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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Well you can change the path and put them all into one folder, without having to check one folder, then check another. Moving this to Code Snippets
  2. I would ask Jeff on his forum/site/thread here. If not, I'm sure he could consider adding it in. http://forum.phpvms.net/user/451-lorathon/
  3. The problem is FSACARS It doesn't always report it. Try moving to kACARS. I'm trying to ditch FSACARS support.
  4. Every 5 seconds is too soon, I would say every 2-5 minutes. Otherwise you'll effectively be DOS'ing your own server
  5. I've made some adjustments. I didn't realize I had the old code up there. What's your airline?
  6. Well, not no bugs, just none open on the tracker for right now. Do look through and see if you can spot anything.
  7. Yeah, that's not right. I'll take a look
  8. Looks interesting - you'll have to have it generate a log file with info for a PIREP, it seems like you can generate status reports every few minutes. You'll need a program which is running which picks up the latest status report and sends it off to phpVMS
  9. fixed #244, kacars integration, dashboard layout fixes View more details, download from here
  10. fixed #244, kacars integration, dashboard layout fixes No bugs left open! Initial try at kACARS integration View more details, download from here
  11. No prob! You essentially need a program running on the pilot's PC, which sends data to a phpVMS module at regular intervals, the module then parses it and through the API, it will update the map. So essentially, you're sending XML from the program from the app, to a URL, something like: phpvms.net/action.php/flightgear_acars/ Then a function in there would take the XML send via POST, and parse it out into a data structure like this: $data = array( 'pilotid'=>$pilotid, 'code'=>$code, 'flightnum'=>$flightnum, 'depicao'=>$depicao, 'arricao'=>$arricao, 'aircraft'=> $aircraft, 'registration'=>(string) $xml->AircraftTailNumber, 'flighttime'=> $flighttime, 'landingrate'=> (string) $xml->ONVS, 'submitdate'=>'NOW()', 'comment'=> trim((string) $xml->COMMENT), 'fuelused'=> (string) $xml->BlockFuel, 'source'=>'fsfk', 'load'=>$load, 'log'=>$log, 'rawdata'=>$rawdata, ); $ret = ACARSData::FilePIREP($pilotid, $data); That code is pulled from FSFK, which sends in XML, and then it files the PIREP. The rest is taken care of behind the scenes. You can probably use an existing ACARS module in bits and pieces (the data structure and API portions), but you'd have to write the 'fill-ins' to the structures to match the data which is being sent to it. They're all different.
  12. <?php $shown = array(); foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { if(in_array($pilot->pilotid, $shown)) continue; else $shown[] = $pilot->pilotid; echo "<p>"; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />'; echo " {$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; echo "</p>"; } ?>
  13. Yes, exactly. Like kACARS or FSFK which run in the background collecting data from FS and sending it off to phpVMS
  14. I've made the decision that as of 2.1, FSACARS won't be supported anymore. The connector and code will still be there and working, but there are just too many issues to continue wasting time on kludging it to work. The client has not been in development for years. However, there is a free alternative - kACARS. It's an excellent ACARS app, very stable, and in active development. phpVMS 2.1 will include the ACARS connector piece, so all you have to download is the client. You can view the kACARS thread here, the documentation here. Thanks!
  15. Hey, I'd contact your host about that, seems like an error on their end
  16. Is that correct? When you first FTP in, is that the 'route' you take to get to the /lib/fsfk folder?
  17. Hey, You're probably using PHP 5.3. You can have to turn down error reporting - in local.config.php find this line: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change it to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED); See if that helps ya out
  18. Has your flight frequency changed? I have some adjustments I need to make to the scoring (it's still in beta), but just haven't had the time as of late to do it
  19. Is there an ACARS client/can you tell it where to send status updates/PIREPs? Either case, yes, it would be do-able. You just have to write the module for phpVMS to do it, which is straight-forward for the most part.
  20. fixed #245 fixed #228 fixed #226, maintenance options Added instructions for setting up cron job under Maintenance options Change to core/pirep_new.tpl to not show rank-restricted aircraft View more details, download from here
  21. Thanks, I guess I'll close that bug. I wasn't sure if it was just me or not New commit coming up...
  22. I'm assuming your prices to have cents? Or are they getting rounded? Thanks
  23. It pauses 100 miles from TOD hehehe
  24. Thanks, can someone check this bug for me: http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/175 I can't dupe it
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