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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I am not sure if there is an option in the local.config to disable registration but you could just remove the registration link from your site so no one can get to the registration form. One step more is replace the registration_form.tpl contents with a simple html redirect back to the home page. You can set which admin options that each group have access to in the groups section of the admin panel.
  2. Hey - I am guessing you are using the latest version - 2+. The module was built prior to that and is no longer needed, it has been built into the new version by Nabeel. The base phpVMS system now calculates all the info and places it in a column named landingstat in the pireps table so it just becomes a coding function to get the data and display it how you would like to on your pages. - I will be marking the thread as deprecated as well.
  3. Very Nice The only thing I noticed was the footer jumps out of the body at the bottom of the fleet list, probably missing a div tag there. Let me know if you are ever interested in doing some graphics work, I am, and have been looking for a photoshop guru!
  4. Looking at your error again I see class php PopUpNews is not found..... Is it possible that there is a space between the <? and the php instead of a properly formed tag like <?php or an extra php in there?
  5. I will try that and see what I get. I am building a aircraft placement and fight system for my va and with that function I only need one row out of the schedules table, I used get_row to avoid having two flights show up for the same aircraft just in case there were two in the db. Back to it 8)
  6. Nabeel, I am using the command DB::get_row($query) to run a query on the database but it seems to limit the number of times I can run it on one page view to four..... Does this make any sense to you... after the fourth call it always comes back empty.... I can make it work using a standard sql select from the tpl file but do not want to do that.. you can see what I mean at the link below then click on KBOS http://www.simpilotgroup.com/dev/index.php/RealSchedule Here is the snippet public function get_next_flight($aircraft, $location) { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules WHERE aircraft='$aircraft' AND depicao='$location'"; return DB::get_row($query); }
  7. I would try re-uploading all the files again and see if one got corrupted along the way. The only reason that error would show up is if the PopUpNewsData.class.php is not in the core/common folder, has gotten renamed, or is corrupted in some way or the PopUpNews.php file in not in the core/modules/PopUpNews folder, or is in some way corrupted as well. Make sure the PopUpNews folder has the same exact name as the file in it as well, it is case sensitive.
  8. hmmm... what line is the error telling you the error is on? I do not see anything obvious.
  9. I went from shared to a dedicated with hostdime.com and have been happy, they have great support. I currently have 7 domains on it and it is still quick. I think Nabeel has used site5 for hosting, not sure if dedicated or shared. Linode.com is another option that I have been messing with, the catch is that you have to compile all the code to run your own server but you have root access and a good support structure.
  10. Can you patebin the code for the page and give us the link...
  11. Looks like you are using the original LandingStatsData.php file. Open it up and find line 8 $query = "SELECT pirepid, pilotid, code, arricao, landing_stat and change it to $query = "SELECT * That will bring all the fields back and the aircraft variable should be there.
  12. Double check that you have popupnewsData.class.php in the core/common folder and the popupnews.php file in the core/modules/popupnews folder it looks like from your error one is missing or misplaced and the system can not find it.
  13. Just tried it on my test site and seems to work. Try putting a print_r($row); after the first bracket in the foreach and see if there is any value set for the [aircraft] section.
  14. Here is the copy of 700 that I have, I think it is what you are looking for. The directory is password protected to keep the bots out of the folder but I will pm you the info. 8) http://www.simpilotgroup.com/downloads/phpvms.full.zip
  15. Import has been successfully finished, 19 queries executed. Showing rows 0 - 29 (8,107 total, Query took 0.0017 sec)
  16. I have this pretty well worked out now, showing top pilot of the month in flights, hours, and miles. My question, does anyone have a database with a bunch of pireps, over 500, that they would not mind sending me a copy to test this with. I only have about 30 pireps on my test site and just want to make sure there are no bugs when the pirep count goes up. Thanks
  17. Try changing $pilotcode to $userinfo->pilotid like this -> <?php $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); echo "This pilot's last location is: {$last_location->arricao}"; ?> This works for me in the pilot center.
  18. Carlos, it seems odd with recent events at FlyUK that you would put yourself in a position of making accusations against others here in the forum and to avoid this going any further I am locking the thread. Please carry on any more conversation through the pm system or by another means.
  19. Welcome to phpvms. Try the search function here in the forum, when I search "drop down menu" I come up with two pages of results.
  20. Welcome to phpVMS Alex! I will try to answer the ones I can 1 - You can make phpvms your backend pilot management system and skin it to look just like your guppy CMS site, that is the best way to do it in my opinion, some have used iframes inside of a cms with success as well. 2 - Not sure what you mean by compatible with IVAO - There are many phpvms based va's that fly on Vatsim and IVAO 3 - I do not know - I have to leave this one for Nabeel. 4 - You can add transfer hours to a pilot to make up the hours from the previous system for your pilots, or you can convert the sql database over to the new format and insert all the data into the new table, I did this for vanity airways that switched from VABase and can help you out if needed. 5 - FSAcars is not mandatory, you can file PIREPS through FSAcars, FSPax, FSFlightKeeper, and of course manually. 6 - Personally I like using FSAcars - I think it makes things much easier on the pilot, just like FSPax or the others, and of course you get all the cool map data on your site! btw - saw your posts over at that "other" va management system - you would be making a wise choice to use phpVMS - A lot of time and effort has gone into making it the best system out there.
  21. How about -> <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) {$this->show('login_form.tpl'); } ?>
  22. There is a foreach somewhere in the template sturucture you are using that is based on hubs from what I can tell from here, You have 11 hubs by your registration form and you are showing up 11 times in your pilot list..... look through all the templates that are being used when that page is called.
  23. It is easy actually, on my site I just created a module that calls any data sitting in the acars table that is less than X number of hours old. Create a new sql SELECT command to return the data from the phpvms_acars table and then just parse the data into a table or whatever format you are trying to use.
  24. How about -> <?php if (!$variable) {do something if the array is empty} else {do something if the array has data} ?>
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