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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. When you originally reject the pirep from the pilot, does it show up in the tour then, or only after you use the rebuild functions. Also, is there more than one flight in the database for the pilot for the same schedule that is attached to the tour that has been approved prior?
  2. You could try something like this in your data class; public function get_monthly_landingrate($month, $year, $howmany) { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE MONTH(submitdate) = '$month' AND YEAR(submitdate) = '$year' ORDER BY landingrate DESC LIMIT '$howmany'"; return DB::get_results($query); } Just wrote this and did not test it you may have to adjust it a little.
  3. I have tried this on my own test install and am not able to reproduce this situation. Does the pilot have an approved flight of the schedule in the database as well as the rejected one? Are you using the rebuild pilot data or complete rebuild of tour options after rejecting the pirep and does it show up before and after this? Are you changing the status after approving the prirep? The tour module listener is listening for the PIREP approved event and will not do anything if a pirep is rejected.
  4. What was the solution so others can benefit?
  5. You can find the psd file for download here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1590-utility-rank-template/
  6. Did you change the base url in the local.config file as well?
  7. Can you post your controller and data class to paste bucket so I can see what it is trying to do. I think you are just not assigning the variable in the controller function, not sure though.
  8. Not sure what is going on here. Is the event in the database? The news function uses the native news table but the actual event listings use the tables created when you load the event.sql file. Does the event show up in your admin panel?
  9. The easiest thing to to do would be seperate them by airline if you have that in place already. You could add a function to the model like: public function get_airline_stats($airline) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps` WHERE landingrate < '0' AND code = '$airline' ORDER BY landingrate DESC"; return DB::get_results($query); }
  10. SMFRegister 2.0 phpVMS module to automatically register a new pilot in your smf 2.0 forum. This is simply an auto registration feature for new pilots, not a bridge. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS ver 2.1.934-158 smf ver 2.0 php 5.3 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Included files: readme.txt license.txt SMFRegister.php SMFRegisterData.class.php Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -your structure should be: root --core ----common ------SMFRegisterData.class.php ----modules ------SMFRegister --------SMFRegister.php - Your smf database must reside in the same datbase as your phpVMS install and use the standard "smf_" prefix. - I have built this to work with smf forum version 2.0, it has not been tested with any other version. - The module will register a new user in the forum when a new pilot registers with the VA. the format for registration into the forum is: user: John Smith ABC1234 pass: same as they used to register on the main site. Although not required, a link back to www.simpilotgroup.com would be greatly appreciated! Have fun! Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
  11. Ok, Let me know if you have more trouble. That would be the first time I have seen that though.
  12. Are they enabled for the current week and day for use? Are they above your pilot rating? Do they show up in the admin panel schedule listings?
  13. To seperate it you can do something like this; PopUpNews.data.class add: function get_latest_news() { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."news ORDER BY postdate DESC"; return DB::get_row($query); Add a limit to the sql call and change the return method to get more than one news story returned. in your controller function for the page you want to view it on set the variable; $this->set('news', PopUpNewsData::get_latest_news()); The in your view use; <marquee> <?php echo '......'.strip_tags($news->subject).'......'.strip_tags($news->body); ?> </marquee> You can remove the php strip_tags function but it will then include the html tags from the news editor which I usually find undesireable in a maquee situation.
  14. By the screenshot you have everything you need, the layout.tpl file basically is a index.html file for the skin. Hard to tell what is going on? I think you mentioned that the crystal skin works properly on a fresh install, right?
  15. I just went to it and it is still showing as a dead link. I think you have done one of two things; uploaded the new skin inside of the existing crystal skin and not beside it, or you have a folder within a folder from unzipping it. (A brilliancev1 folder within the brilliancev1 folder) Without some screenshots of your file tree or ftp access I do not have much more insight.
  16. When I try to go directly to the folder through a url it tells me it does not exist, when i try to go to your crystal folder it denies access so I know it is there. Where exactly are you placing the skin folder? Your file tree should look something like /lib /skins /crystal /brillancev1
  17. I don't think that you have the folder placed correctly, did you mistakenly add a folder within a folder when you unzipped the files? Like -> /lib/skins/newskin/newskin/files
  18. The conflict you are running into is actually a browser cookie conflict. You can solve this by naming the auth cookies different for each site on the server. I at any time may have up to 10 test installs running on one server for clients. On line 575 (yes, down past the "Dont edit past here!" markings - lol) in your app.config.php file you will find the line define('VMS_AUTH_COOKIE', 'VMSAUTH'); You can change the VMSAUTH to something different for each install, that way the browsers and the sites will not get confused. Just name it something unique, using "COOKIE" will most likely conflict with some other site on the web.
  19. Unfortuantly the sql engine is going to set the next pilot id as the next number of whichever is higher in the table - the highest existing pilotid or the ai setpoint. For example: you have pilot id's 1 - 20 and 50 - 70 you have a pilot signup and he gets id 71 and you reset him back to 21 to try and fill the gap. Even if you reset the ai in the table back to 22 the next pilot will get 71 because there is a 70 (the higher of the two numbers) in the table. You will have to move all the pilots, which I wouldnt recomend as there is a maze of things connected to pilotid, or repeat this process for every pilot until you get your gap filled. I set up a couple of va's for folks with an extra field for public call signs so staff could have the low numbers and they could have hubs with specific callsigns, that would be about the only way around this.
  20. You can reset each one to where you want it in the admin panel then reset the auto increment for the sql table to start where you leave off but you will not be able to fill in the gaps with new users automatically, you will have to move them when they signup. The sql engine will always assign the next number from the highest number in the table or where you reset the ai to, whichever is higher.
  21. I have run in to trouble with hyphens coming out of a excel csv file. I started using open office calc for the csv files and dont have near as many issues with special characters in csv files. Might be worth a try if you are using it already.
  22. As long as those aircraft registrations still exist in the database it should import without issue. What version phpVMS are you using?
  23. <?php MainController::run('touchdownstats', 'top_landings', '5'); ?>
  24. How are you including it on your frontpage? something like <?php MainController::run('touchdownstats', 'index'); ?> should be all you need if the data is there.
  25. Hi, Sorry for the delayed response, I have been away and only watching for support tickets off of my site, in the future you will get support much faster for paid modules from that method. If you can get in touch with me and let me know what hosting panel you are working with I will help you get the cron up and running.
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