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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel

    File A PRIEP

    You're missing the code in the module which handles recaptcha
  2. You would have to email your host about that and how to change it
  3. Well, the ones with given permission would be the only ones who are allowed to
  4. For 2.2, sure. As of now, you can lookup their IP in the pilots table sinc etheir last logged in IP is shown there
  5. Ah that's why. It should be off. It's thinking those are ASP tags. Not sure why your host would turn that on in the first place. That should fix the problem
  6. Does your php.ini have asp_tags enabled? Can you check with your host? That might be the problem
  7. Yep. The build log independent. I fixed a few of the issues some people (incl you I think) were having, but I think 925 is good to go. I just haven't pushed it as a release yet until I at least wake up tomorrow morning feeling confident about it.
  8. All of the <% %> variables are missing, that's why there's nothing showing up there. That's strange. Did you modify those templates (meaning are they in your skin's folder)? Or are they just the stock template without any changes in /core/templates? And do you happen to be on a Windows server?? With ASP?
  9. Current beta meaning version 925. This build log isn't updating till I fix everything
  10. I am prepping it, have to update code which was for my older build system. Tomorrow is probably the most realistic. However, the final build is up as the current beta so you're safe to install that there
  11. IN the app.config.php file, theres a setting: Config::Set('ROUTE_MAP_SHOW_NUMBER', 20); Just copy that line into the local.config.php file and then change the value, and you should be set
  12. Nabeel

    Pirep times

    You can add some text under it in the template to specifically say hours:minutes, or id you edit the template, just add a <input value="HOURS:MINUTE" onclick="this.value='';" /> Add the value= and onclick= to the existing text box
  13. I didn't find out you can do that until a few weeks ago
  14. That's strange. What version are you on? Can you enable DEBUG_LOG (set to true) and email it to me the logs/xacars and fsacars.log files?
  15. Weird, doing 'View Source' on your acars page, the code looks completely different, see: <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://uiii.su/lib/js/acarsmap.js"]http://uiii.su/lib/js/acarsmap.js[/url]"></script> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_row"> <tr class="flighttrclass"> <td><a href="http://uiii.su/index.php/profile/view/flightpilotid">flightpilotid - flightpilotname</a></td> <td>flightflightnum</td> <td>flightdepicao</td> <td>flightarricao</td> <td>flightphasedetail</td> <td>flightalt</td> <td>flightgs</td> <td>flightdistremaining km / flighttimeremaining</td> </tr> </script> <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <a href="http://uiii.su/index.php/profile/view/flightpilotid">flightpilotid - flightpilotname</a><br /> <strong>Flight flightflightnum</strong> (flightdepicao to flightarricao)<br /> <strong>Status: </strong>flightphasedetail<br /> <strong>Dist/Time Remain: </strong>flightdistremaining km / flighttimeremaining<br /> </span> </script> <script type="text/html" id="navpoint_bubble"> <span style="font-size: 10px; text-align:left; width: 100%" align="left"> <strong>Name: </strong>navtitle (navname)<br /> <strong>Type: </strong> <br /> </span> </script> Now compare that to what you pasted
  16. Hi guys, One of my goals in moving to Jira was to give addon-developers and users a central place to handle bugs and resolve issues. With Jira, I can now add multiple projects, and add anyone as a point on that project. So basically, if any of you addon-developers (one addon, several), want a place to handle bug reports etc, let me know. I will add you in. I'm trying to make it easier for everyone, rather than people having to register between multiple bug-trackers, it's a bit easier to have it all in one place. Community building! Cheers!
  17. If you click on the dropdown, you can type the ICAO and it will scroll to it
  18. Hey, You can use 1-7 now I believe. Several people do that. It's a text column, so it should take 0
  19. It might not be transferring across the wire properly. I'll take a look
  20. Some smaller fixes in this one, the airport list is gridded up. One bug fix on the financial side, and updated kACARS to stable 2.1. 2.1 final should hit sometime tomorrow or Monday, a few things have come up unexpectedly tomorrow so it might not be happening then. Grab it from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  21. I got Aerosofts for FSX, but none of the gateways moved so that was a big minus. If the UK2000 ones do then that's a big advantage to get that one
  22. Did you customize that template? Because if you view source on your page, it's completely different. Restore the default
  23. It doesnt look like your acarsmap.tpl file is upto date
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