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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. No, all it does is order the topics with the one containing the newest post at the top. In reading your post within the link you posted I would say you are better off to use a true forum board, smf or phpbb, or the like in order to have forum siggys and such. I have found it easier to skin a board to match phpvms than anything, and you get all the features built into the forum. Both my old VA and my new one automatically register a new user in the forum and they are ready to go. I doubt I will be extending the VAForum board code anymore, but you are welcome to. My two sites that you can see examples of a smf board skined the same as phpvms are New England Virtual and Westjets Virtual
  2. Remove <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> from your core_navigation.tpl file
  3. It should be bringing the topic with the newest post to the top of the board, or it works on my install that way. Is that what you mean?
  4. smf is easy to intergrate, they built most everything in. goto http://www.vpia.org/virtualairblue/Forum/ssi_examples.php and it will show all the examples of what you can do. Remeber to be logged into your forum if you have it so non-members cant see anything, as ssi will not display anything in that situation.
  5. Moved to support
  6. I have had issues with this in the past depending on the server. try this <td><% if(flight.phasedetail== 'Boarding'){%><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/image/boarding.gif" /><%}%></td>
  7. It has everything that is required but has a few extra fields as well. You could drop the columns you don't need and rename the others to match and I think it would work. I can change it to match that table if it would help. Its a big load into sql also, freehosts are probably gonna choke with it.
  8. I'll do one better, here is a copy of the database I have built for airports over the last couple of years to use with my charter center. There are 42,416 total, it has almost everything I believe, including the grass strip behind my home. It has more info then you need but you can dump what you don't want. airports.sql.gz
  9. You cant put thier password in the registration acceptance email but you can put their new PID. This is part of what I use in my email_registrationaccepted.tpl file that is the email template for when a pilot gets approved. Your new WestJet Virtual Pilot ID (pid) is: <?php echo PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); ?>
  10. This is part of the module I use for hub managers as I did not want to give them core access as well. I have built my own system for hub managers to change ranks and get pilot information. This page might help you though. <?php $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); echo '<table width="100%" border="1px">'; echo '<tr style="font-weight: bold;">'; echo '<td>Pilot ID</td>'; echo '<td>Name</td>'; echo '<td>Rank</td>'; echo '<td>Total Hours</td>'; echo '<td>Hub</td>'; echo '<td>Hire Date</td>'; echo '<td>Last PIREP</td>'; echo '<td>email</td>'; echo '<td>Status</td>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'.PilotData::getPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>'; echo '<td>'; $rank = RanksData::getRankInfo($pilot->rankid); echo $pilot->rank; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->totalhours.'</td>'; echo '<td>'.$pilot->hub.'</td>'; echo '<td align="center">'.date('m/d/Y', strtotime($pilot->joindate)).'</td>'; if($pilot->lastpirep == 0) { echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="FF6666">No Filights Filed</td>'; } else { echo '<td align="center">'.date('m/d/Y', strtotime($pilot->lastpirep)).'</td>'; } echo '<td>'.$pilot->email.'</td>'; if($pilot->retired == '0') {echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="99ff99">Active</td>';} else {echo '<td align="center" bgcolor="FF6666">Inactive</td>';} echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?> If you want the pilot to only see pilots of his own hub add if($pilot->hub <> Auth::$userinfo->hub) {continue;} between foreach($pilots as $pilot) { and echo '<tr>';
  11. I have always used the cyTS script for dsplaying TS2 info on my sites - it is available here - http://www.planetteamspeak.com/component/option,com_docman/task,cat_view/gid,32/Itemid,70/ - towards the bottom. CYTS.class 2.4.1 - I have recently went to a teamspeak3 server and have not tried it with it yet, looks like scripts and info about ts3 is still really limited. Might have to get the sdk out and build one......
  12. Looks Like you are using phpvms version 2.0 or higher and a template designed for 1.0, The registration template has changed and no longer uses the captcha addition method, it now uses recaptcha. You will need to update some of the templates to the newer version.
