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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I fixed an error so it should be a bit fixed
  2. Yeah, I've used it before. Can you paste a basic template with the content editable regions, etc as well? The use is for basically a quick tutorial in the docs from how to go from a template in Dreamweaver, to a phpVMS template, using the layout.tpl format.
  3. Don't use the dev site, the files don't copy over. But if it works there then hmm. I'm looking into it
  4. Unfortunately, in that version, you have to change it in one file. In 2.1, it's in the template. But it's a tiny change. In lib/js/acarsmap.js, this line: setInterval(function () { liveRefresh(); }, 6000); Change the 6000 to the number of second to refresh. It's in milliseconds.
  5. Do you have a larger one? Thanks
  6. What about the editable regions for content? You add those in, right?
  7. Looking now, it seems like the image you uploaded, the original was corrupted. Can you try again, maybe do a save as and export it from a different program?
  8. Whats your airline, link to it? There are some issues and they're on my list. With phpVMS 2.1 coming, I haven't had the time to fix some of the problems with vaCentral. I will be getting to them once 2.1 is out, thanks!
  9. fixed route map, changed finance title, schedule counts/search fixed Fixed issues from the other thread - changed title to "net profit" Route Map popup works now in schedule admin Pagination numbers/counting works properly in schedule admin Search (multidimensional!) now also working in schedule admin Some code cleanup on the admin side View more details, download from here
  10. fixed route map, changed finance title, schedule counts/search fixed View more details, download from here
  11. fixed route map, changed finance title, schedule counts/search fixed View more details, download from here
  12. Which version are you on? It's in the acarsmap.js file IIRC, it's moved for the next version into the template
  13. Nope, but I'll add the call to show the stories there by default
  14. What's the URL you're going to? There's no index() function in news
  15. I got your data file, but won't have the time to look at it for a while. Sean, what exactly did you do? Would it be possible to do a one-shot import?
  16. You can also maybe check the FAA, they have data
  17. This is what I used to use on the phpVMS site: http://pupunzi.com/#mb.components/mb.gallery/gallery.html
  18. Hows the new PIREP layout? And the schedules? I just fixed the schedules search so it's working fully. I like it
  19. Yup, that's it, it should just be /contact
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