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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. PM me a link with a login. Also, enable DEBUG_MODE in local.config.php (set to true). Then see if anything comes through in the logs And run install/checkdb.php and install/checkinstall.php
  2. If you add a DB::debug() after them, like: DB::debug(); What does that show?
  3. Can you try with the stock templates? That'd be the first place to go. Registration form has re-captcha added, maybe you're missing that? And finances should have them... can you link?
  4. fixed task: Bid Cancellation after 24 hrs (closed: fixed) #220 fixed bug: Security Permissions (closed: fixed) #221 enhancement: Contact page (closed: fixed) #217 bug: XAcars Map heading (closed: fixed #209 DB layer updates (ezdb now in classes/ezdb, external to git/ezdb) View more details, download from here Git commit with file changes: http://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/commit/9caab88cbe382871ceadb1d6be548f29cb1047fc
  5. Nabeel


    OK, great. That was a pretty big bug. I still have to check, but I think it's been fixed in mysqli, I have to fix the bug in the database layer itself. Thanks though! I'm in the process of completely re-writing the database layer though.
  6. Live ACARS?? There something like that coming to vaCentral soon, a feature like that. I'm still designing it, but yeah. The thing is, there isn't enough flight density. There are tons of routes, but not actually being flown, unlike in the real world, those flights are actually flown. But I'm working on something for vaCentral that it sort of 'fakes' that, and places that flight approximately where it would be, to show some activity. Not sure how useful it is.
  7. What happens? Need some more info
  8. You can accomplish that with an addon (pirep_file hook) that checks for parameters and then you can reject it automatically. But I don't recommend this for the reasons liberie posted, and also because running the VA should require some effort on your part. If you automate everything, then it's almost defeating the purpose of even having an entire system structured around running. But either way, it is possible, but not without some effort in coding all the parameters. IMO some manual effort is faster in the end.
  9. Nabeel


    I've found some issues with this, which I'm trying to track down no. What PHP version are you on? And what MySQL version? It seems it relates that MySQL isn't returning the proper insert ID. Are you using mysqli plugin?? In local.config.php change the DBASE_TYPE to 'mysql' instead mysqli
  10. Or maybe it was an addon they wrote. But hopefully the logs will shed some light
  11. Hmm weird, let me see if I can dupe. I def remember a bug with that being fixed.
  12. I've upped the PM count in mailboxes
  13. Hey - which version are you on? There was a bug with that I remember but IIRC it was fixed.
  14. Thanks. That list isn't getting any smaller, haha
  15. Cool, I usually did that too, but this just is a shorter way of it. I'm lazy, what can I say I have to many shell scripts even at work, from distibuting SSH keys to downloads and extracts. But this is one script that'll be used for setup on the new hosting servers. Figured I'd make it public first.
  16. Can you add it to the tracker? I can add it as part of the maintenance script/cron
  17. Huh? When you run it, it asks you
  18. That has a field called totalpilots in each result which contains the number of pilots in that rank. So when you loop: $all_ranks = RanksData::getAllRanks(); foreach($all_ranks as $rank) { echo $rank->totalpilots; // This contains the total # }
  19. Nope, no limit at all. The upper limit on the INT field is 2147483647. But perhaps those last 3 weren't inserted correctly? I'm not sure, I'd have to check it myself to see. Also, under local.config.php, can you enable DEBUG_MODE, and make sure /core/logs and all the files under it are writable. Then try adding schedules, etc, above 30 and let's see if anything comes in the log files as errors. That'd be the first thing to check
  20. Nabeel


    Can you PM me FTP address and a user/password for phpVMS?
  21. There's a loop in there (foreach(...) {), it would be inside that. I can't look at the exact code ATM
  22. I think you have to add ~ E_DEPRECATED as well. I'll see if there's an update for 5.3 for mailer Edit It's already at the latest version, which has the split() taken out. So maybe you're on an older version yourself. I don't remember if I updated this post 2.0, or if it was for 2.0
  23. This is an installer script for phpVMS. Download from: http://github.com/ns...pvms_install.sh You need shell access. To use, upload to your phpVMS directory (or where you want to install phpVMS). Instead of uploading, you can also just WGET the script: cd /path/to/phpvms wget http://github.com/nshahzad/phpvms_utils/raw/master/phpvms_install.sh chmod +x phpvms_install.sh ./phpvms_install.sh Then follow the prompts. You can easily install/upgrade/upgrade betas, including on an existing install which you didn't use this script on, though it has to be over version 2.0 Gimme feedback!
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