <?php $lstats = TouchdownstatsData::get_stats(5); ?>
  3. Looks like you are #1101 not #1 in the database. You will need to add your id to the exam admin database as an admin manually. exams_admin table add pilot_id - 1101 admin_level - 1
  4. It is a virus that has been around the net for a while now, HTML/Rce.Gen is a form of the W32/Ramnit.C virus which can lead to a complete registry corruption. There are a number of resources to learn how to try and remove it available, Malwarebytes is a good freeware method; There is a good how to here -> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic346250.html
  5. If you are being redirected it means you are either not logged in to the system or you are not the pilot with database id #1 and you have not been assigned admin rights to the exam admin system. The work around is in the instructions in the very first post of this thread.
  6. I normally stay quiet on these threads as I agree they are something that should be handled privately, and generally it is an offence by a site that does not last long at all. My problem is when you start comparing this to terrorism, having lost a family member in Iraq and seeing how many family's have been destroyed not only on September 11th here in the US but in the 10 years since I find comparing a child taking some website scripting to an act of terrorism nearly physically sickening and I imagine anyone else across the globe that has been on this side of a terroritic act feels the same. If you feel strongly that you have had content copied here is a quick quide on what to do; from http://www.businessknowhow.com/internet/copy.htm 1 - Gather Information and Proof • Find a contact email address for the offending Web site. If you can’t find an email address on the site, do a WHOIS search for the registrant, this will be the owner of the Web site and should also list their contact information. Also make a note of who is hosting the Web site. • Use the Way Back Machine to find past views of your site — this helps prove that your site, with the original content, has been online longer. • Provide a link to the Google Cache showing that the Google Spiders discovered your content earlier than the offending Web site. • Take screenshots of the copied material on the offending Web site. In the case of a whole site being, copied save the source code as well so that it can be compared with yours. • Gather as much date evidence as possible — this might include screenshots or copies of: o The dates comments were made on your blog in response to the original post o Your MySQL database records • The original (preferably unedited) images or graphics with the file date • Past backups of your Web site with dates modified 2 - Contact the Offending Web Site • To begin with, send a polite email informing the owner of the theft and request that the stolen content or images be removed within a certain time frame. • If you don’t hear back or they aren’t compliant send a Cease and Desist order (Many outlines can be found online for you to use). 3 - Take it to the Top Contact the offending Web site’s host to make a complaint, sending the Cease and Desist order along with the evidence. Most hosting companies are very strict on these matters and will usually suspend the site temporarily until matters are cleared up. File a DMCA complaint with Google and the other search engines telling them to remove the site from their search indexes as the site involved violates copyright laws. Just remember, if you are using images from another site or real world company you can be just as guilty as the one you are singling out and open yourself to the same sanctions. I am locking this topic and hope that these issues are followed up on in private from now on.
  7. Not as yet, you could just sort the returned array on the fly to pull out the lines you want.
  8. Looks like you have left off the closing php tag - ?>
  9. Try removing the .htaccess file from the root of your install, GoDaddy is great for domain names but their hosting has a little to be desired and the way they setup their servers greatly affects the way a .htaccess file is parsed.
  10. I just looked at the source for your page and the code is not there in the head; currently it is <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7"> try changing it to <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  11. Go in your database in the pilots table and change the default values for 'rankid' and 'rank' to match the rank you want pilots to have when they sign up.
  12. Add this in the head portion of your page. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  13. With the changes to the native search functions in phpVMS this module has really become outdated as far as coding is concerned, it really needs to be re-written for the current version of phpVMS.
  14. I will be releasing the Charter Center on my site by December 1st at the latest. Hope this helps.
  15. I have a hosting client that used to be on PowWeb as well and had trouble with timeouts and such when database queries got heavy and when the were more than a few pilots connected through ACARS (which uses the action.php route exclusivly). If you do the whois for your domain (usavamc.com); http://whois.domaintools.com/usavamc.com It shows 10,371 other sites hosted on your server, a bit much for my taste but that is how some hosts pack clients onto a server hoping that the vast majority will be low use sites and never be an issue. Unfortunatly this usually gets them into the situation of having to limit customers use of the server resources, as they have done to you. Mark I believe is spot on in recommending another host, one good host can replace all your shared plans with other providers.
  16. It is a directory issue, I ran into the same thing. For my fix I just has to use the complete absolute url in the ranks image setting. http://www.yoursite.com/path to image not /path to image
  17. You must be submitting manual PIREP's, they do not have a landing rate, it just defaults to 0. You will need to use some kind of ACARS reporting system in order to record landing rates.
  18. simpilot


    Change; $this->show('adicionar.tpl'); $this->set('userinfo', Auth::$userinfo); to $this->set('userinfo', Auth::$userinfo); $this->show('adicionar.tpl');
  19. The image you have linked to shows time slots with the slots that are filled they also show the PID and the pilot's name. If you want to use one aircraft perslot you will have to re-write some of the internals in both the admin and public modules.
  20. Are all your PIREP's manually reported? Check the database amd see if there are any figures in the landing rate coloumn of the PIREPs table. Manual PIREP's do not have a landing rate recorded.
  21. If I am following you are looking for the code in; /admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php lines 560 - 594
  22. simpilot


    You need to set the variable in the controller before you try to see what is in it. Try this in your controller; <?php class adicionar extends CodonModule { public function index() { $this->show('adicionar.tpl'); $this->set('userinfo', Auth::$userinfo); } } ?> then in your template use <?php var_dump($userinfo); ?> to see what is available. If the user is not logged in you are not going to get any data using this method, it should be only used on pages only available to logged in users.
  23. Did you drop the ols airmail sql tables before you ran the new sql file?
  24. This is generally an error in the php.ini file for setting the server time zone. I would check to see if it is in place or maybe the zone is mis-spelled.
  25. You would have to change the codeing in the main module file, I made it to only allow one signup per pilot.
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