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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Midnight EST. I'll check your VA out
  2. Can someone send me a Dreamweaver template? I know they have some markup in it, with the content tags, etc. I'd like to either somehow have phpVMS parse it directly, or instructions on how to translate from that to phpVMS (which should be real simple with the layout.tpl format)
  3. Did you modify that template? Restore the original, there were updates to that template
  4. updated admin panel, backend fixes, fsacars fix View more details, download from here
  5. updated admin panel, backend fixes, fsacars fix ALOT of backend changes in this guy, updates in the admin panel to fix the styles. Detailed file changes: http://github.com/ns...45c6c8fcfa8b34e On the front end, route_map.tpl and schedule_results.tpl were changed. Check the link above for the exact changes. Improved PIREP list view (pending pireps with yellow highlights) Improved schedule detail view, with basic search right now (going to improve that). Going to bring this layout also to the airport list Cleaned up buttons and icons all around Cleaned up old Javascript includes/code (removed 3-4 JS files which weren't needed) Several cleanups to core View more details, download from here
  6. PM me the account, no problems with email as far as I know. Are you using SMTP?
  7. Did you modify the refresh rate or anything? The page is just going nuts... restore the stock templates for acars and that page
  8. It's done every hour, after every flight would be a bit intensive.
  9. Update your core_htmlhead.tpl file. It should be on the original, and shouldn't be modified in the future
  10. Found the error, it's in the template logic. I'll have it fixed for the next beta, sorry!
  11. It's not in the updated algorithm anymore. The reason I had it was I guess there was some value in knowing how many schedules were used and how many were 'fluff'. It was never a large part anyway (maybe would account for 15-20 points at the max). Everything else is logarithmic, but this was bit static. But I see your point
  12. Ah yes, I recognize that guy. I think it was a bit of a 'small man' syndrome going on. Some people take this stuff way too seriously...! But simpilot brought up a great point - guard your member's privacy to every degree possible. Aside from the fact that you can get in trouble for it; people are trusting some of that basic information over to you. Once that trust is broken, it's gone. Don't allow anyone access into your sites (especially someone you've just met!). In the past it used to be OK, when the 'net was young(er), but now there's no telling as to someone's malicious intent.
  13. 898 was a beta? Can you enable DEBUG_LOG and see if anything shows up in there? Do you think you can send me a dump of your database (email it, nabeel at nsslive dot net), with the admin user. I'll load it locally and see what I can dig up
  14. Strange, since it's key'd by the pilot id. Under maintenance options, there's a 'empty acars' option
  15. Don't upload the lib/signatures folder. Or, change your background to a different name
  16. I see the aircraft in the dropdown. The schedules are missing, hmm. Are they setup to show on Saturdays?
  17. The first error I've fixed in beta. The connection reset - weird, can you give me a login?
  18. It's loading for me too, though there's a ton
  19. Can you give me a link? Sounds like a server error. Someone was saying the other day they have 45,000+ schedules and its been working great
  20. What 'tinkering' did you do?
  21. It caches the number for about 3 minute so it doesn't have to do a lookup everytime. That might be it
  22. Hi, there's no limit. What do you mean locks out?
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