  13. simpilot

    kACARS - Feedback

    I had this same request from a pilot today. Please let us know when this option is available
  14. Well, the site has been up for 12 days and has had a resounding show of support. Our Grand Opening is tomorrow (May 21st) but we have already registered 30+ pilots and filed over 100 flights. My thanks go out to a number of people in helping get this project "off the ground" Nabeel - Without you I would still have another year of coding to get a VA up and running at this caliber. Jeff - With your work, we have one of what I feel is the best ACARS systems out there, WJAcars based off of kAcars. The phpVMS community at large - Without your input phpVMS would not be where it is today. Thanks Again to everyone, and don't hesitate to drop by and pay us a visit, you never know who you may find online.
  15. Posted module (SMFRegister 1.0) in the release section. Has anyone ever gotten the phpbb version working copy? If not let me know, maybe we can build one for those that use phpBB.
  16. SMFRegister 1.0 phpVMS module to automatically register a new pilot in your smf 1.1.11 forum. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS ver 934 smf ver 1.1.11 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Included files: readme.txt license.txt SMFRegister.php SMFRegisterData.class.php Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -your structure should be: root core common SMFRegisterData.class.php modules SMFRegister SMFRegister.php - Your smf database must reside in the same datbase as your phpVMS install and use the standard "smf_" prefix. - I have built this to work with smf forum version 1.1.11, it has not been tested with any other version. - The module will register a new user in the forum when a new pilot registers with the VA. the format for registration into the forum is: user: John Smith ABC1234 pass: same as they used to register on the main site. I am working on making it catch the hook for the "approve pilot" event, which Nabeel is building in, but it does not seem to catch it right yet. As of now it will register the pilot upon the initial registration. If you reject the pilot remember to go and ban or delete him from your forum. Although not required, a link back to www.simpilotgroup.com would be greatly appreciated! Have fun! SMF_Register_1.0.zip
  17. I have a smf forum registration module working quite nicely on my va site. I have it working with latest version of phpvms and smf 1.1.11 if anyone is interested.
  18. Hi Bruce, In your layout.tpl file look for the line $this->show('core_navigation.tpl'); and move that line to after the <div> that is calling your header. That should fix you up.
  19. Going to have to do some work on this one, I think I can tie the config settings into the module. I will play with it some but I want to say I am using the core "bids" structure so if you have the config set to not allow bids on a flight already bid on, it should not allow you to bid on it again till it has been flown... Not sure, but I will look.
  20. Oh, the system uses the last pirep arrival to place the pilot, but first it looks at the real schedule table to see if the pilot has "jumpseated" since the last pirep was filed, so you will only see an entry in that table after a pilot jumpseats, then it will not update again until the pilot "jumpseats" again. The system will use the newest location between the pireps table and the realschedule table.
  21. There is a piece of code I put in there to place a pilot at their hub if they have never flown a flight, if they have a hub assigned. It was working at the start but I ended up modifying a bunch so it may have gotten forgotten about, ill take a look at it. Sorry, I dont get the question here....
  22. Your pilots will be able to file the flights as normal, they will just not be able to bid onthem in the traditional fashion, or you can use the ols schedule list to get their bids set for them.
  23. WestJet Virtual is a Virtual Airline that mimics the real world WestJet, while still keeping a fun laid back attitude. We offer routes, charters, contests, a dedicated TS3 Server and our own custom ACARS program (WJAcars) and even a VFR club which suits the needs of every pilot. We have freeware 737's as well as payware textures for your favorite payware 737. We even offer the retired 737-200 as a retro fleet! We are also now partnered with Virtual Toronto ARTCC as a partner virtual airline. Although our Grand Opening is scheduled for May 21st, 2010 we are accepting pilots and flights now. This promises to be an active VA, in the first week of operation we have 18 pilots onboard, over 40 flights filed , and an active forum board. If you want to get in on the ground level of a great virtual airline, come take a look at us today! Home Page - WestJet Virtual Forum - Forum Homepage You Tube
  24. Sorry, are you looking for the script, or needing help on your own? I thought you were asking if it could be done within phpVMS. Im getting old I guess.
  25. I will work on putting that together, should not be a big deal. I am working on my new VA this week but I should have something out by the weekend.
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