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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. simpilot

    Logo Design

    Anyone willing to take a swing at designing a logo I can include in the modules I release? Art is not my strong point and I am getting frustrated with designing a logo.
  2. If you are in the pilot center you can use - Hub: <?php echo $userinfo->hub ?>
  3. I wouldn't put too much time into skinning, the tpl files will probably be changing some with coming releases.
  4. You can change the field to what you would like in the sql table, i just changed it to 2000 from 250 in my version so it will be exported that way for the next release. Not sure why I had 250
  5. stuart, are you having the same date issue? When you guys click, or tab, into the date selection box the jquery datepicker should pop up, like this - if it doesn't, there are issues somewhere before that which we will have to figure out, but you should also be able to manually input the date in a yyyy-mm-dd format. It seems to be working for me on 921, what version are you guys on?
  6. VERY BASIC BETA Released - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2599-eventbooking-beta-10/
  7. EVENTBooking beta 1.0 phpVMS module to create and manage fly-in events for your phpVMS based virtual airline. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.921 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the event.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -create a link in your admin navigation panel I put it on line 54 in admin/lib/layout/header.tpl <li><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/admin/index.php/events_admin">Events</a></li> -create a link in your main site nav bar <li><a href="<?php echo url('/events') ?>">Events</a></li> This is a VERY BASIC BETA version of this module. It only includes basic functionality and is currently under further development. It is only being released in this BETA form for community input on further options. The Slot Limit determines how many open slots are available to pilots for signing up beyond the slots that are already reserved. - I would suggest not editing this after you have created the event and have signups. The Slot Interval is how many minutes are between each Slot Reservation. This is not editable once you set the number in the creation of the event. Bug tracker and feature requests here - http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/EVB Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License EVENTBooking beta 1.1 update -removed datepicker calendar and added date dropdown to support all browsers -added news post function during initial creation of event -added function to delete an event and all signups associated with it -changed sql field size for event description from 250 characters to 2000 characters New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.1 files Run event_update.sql in your events table in your phpvms database EVENTBooking beta 1.2 update - phpVMS ver 929 -fixed small date bug when editing event -new function to automatically add the link in the admin panel for the events module. It should show up under addons->events. (only functional with build 929 and beyond) You no longer need to put the link in your header for the admin side and it will not get overwritten in updates. New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.2 files If you are updateing from 1.0 -> Run event_update.sql in your events table in your phpvms database EVENTBooking beta 1.3 update - phpVMS ver 930 -added pilot rankings for number of events attended. New Install Same as 1.0 install above Update Overwrite existing files for EVENTBooking with the new 1.3 files If you are updating from 1.0 -> Run event_update_1.1.sql & event_update_1.3.sql in your events table in your phpvms database If you are updating from 1.1 or 1.2 -> Run event_update_1.3.sql in your events table in your phpvms database Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
  8. I'm partial to this one... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2278-pilot-center/page__view__findpost__p__15105
  9. You can get all the current bid info using <?php $bids = SchedulesData::getAllBids(); ?> Then use your $bids variable to display what you would like
  10. In local.config.php you can also change Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true); to Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', false);
  11. Keith, I updated the code in, PopUpNews.php PopUpNewsData.Class.php The template files are not changed so if you already have them skined you should be good to go. I have it working on ver 921 on my development server. I am not getting the blank page or the /user_array/ errors. If you are updating be careful to not overwrite your .tpl files if you have skinned to your site, they have not changed but are included for new installs. Get The Code
  12. I will look at it this evening - I am still on 917 on my local and it seems to be working. I will upgrade to 920 and see what I get.
  13. Pilot side...
  14. The module is really not in use since the release of version 2.0 as the function is built into the fsacars module and deposits the stat in the database. I am not sure if the function is working with kACARS, but if it is not it probably would not be a big deal to adjust it. it is just a matter of extracting the info from the database and displaying it as you wish.
  15. Ok guys, I have the admin side mostly done and am working on the pilot side now. I am thinking that the system will automatically put the pilot into the next available slot "first come, first serve". Does that work for you? Also, I am thinking an email to the pilot when they signup with all the info from the event.... Getting close to a beta release.
  16. Files attached in first post of thread.
  17. Files attached to first post.
  18. Done -
  19. I did not build in a sticky function, something to work on if I do another version.
  20. No problem Also send or post a small logo if you would like
  21. I am no longer doing phpvms skins for other va's, there are just too many things to be doing right now, but do not want people hitting my site to not have any options. If you are skinning sites for phpvms and would like a link to your site from simpilotgroup.com let me know. I also have a skin switching demo site similar to the one at phpbb if you would like to include any skins of your own, let me know. I can include them with credit/links to your site. skin switching site - http://www.simpilotgroup.com/skins/index.php/
  22. I do not really see anything out there for Frontier as far as sometype of a live data feed for schedules. They have a number of options here - http://www.frontierairlines.com/frontier/flight-info/timetable-finder.do but I do not see anything in a format that would really be usable for what you are trying to do. It may be the manual method of inputing all the schedules.
  23. Not sure what you mean by it not laying out on the resource..... I have the files at home and will load them up this evening (USA EST) to the original thread so they are available.
  24. Alright, I am working on the pilot tracking/rating part of this.... Is there any reason to apply points on a scale, ie 1 to 10, or something, or just simply one point per event flown. An extra point for signing up ahead of time? Being ready for your time slot? idk, just thinking.
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